Action Alert for Sibel Edmonds
Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 2:46pm.
Sibel Edmonds
We've been asked for a summary of the action alert on Sibel Edmonds. Here it is. Whether you believe that the government actually carried out the 9/11 attacks, let them happen, or were just criminally negligent, this is something that we can all rally around.
What: How to put leading neocons in jail
When: This Monday and Tuesday, March 19 and 20, 2007
How: Make a phone call
Executive summary
Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged whistleblower in history, who the Department of Justice's Inspector General and several senators have called extremely credible, and who 30 conservative and liberal groups endorse, says that she has information of criminal wrongdoing that will put leading neoconservatives, war architects and dual loyalists Richard Perle, Doulas Feith and Dennis Hastert in jail.
Edmonds claims that, when she worked as a translator for the FBI, she heard wiretaps which prove that high-level American officials such as Perle, Feith, Hastert and others were connected to 9/11, the nuclear black market and other weapons trafficking, and drug trafficking. Edmonds also claims that she has information linking AIPAC, a Turkish group, and criminal activity.
Edmonds has briefed Congressman Henry Waxman, head of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Waxman will decide EARLY THIS WEEK whether or not he will hold public hearings on Edmonds' allegations.
Just Do It
CALL Waxman Monday and Tuesday (or this weekend, if you can leave a message) and urge him to hold public hearings to let Edmonds speak about Perle, Feith and Hastert's unlawful activities:
Washington, D.C. Phone Number
(202) 225-3976
Los Angeles Phone Numbers
(323) 651-1040
or (818) 878-7400
or (310) 652-3095
Make a simple call and spread this information around the net.
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