Goodman can't afford to say 9/11 was an inside job (fixed link)
Recently, a fine young man told Amy Goodman to tell her audience that 9/11 was an inside job. She replied, "I don't tell you what to say. You don't tell me what to say." That young man should have included a check.
See, Amy Goodman is told what to say by the Ford Foundation, one of her major donors. According to the Ford Foundation's 2002 Annual report, available on their web site, a $75,000 grant was made to Democracy Now to "continue incorporating the aftermath of the September 11th attacks into future broadcasts."
Not only is this "telling her what to say," but it implies that she should not look into the attacks themselves.
Go to page 135 or search document for Democracy Now.
Worse still is Goodman's connection to Halliburton via the Ford Foundation.
Please visit and seach for a map linking Alcoa Inc (whose board member Kathryn Fuller is the Chairman of the Ford Foundation) with Halliburton. You will find that only Citigroup separates Amy Goodman's "independent" journalism from Dick Cheney's death machine.
Seems like interupting her with a bullhorn is letting her off easy.
For her sanctimonious declaration of independence, go here:
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Outstanding research. Well done.
I may get shouted down for saying this
but I don't think we did ourselves any favors by sending the Loose Change crew to debate Popular Mechanics on her show. Dylan & Co. are great people and have done as much or more than anyone else for 9/11 Truth; but that occasion really required someone such as Jim Hoffman, who knows the science and the disinformation of 9/11, whatever disagreements some of you may have over his position on the Pentagon.
That is, we had a chance to make a real impact on Goodman's show, but we didn't have experienced debaters in there. That's not Dylan's fault: He shouldn't have to debate scientists.
we didn't "send" them...
They were invited because their video is the most popular and the most-widely debunked.
Same thing BBC did, attack the fringe theories and stay away from the facts.
Next time Paul Thompson should be on, which there will never be.
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then I guess next time Dylan should say
"I'm not a scientist, nor am I claiming with my film to be conversant with science; however, I can invite a scientist to debate the scientists from Popular Mechanics, which would seem a more appropriate guest for this discussion."
But, yes, you're right: They always attack the fringe theories and ignore the sober facts.
Trying to get a major media figureof the Jewish faith to push for 911 truth is an excercise in futility. I'm sure she has seen the evidence concerning Israeli involvement on 911 and just will not go there. The Left has always been led by progressive Jews, but the elevation of Israel to a nation that can do no wrong has left many media mavens impotent as far as 911 goes. Too close to home. Goodman is the virtual poster-child for 911 co-opted (challenged?) "progressives". Her influence is dangerous in that the alternative to Pacifica News is NPR, an obvious arm of the VOA and Dick Cheney.
Being a Jew does not equal blind support of Israeli neocons
Not every Jew is in favor of the current direction of the Israeli government. Your remark is hopefully just ignorant and not as bigoted as it sounds.
Goodman's money comes from likes of Halliburton via Alcoa. They direct her how to spend it. The boards of these companies are not Jewish. Although, the info I have on them does not include their religion. And I don't try to find that out, anyway. However these corporate boards ARE pro-Israeli neocon.
I want to make it clear, my exposure of Goodman as a corporate microphone has no relation to mooseketeer's Ku Klux Klan Krapola.
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK
Your point needs to be repeated again and again.
Most people are understandably confused about the complex relations between Israel, the US 'Christian' fundamentalists, Labor Zionism, the Mossad, Jews and their religious culture, AIPAC/ADL/CFR, the Rothschild banking family (and offshoots such as Rockefeller), etc.
Having looked at this from several angles, the only conclusion I can come to is that the "Labor Zionism" mafia network (which contains most of the above groups today) are cooperating with the Jesuit Order/Vatican, as a sort of proxy against any heretic to the Roman Empire (aka, the Catholic Inquisition Company).
The enemy of the Vatican has always been sovereign states, and their atheists, anarchists, muslims, protestants (and other non-catholic Christians, especially the Jews).
It seems this evil alliance forms a major betrayal of common Israeli's/Jews, and could potentially backfire against innocent Israeli's/Jews. Unless ofcourse people see this conspiracy between the Zionists and their controllers the Jesuit Order/Vatican, for what it is: A stupid dream of psycho criminals to gather some wealth and power by abusing people all over the world.
One interesting quote on this alliance: "Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. ... The Rothschilds in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican’s wealth." - (Rothschild Bloodline)
See also:
* Yisroel Dovid Weiss
you missed the point
The point is this: Goodman says she is independent. I have proven she is told what to say by her corporate donors. I don't care about your holy crapoli any more than the racist stuff. Please find direct evidence of lies and crimes and then get back to me. Your vague Zionist/Jesuit alliance masters of the universe stuff is not accessible to me. Please provide simple direct points for those of us who are not as cryptically aware as you.
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK
I elaborated on your
"Not every Jew is in favor of the current direction of the Israeli government." point (as emphasized by your post title), not the suspect Ford Foundation funding to "Hypocracy Now".
If you want a full factual account of the Jesuit Order's history, I can recommend Eric Jon Phelps book "Vatican Assassins".
If you just want simple points, read some of the info from some of the sites I posted.
Let me give you two more direct points (related to the US):
* (Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia and the Opus Dei).
* (Vatican banking in the US and the CIA)
since I am not particularly fascinated by religious cults, why don't you just come out and explain the connection to 9-11? Why be coy?
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK
Save the Males? Arctic Beacon?
Get the hell out of here. Go find a forum on Jesuit-Zionist-whateverthehellisyourobsession.
Ford website link doesn't work.
I couldn't find any mention of Democracy Now.
How about a more specific link?
70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11
John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog
johndoraemi --at--
better link
go to page 135 or search doc for Democracy Now.
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK
Now I'm in the damned KKK just because I mentioned the obvious? I'm not anti-Semitic at all. This has been a long-running issue on the progressive Left for years. Being baited with the brush of jew-hater for even mentioning Israeli fealty among the MSM is almost unbelievable. Just a typical Zionist chess-play here on the battleground of ideas. I'm not leaving. Guess what? I think the pod theory is very viable too.
You brushed yourself
I didn't even know Goodman was a jew unitl you mentioned it. I still don't know. How do you know? Follow her to synagogue or something? I mean, why bring it up? Do we need a list? The point is only that she has been exposed as a fraud. I don't see how it matters if she's whirling dirvish.
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK
Now I'm in the damned KKK just because I mentioned the obvious? I'm not anti-Semitic at all. This has been a long-running issue on the progressive Left for years. Being baited with the brush of jew-hater for even mentioning Israeli fealty among the MSM is almost unbelievable. Just a typical Zionist chess-play here on the battleground of ideas. I'm not leaving. Guess what? I think the pod theory is very viable too.
I don't want to get in a
I don't want to get in a pissing contest, but you must be living under a rock if you didn't know that. I'm not condemning her to hell or anything, but for a famous Jew to accuse Israel of contributing to 911 would be the kiss of death for their media career. This has nothing to do with whether some Israelis don't dig their govt. What else is new? It wasn't the point I was trying to make, but you made it one. We basically agree that she's blowing it on 911. Let's leave it at that for a while.
she didn't blow it
She was paid off.
And I guess we can leave it at this: you take note of people's reputed religions, I don't care because I don't see how it matters.
Justice deferred is justice denied-MLK