A Personal Debunking of Popular Mechanics
I wrote this review for Amazon on December 19, and it did not get posted for a whole month!
Anyone who has done serious research into 9/11 will come to the inescapable conclusion that rogue elements of the government orchestrated the attacks as a false flag operation to arouse patriotism so the nation would support a war of global domination.
However, there is a very strong contingent of Americans who react emotionally, rather than rationally, to any argument suggesting government complicity on any level, let alone outright orchestration. These are the ones, who for decades, have believed America is the best thing for humanity since sliced bread. They believe our government would never murder its own people (even though they have NO trouble believing OTHER govts would kill THEIR own people), and anyone who thinks as such must be paranoid and even anti-American. Indeed, most of the positive Amazon reviews seem to be of this mentality. Such Americans, comfortable in their established paradigm of reality, will find comfort with this book.
When James Meigs, editor of PM, appears on media outlets such as the O'Reilly Factor, he reassures FOX's mainstream audience that PM is not a political organization, or an organization seeking a specific conclusion, et cetera. However, the book's foreword was written by none other than GOP darling John McCain, in which he states unequivocally: "Blaming some conspiracy within our government mars the memories of the victims... To blame not a gang of terrorists but some conspiracy for September 11 insults the police officers and firefighters who raced into the burning towers; the men and women who left for dangerous, distant lands to fight our enemies; and those who have fought in all the wars of our history." In other words, there is a political bias to this book: Questioning the true identity of the 9/11 perpetrators is tantamount to treason. All of Popular Mechanics' "evidence" defends this forgone conclusion.
Another hole in McCain's rhetoric: "To blame not a gang of terrorists but some conspiracy for September 11..." Well, first of all, REGARDLESS of WHO pulled off 9/11, they are TERRORISTS! What the victims of 9/11 experienced was terror. The terrorists might wear suits and ties, and their skin might be white, but if they are responsible for 9/11, they are terrorists. Second of all, a "conspiracy" is when two or more people agree in secret to do something illegal and/or immoral. So UNLESS ONE AND ONLY ONE PERSON pulled off 9/11... it was a "conspiracy." What's deeply sad here is the subtle racism: When McCain says "terrorists" he means "those brown guys that wear those funny turbans and bandanas." Little wonder then, that in the Iraq run-up, most of America couldn't see the difference between "Osama" and "Saddam."
As far as the book itself is concerned, the only instances in which it does correctly expose erroneous 9/11 Truth arguments are when the original arguments were "straw men." In this instance, a "straw man" is when a true conclusion (9/11 was an inside job) is supported by bogus or unsubstantiated evidence. Once the particular erroneous argument is debunked, some will conclude that ALL arguments in the Truth Movement have been debunked, or can be debunked just as easily. In other words, the "straw man" ends up smearing the whole movement in the minds of many Truth Seekers. The most classic example is the "pod theory," which asserts that a missile pod was attached to the underbelly of the plane the hit the second tower, and that based on frame-by-frame analysis of the impact, a "flash" can be seen a millisecond before contact. This argument was popularized in the first major 9/11 conspiracy video "In Plane Site," a film which was a breakthrough in 2004 but is now considered old hat, especially as portions of it have been discredited.
However, PM is much less convincing, and much more transparent as a private-sector front for a government propaganda report, when it tries to explain how fire brought down the WTC buildings. The editors flat-out lie when they say that WTC7 was massively damaged when the damage was only minimal, especially in contrast to WTCs 3, 4, 5, and 6. What's funny is that even the govt's own report, the NIST report, admits that the "fire theory" was especially unlikely for WTC7. However, PM attempts to convince the reader that debris from the Twin Towers created an internal fire in WTC7, which ignited several fuel tanks in the basement, causing the steel structure to collapse. If the reader chooses to believe this (because s/he doesn't want to believe that the govt caused 9/11), well, that proves that ultimately it's all about what a person is willing to believe. However, to watch a video of the collapse of WTC7 and not realize it's controlled demolition, well, you are wearing blinders of denial.
Popular Mechanics, in attempting to cover up the WTC towers' collapse, purports that gravity caused the buildings to weaken and fall. However, they do not account for not only the very rapid collapses (if they weren't EXACTLY free-fall speed, they were close enough), but more importantly, the fact that most all the concrete was pulverized into a very fine dust, coating all of Lower Manhattan in a nuclear winter.
Here's another good example of a straw man, in which PM distorts what truth seekers say: PM says (I'm paraphrasing here), "The conspiracy theorists claim that the towers fell into their own footprint like a demolition. This is not true. Look at the South Tower. The top clearly falls over sideways." This distortion is a classic example of PM's "debunking." First: yes, the top of the South Tower did break off and fall sideways. This, however, raises a major problem for defenders of the official collapse theory: If the collapse was a progressive, gravity-induced collapse, and if the top of a tower broke off and fell sideways, where is the massive weight to supposedly pulverize the rest of the building, evenly and symmetrically, from the top down, into nothingness?
Another outright lie concerns the thoroughness of our air defense system. PM claims that only one airplane (Payne Stewart's ill-fated private jet) was intercepted in the decade prior to 9/11. Not true. Sixty-seven of them occurred in just the one year before 9/11 alone. The 'one intercept' lie serves to back another one of PM's lies: that the Airforce was previously only trained to handle foreign attacks, coming from beyond our borders, and that the U.S. continental mainland was a defenseless donut-hole. Blatant falsehood.
To conclude, not much can be said that wasn't already at the top of my review. This book is for those grasping at straws, desparate to cling to anything that defends the official, commonly accepted account of 9/11. True researchers see it as such.
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Joke Popular Mechanics almost not worth debunking
"These are the ones, who for decades, have believed America is the best thing for humanity since sliced bread. They believe our government would never murder its own people (even though they have NO trouble believing OTHER govts would kill THEIR own people), and anyone who thinks as such must be paranoid and even anti-American."
Believing America is the best thing for humanity since sliced bread is what is referred to as "exceptionalism." This way of thinking for people these days is regarded as part and parcel of the government's total domination foreign policy and how it instills this false "patriotism" mindset into the sheeple it wants to support its PNAC total spectrum (global) dominance neocon foregin policy. Paul Craig Roberts (conservative) as well as Howard Zinn (liberal) both decry this exceptionalism.
But I think it is important to say that America WAS (not IS) the greatest thing since sliced bread for the majority of its existence as a sovereign nation. People differ on date setting as to when the USA started headed downward to where it is now, now being almost an empty shell of a free and Constittutional republic, but I would say the slide started in around the 1840's. America has had darkside operatives machinating for the way this country is to go since the early 1600s, but we WERE the beacon of freedom for all peoples of all the world for a very long time. I just think that needs to be said.
Most leftwing commentators (and the phony left/ right paradigm is ALMOST nonexistent at present) contantly beat the drum that America is bad, bad, bad, and that is why we MUST be part of the one world death and slavery system which I identify as the United Nations (for now anyway). The idea of individual sovereign nations has been slated for obliteration for about 2500 years.
John McCain sounds like he uses exactly the same script writers as The Smirk. Nuff said.
Popular Mechanics is just another entity that has become taken over as a government /CIA front. Some woman took over ownership of the magazine rougly about a year and a half ago. She threw out all or most of the long-time writers and staff and put in the "new writers", the ones that write the bildge that you the poster now debunk. This woman also put in Benjamin Chertoff who is the counsin of Homeland Security's chief Michael Chertoff, though Mike can't seem to remember if Benjamin is related to him or not. Mike hold's dual citizenship with either Israel or Russia. (Will have to look that up.) Pretty outrageous that the top banana of US Homeland (vaterland) Security (polezei) is not even a full American citizen.
Just my two-cents worth.
Blessings from Dachsie in Austin.
"But I think it is important
"But I think it is important to say that America WAS (not IS) the greatest thing since sliced bread for the majority of its existence as a sovereign nation. People differ on date setting as to when the USA started headed downward to where it is now, now being almost an empty shell of a free and Constittutional republic, but I would say the slide started in around the 1840's. America has had darkside operatives machinating for the way this country is to go since the early 1600s, but we WERE the beacon of freedom for all peoples of all the world for a very long time. I just think that needs to be said."
i dont think im alone here in thinking that america has always been a corrupted nation long before the 1840s. I find a high percentage of blind patriotism for what america used to be on this msg board and other 9/11 truth forums.
id agree that america was a beacon of freedom for white people, but not so much for the black slaves we forced over here.
White Men the culprits ? Think more deeply...
"id agree that america was a beacon of freedom for white people, but not so much for the black slaves we forced over here."
"WE ? forced over here? I think you will find the primary slavers were turban-wearing African Muslims and the leaders of conquering African tribes over other African tribes.. The countries that accepted slaves were the USA as well as South America and many Caribean countries as well as France and other European countries. There was also plenty of slavery in Africa with African slavemaster "owners."
Slavery has been around since the dawn of man. Man is fallen and will sin to not only survive but also to gain money and power.
I know that American "white men" are thought of as the chief slave purchasers, but white men have also been enslaved throughout history, for example, the Israelites by the Egyptians and Babylonians.
Man tends to be corrupt. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrups absolutely." Man also tends to war and emperialism - or taking over your neighbors and their land by force.
The number of slaves in the USA at the height of the slave trade was like half a million people.
Darker skinned people groups have been discriminated against in a thousand ways for a long time, but I think that has more to do with the Satanic eugenics/evolution ideas originating in Europe and adopted arround the world, especially by the world leadership groups such as the United Nations. AIDS and fluoride in our water are man's actions and ideas, and both of those have a predisposition to brown and black skinned peoples. Fluoride in water and food causes 6 times as much blood/liver/lead toxicity in brown skinned peoples and 10 times as much in black skinned peoples. That is by design, and the characteristics of those elites one world designers has far less to do with their skin color and much more to do with the shape of their souls which they have sold to Satan and it is Satan/Lucifer that they worship.
I think it is ironic that our "savior one world government folks" who promise a world of peace and freedom for all and who have all these laws of their's outlawing slavery and human trafficking are the all-time worst offenders. Everywhere the blue helmeted United Nations "peace-keeping" forces occupy, there you will find a sharp spike in child and woman sex and regular slavery. Also the elites of the world, especially like in France and Belgium, are big in to pedophilia (and worse) or humans they have captured and "caged."
I still say there were a group of mostly Christian people who started the once great USA and their ideas brought forth the most amount of freedom for people (people of all people groups) in modern times. Why do you think so many people, people of all people groups flock here, and flock here legally and illegally?
It is all gone now. All of us of all people groups have failed in our God-given duties to preserve and protect what was started here.
Blessings from Dachsie in Austin.