Just look at our government's history...

Like many Americans, I witnessed the events of 9/11/01 on television and was mesmerized yet extremely bothered by what I saw happen that day. Things just didn't seem to make sense. How could four hijacked airplanes travel in american airspace for over 90 minutes without any type of interception from our $40 billion air defense industry? Then the Twin Towers both completely collapsed. Then I thought "How in the hell could The Pentagon by struck by an airplane“? The Pentagon is the very symbol of our military strength. When the television crews were showing the 'crash site' of Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA, I found it impossible to believe that a large airliner could crash and disintegrate into such a small hole. Later that evening when I returned home from work and turned on the news I saw the collapse of WTC building 7. Very suspicious! So I had so many nagging questions from that day on...

In the summer of 2002 when the Bush administration started talking about the threats posed by Iraq concerning WMD, I kept listening to the contrary words of Scott Ritter and Hans Blix. Of course, Ritter and Blix were proven to be right. I started researching the 9/11 attacks in late 2003.

So my question to those who criticize the 9/11 Truth Movement is simply this: given our government's pre 9/11 history which has been involved in so many criminal adventures and lies ranging from; the medical tests on the Tuskegee Airmen, the CIA's Operation: MK-ULTRA, Operation Ajax (the 1953 overthrow of Iran), Operation Northwoods, the JFK assassination and subsequent Warren Commission Report, the Gulf of Tonkin lie, Watergate, the 1980 October Surprise, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Iraq-Gate, the false claim of Iraqi soldiers throwing Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and onto the floor to die (which was the pivotal lie coercing the American public to support the 1990-1991 Gulf War), the entrapment of Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, the massacre at Waco, the Oklahoma City Bombing cover-up (whatever happened to John Doe #2?) ,then given that after 9/11 we've had the PATRIOT Act, domestic spying/wiretapping, extraordinary renditioning, torture, fraudulent elections, the lies leading us into Iraq etc.... YET, we are to believe that the events of 9/11 were solely brought about by 19 Islamic hijackers led by Osama bin Laden in a cave in Afghanistan?

So what those so vehemently opposed to the 9/11 Truth Movement are saying is "Ok, our government has been caught many times in the past doing illegal and immoral activities but on this particular Tuesday of September 11, 2001, our government was telling it's citizens the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Then after 9/11 it went back to it's lying ways again?

You'll have to excuse me if I find that argument to be incredulous.

Please support the 9/11 Families petition for a new, thorough and independent investigation by contacting your local House of Representative member and Senators in Congress at www.house.gov and www.senate.gov.

It's time to wake up people.

The Government lies go back in history

to it's treatment of the American Indians. The white man' government was successful playing one tribe against another. White men dressed up as Indians to stir up trouble. Nothing has changed except the names and locations of the tribes.

The Native Americans had inhabited North America for centuries before the white man's government made treaties and broke the treaties to suit their greed.

Israel is doing the same thing in the Mideast. Making and braking treaties as they see fit under the cover of the US Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wars that were created by the white man's greed and lies.

Meanwhile this planets ecosystem is being killed in a relatively short period of time.

When will they learn that it is OK to live in Peace on a healthy planet ?
Do you think they ever will ?

You are a damn good writer!

Keep up the great work! I was a bigger sucker than most because I joined the US Army three months after 9/11. I felt defending my family, friends, and fellow countrymen against those who attacked us was a cause worth dying for. I belief I still hold to this day! Of course I ended up in Iraq, it was a classic bait and switch. I had a hard time figuring out exactly what we were doing over there. One day I almost died when an RPG exploded 15 meters behind me, but most of the days I sat around playing Tonk for cash with my fellow soldiers. It seemed we were always the hunted, not the hunters. I should have realized the truth much earlier, but I didn't learn the truth regarding 9/11 until last fall. I Googled and Youtubed the word "inflation" which took me straight down the rabbit hole.

When I raised my right hand to take my oath, I swore to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC! It's pretty frustrating to realize that I wasted eight months in Iraq, when I should have just headed to Washington D.C.

I am dedicating my life to make sure we honor the calls of the victim's families to find out what really happened to their loved ones that fateful September morning. Enough is enough!

Let's keep in touch. I want to do everything I can to make sure the truth is revealed.

Daniel Bland

I'm proud to know Cincy911Truth

He is the founder of the Cincinnati truth organization. I first crossed paths with him on the old Randi Rhodes forum when it was still a good truth forum.

Cincy truth has its ups and downs... the downs primarily being that in ultra right-wing, Glenn Beck idolizing Cincinnati, the number of core activists in our group who are at almost every event, is quite small compared to similar groups in more progressive cities on the coasts. However, as most of you probably know from my past couple blog entries, we have a public access TV show which has quadrupled from once per month to once a week! Due to viewer demand! So people are out there watching and appreciating! It airs every Wednesday evening from 7-8.

So what those so vehemently opposed to the 9/11 Truth Movement are saying is "Ok, our government has been caught many times in the past doing illegal and immoral activities but on this particular Tuesday of September 11, 2001, our government was telling it's citizens the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Then after 9/11 it went back to it's lying ways again?

Bingo! This is what really really really f*%cking pisses me off about so called leftists, liberals or progressives who cling to the official story. Air America, Democracy Now, Daily Kos, my own parents, you name it... they are all basically in agreement that the Bush administration lied about everything under the sun... except 9/11. That was just the ONE thing about which they happened to tell us the truth. Rrrriiiiiight.

I invited 125 symphonic musician colleagues of mine to sign a petition, via facebook email. Musicians are generally progressive, left-of-center people. As a whole, the classical music community was extremely anti-Bush (republican administrations are very unsympathetic to supporting federal programs like National Endowment for the Arts). Yet when I invited them to sign the petition, only one signed. Another person wrote me back, CC'ing the whole group, and his message simply consisted of a link to the Wikipedia article on "pseudoscience." The obvious implication being that we in the movement are guilty of this. After I wrote him back ad blitzed him with some truth, he tepidly wrote back, CC'ing the whole group once again, and gave a half-apology, but also warned the other 124 musicians to be very careful, because after all, "Van Jones got into trouble for signing a truther petition without knowing what he was really getting in to."

Oh well, even otherwise smart people are prone to fall prisoner to the clutches of the "big lie."

Great work Karl!

I make a point of reading all the down voted comments because I find many of them to be the best comments. - Atomicbomb

Check out more left media, like Thom Hartmann

"Bingo! This is what really really really f*%cking pisses me off about so called leftists, liberals or progressives who cling to the official story. Air America, Democracy Now, Daily Kos, my own parents, you name it... they are all basically in agreement that the Bush administration lied about everything under the sun... except 9/11. That was just the ONE thing about which they happened to tell us the truth. Rrrriiiiiight."

Sorry but this angry, Alex Jones's like attitude, is letting our cynicism get the best of us. I know it's tempting, but the generally left of center folks have mostly been mis-infomed as to what 9/11 truth is (by extremists like Jones or all the hit pieces from left and right outlets). On the contrary when you call up hosts on some of the stations you mentioned, their receptivity is alive, it just needs to be spoken to rationally. But initially when Mike Malloy has on Webster Tarpley, or Alan Colmes has on Alex Jones, well then of course they will drift towards the OCT, for these alternative extremes are an indigestible and over theorized options to the OCT. Why I heard Thom Hartmann just last week take a 9/11 Truth call and remark that he should have David Ray Griffen on again to update him as to the truth movement's current state of development (which made me want to email him and inform him of DRG's recent CIT support and cell phone fakery).

Doesn't sound like all those leftists are clinging to the official story.

Also it is simply incorrect that most of these left leaning folks assert that the Bush administration told the whole truth about 9/11. Many of them accept the idea that there were ignored warnings. Many people accept that there was a botched up response (some think intentionally while others think it was just cause the Bush admin was ineffective as well as our defense). An over-simplification of the general lefts outlooks on 9/11 Truth is surely a way to force them into the OCT view.

There are two kinds of people who claim to belive the official

story of 911. 1- those who haven't done even minimal research and 2- Those who are part of the coverup

This is an over simplification of a complex subject

See this comment above:


There are varying degrees of knowledge of different aspects of the cover-up, some of which are accepted by the mainstream. First in response to the title of your comment, most people actually "believe" things and don't just "claim to believe" varying aspects of the official story. Second of all in the comment linked above I list examples of different aspects of the OCT which most left wingers disagree. Like botched up response and warnings. These are common. This is not 2003 folks. Many truths have been outed and accepted. Like John Bursill discussed on the Visibility radio show a few days ago with David Chandler, the truth outing over time TAKES POWER AWAY from those using 9/11 as a vehicle for tyranny and conquest. This is what the truth movement is based around. Each piece of 9/11 Truth that is confirmed in the minds of the people chips away at the layers of OCT and denial many folks naturally have towards alternative perspectives. In other threads, peacefulwarrior has gone off about how the truth about other subjects like JFK, or the Gulf of Tonkin coming out hasn't changed anything. I and many others disagree. On the contrary, getting to the depth of the truths and exposing them raises the bar for how people look at our leaders. It forces the vigilant degree of skepticism which is a fundamental part of a healthy society. It lessens peoples abilities to be manipulated.

This isn't a black or white issue. 9/11 Truth isn't something people figure out overnight.