Attention Impeachment Supporters: 9/11, 9/11, 9/11!

This is a great post from Jesse of TVNewsLies, one of my favorite writers on the web:

It would make so much more sense if the millions of people who have been screaming about impeaching George W. Bush finally examined the most impeachable offenses of his administration: the events of September 11th, 2001. Whether you choose to ignore the evidence by believing the official explanation of the events, or you have actually looked at the evidence and realize that the more realistic conclusion is that the Bush administration delivered those events to us, impeachment, imprisonment and possible execution are in order!

The people who have taken the time to actually contrast the official story to the official supportive evidence provided by the Bush administration, already know that the official story is simply a cover-up protecting the real culprits, including the small cabal of Neocons and power brokers, who would eventually benefit financially and ideologically from the events of 9/11. But you don’t really need anything more than the official story to support impeaching Bush & company for sheer and dangerous incompetence, and for bieng a clear and obvious national security risk at that time! If you choose to ignore the evidence and simply believe the official story, the Bush administration should have been removed for its abject and total negligence. They failed miserably! They screwed up worse than any other administration in history and we let them keep their job! If your business was burglarized, would you keep the same security guards? Not a chance. Then why did we keep this administration after 9/11? They obviously were not up to the task of protecting us! That is, if you believe the official story.

Americans think that Democrats in Congress are actually doing their job by investigating the multitudes of crimes committed by this administration. We are finally hearing discussions about how we were lied into war, how a CIA operative was outted, how science has been manipulated endangering the entire world and how corruption has run rampant in Congress and the war Bush has waged in Iraq. So what? The Democrats in Congress continues to ignore the two biggest issues of our day: stolen elections and 9/11!

No matter how you look at it, the events of 9/11 should be a top priority. The events of that day should have resulted in an investigation of the Bush administration from top to bottom. And please, don’t think for a moment that the Kean Commission was either apolitical or in any way equipped to conduct an in-depth investigation of any sort. Their concern was the intelligence failures the nation was brainwashed to believe had taken place.

If you believe the official fairy tale, incompetence alone should have warranted a complete removal of an administration that could not heed warnings, could not follow existing procedures that would have allowed us to respond in a timely manner, could not capture the accused culprit or one that would schedule multiple war game exercises on the same day so as to create a cover for anyone looking to hit us on that day. We should have demanded the removal of a National Security Advisor (Condoleeza Rice) who was too inept to think of the possibility of planes being used as weapons and then was stupid enough to admit this in public. Imagine having a National Security Advisor who had never heard of Kamikaze pilots or the many drills and security measures practiced by our own nation designed to defend us of that exact scenario. Still, Rice gets out there and says that nobody could have imagined the use of planes as weapons!!! If you believed what she said then you must clearly understand how incompetent she was as a National SECURITY advisor and how incompetent a selection George W. Bush made for this vital position.

If you believe that the explanation that warnings were issued by other nations regarding the attacks were real warnings about terrorists and not warnings that insiders were about to do this, then Bush should have been fired for remaining on his extended vacation during this critical time! (Understandd that it is far more realistic that these warnings were insiders blowing the whistle on rogues operating from inside as well. If the terrorists were expert enough to pull this off, they would not have allowed themselves to be discoverd and there would have been no red flags raised by more than a dozen foreign nations.)
The most laughable argument ever made by anyone on this planet about anything in history is the argument that they are glad W.Bush was in office when the events of 9/11 took place! They say “would you rather Gore be in charge after the attacks?” The answer to that is that there would not have been attacks had someone else been in office. Gore’s supporters never wrote about needing a new Pearl Harbor and he would not have transferred the responsibility of protecting us from wayward aircraft from military men to political civilians like Donald Rumsfeld; one of the New Pearl Harbor supporters. He would not have allowed a maniac like Dick Cheney to take control of our military “exercises” to the point of rescheduling them so that they all take place on or around a single day, like 9/11/01.

It is very simple, and really either black or white: If you believe the official story then you have to admit to the incompetence and negligence of the Bush administration and you must support impeachment. And if you examine the official body of evidence, you must support criminal proceedings. Either way this administration should have been removed on September 12th 2001. But, as my grandmother used to say: better late then never. It is not too late - we must insist that Congress reopens an investigation into the events of 9/11. Don’t let this issue die until justice is served! Think about it!

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MSNBC Asks Public About Impeachment

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