Montreal Being Primed for False Flag Op to Complete the Annexation of Canada?

"Ken Fernandez explains the foundation for future terror against the Montreal Metro Subway with the same companies controlling security as the 7/7 London Underground bombings in 2005. VerInt and the connections to globalist plans for Canadian annexation." - Article and Radio Interview -

By Ken Fernandez, B.C.L, LL.B.,
President, Quebec Wing, Canadian Action Party
March 22, 2007

Contract for refurbishing the Montreal Metro awarded to firm with dubious background, in the absence of public consultation to presage terror attack in the Montreal Metro – anti immigrant hype promoted by Quebec’s French-language radio and t.v. talk shows part of a psychological warfare operation to prime the public for “the big one” i.e the terror attack that will unleash: Martial law/suspension of the constitution (as per the “security legislation”); Canada’s complete absorption into the U.S. via the “North American Union”; and war with Iran -scapegoats will be found, the public will be gulled, and the U.S. agenda will have been firmly implemented, while World War III looms ever larger on the horizon.

We are certain that the on-going anti-immigrant hype being stoked by Quebec’s French-language media should be viewed in the broader geopolitical context. It is no secret that the overwhelming majority of Canada’s media, political parties, as well as leading business and labour figures have accepted the U.S.-driven agenda regarding Afghanistan – implicit in the reporting, commentaries etc. is that somehow, Afghanis are responsible for the bombing of New York’s World Trade Centre on September 11th, 2001, and that Osama Bin Laden was the ring leader. This is all the more so in Quebec, whose separatist leadership, together with its supporters in the media, have always tended to advance a concept of ethno-racial purity, while, for the most part, playing a vital supporting role behind Washington’s designs over Canada , as was clear from its role in having brought Mulroney to power in 1988, which of course, triggered the first phase of Canada’s absorption into the U.S. as mentioned by then U.S. Trade Representative, Clayton Yeutter.

In the last two years, the media in Quebec have been “predicting” that Montreal will fall victim to a terrorist attack, while curiously neglecting to mention the basis for such a “prediction”, other than to cite self-styled experts who are directly or indirectly linked to a secret service organization. If the media fails to mention the basis for an assumption as to a future terror attack occurring in Montreal, what is the motivation behind such posturing? I would submit that the answer is to be found in Vernon Walters’ famous memo to then CIA Director General, George Bush. As Director of Plans (CIA Division in charge of “black bag” or dirty, operations) Walters wrote of the importance of securing the media of targetted countries in order that the public of such countries be “softened” or gulled into accepting Washington’s designs.

The full quote from Walters reads as follows: “The more general form of covert action is to seek to alter in the long term the thinking in the targetted nation in such a way as to make them perceive that their interest does not lie in the hostility to the first nation. If this can be done, then those responsible for the formation of public opinion and the key decisions may be made to see things quite differently from their original views and this can be done at considerably less cost and less loss of life than one day of open warfare. The most successful action of this type takes place without anyone in the target nation being aware of it. Covert actions aimed at moving public opinion can have tremendous effects”1 (1“The uses of Political and Propaganda Covert Action in the 1980’s, “Intelligence Requirements for the 1980’s, ed. Roy Godson, no.4, National Strategy Information Center Inc. 1981, 115, cited at p.318 in Marci MacDonald’s Yankee Doodle Dandee, 1995 Stoddart Publishing; Toronto Canada)

In this instance, just what are Wahsington’s designs? One of Washington’s long held objectives has been the absorption of Canada, a process initiated upon the signing of the Free trade Deal, and accelerated upon the signature of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The Deal was actually made to appear to have been put forward by the Canadian government, whereas it was devised by Richard Allen, Ronald Reagan’s National Security Advisor, in response to Iranians’ dissatisfaction with the U.S.’ stranglehold over their oil supplies.2 (Yankee Doodle Dandee pages 67-68, 77-78 ) As of the writing of this article, the U.S. project aimed at firmly securing Middle Eastern and Central Asian oil sources via the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, are costing the U.S.’ already strained treasury much more than was anticipated – such small countries were supposed to have “caved in” at the drop of a hat.

Ironically, the Canadian media has been unanimous in describing the resistance in both countries as “insurgents” in Iraq, and “Taliban” in Afghanistan. Amid all that, moves towards all out war with Iran have been undertaken, and widely reported around the world - even in major dailies in the U.S. – but not in Canada. Those running the Canadian media seem to think that the death of a porn star is of greater significance.

Nevertheless, the clearly U.S.-inspired project aimed at having that country pratically absorb the entire hemisphere i.e. Free Trade of the Americas, championed as it was by openly pro-U.S. high-level politicians in Canada, has been nipped in the bud by the people of oil-rich Venezuela (whose government thwarted the U.S.’ use of subterfuge, sabotage, subversion and violence in attempts to overthrow it ), as well as those of Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba, and more recently, Nicaragua. Interestingly enough, the plans to further integrate Canada into the U.S. and Mexico were made public the very day after Venezuelan President Ugo Chavez openly rejected any notion of U.S. dominance of his country and the hemisphere, in his rejection of even the notion of “Free Trade of the Americas”

I would argue that Canada’s role as a stable supplier of energy, water, various strategic minerals - especially gold and uranium - is of even greater importance than it was when “free trade” first came into effect in 1989. This time, however, Washington cannot risk the rise to pre-eminence of a party or political class committed to pursuing Canada’s own development, true sovereignty (complete with a national industrial policy) of which an active and independent role in world affairs is a hallmark. Were such to rise to the fore, Washington would either have to contend with it, or, [attempt to] bring it down through sabotage, subterfuge, or outright overthrow, due to internal political and economic factors proper to the U.S., most notaby its industries’ need to consume natural resources in such quantities that far exceed those to be found in the U.S. Though such measures would probably be supported by the Canadian media under the guise of “war on terror”, and war on “home grown terror”. However, in that case, whatever international credibility Washington has managed to retain, would be lost, and such a move is more than likely to trigger or otherwise exacerbate confrontation with Russia and China, both of which have been furthering military and political co-operation, which has also extended to India and the Central Asian republics of the former U.S.S.R. Thus, the risks of such crude intervention are too risky. Hence, the the “security legislation” and the compendium of secretive agreements made between Canadian administrations and the government of the U.S. whereby Canadians’ personal data has been collected and collated by the world’s largest [U.S.-based] arms manufacturer, Canadian armed forces have been placed under the United States Northern Command (USNORCOM), and the U.S.’s armed forces can enter Canadian soil in the event of “an emergency” without having to seek prior permission from anyone in Canada. Insofar as Canada’s forces are now under U.S. command, the U.S. can in fact avoid having to send anyone across the border – it can either order its minions in the Parliament of Canada to appear to order the officers to take control and impose martial law, or dispense with the charade and order the said [Canadian] officers to do so directly after having instructed the Parliament to “stand down” from administering the nation. At that point, the North American Union, so secretively arrived at in Banff in October 2006, will have been effectuated – the requisite emergency will have yet again been cleverly concocted, and the U.S. will, at long last, have entirely absorbed Canada, all with the full support of those who have been subjected to the anti-immigrant hype spewing forth from Quebec’s French-language corporate media.

Of course, there has to be an event that would trigger the application of Martial law provided for in the so-called security legislation. I would argue that the media’s periodic mention of an impending terrorist attack in Montreal, serves as a hint from those shaping public opinion as to what is yet to come, whereby the public is led to believe in the inevitability of an attack, thus, of the need for stringent measure to be undertaken. At the same time, the public is being primed to view imigrants, especially those with a different complexion, or religion, or even religious practice, as being fundamentally alien to our society.

In the meantime, the City of Montreal awarded the contract to refurbish the Montreal Metro’s security system, toVerint, a company that appears to have close links to Israeli and U.S. intelligence services (to the point where it is reportedly involved in large-scale surveillance of telephones in the U.S.), and whose parent company, Comverse, was delisted from the stock exchange in the wake of a massive financial scandal in which $57 million disappeared reportedly due to the CEO’s activities. The City’s awarding of the said contract was made in the absence of any public consultation, and there appears to be no evidence of the city’s administration having ever called for tenders. Moreover, this same firm was ostensibly involved in providing “security” to the London Underground when the blasts occurred in that city on 7th of July 2005, and perhaps even more curiously, its CEO is an Israeli national, and former army officer there.

As things stand now, a company whose practices are at best dubious, and which seems to have a close connection to various intelligence agencies, has the plans for the entire metro system- every nook and cranny while the Quebec-based French language media continues to hype up anti-immigrant hysteria which seems especially targetted towards Muslims.

A blast in Montreal would certainly not be the first of its kind. Apart from the big September 11th 2001 attacks, there is evidence pointing to the July 7th, 2005 explosions in the London transport system, as having been carefully orchestrated by intelligence agencies. In fact, a virtual avowal was broadcast over British airwaves when the head of Visor Consultants (which was supposedly conducting ‘anti-terror’ drills in the London transport system on July 7th, 2005), admitted that the explosions took place at precisely the stations and buses in which the “excercises” were being held, and at the very times during which the “excercises” were to have been held. Lo and behold, the drill became reality, people died, Brtain implemented antiterrorist measures under which some people of Pakistani origin were detained, though the train they were said to have taken from their hometown to London, did not in fact, run on that day, an 85 year old man was arrested for having heckeled Tony Blair, an 11 year old girl was detained for riding her bicycle in a park in Dundee, and a protester was arrested for having protested before parliament.

As for Montreal, I would submit that aside from the aforementioned arrangements arrived at so secretively, the public dimension is of paramount importance, i.e. the public MUST be manouevered into calling for an end to civil liberties, multiculturalism – perhaps even to the pint of internment of “the others” – and war with “rogue states” and terrorist nations” Against this backdrop, this author submits that the first phase of this operation went into effect in early January.

Since that time, the Quebec based, French-language corpoprate media has been featuring the seemingly sudden outburst from a village council (of whom virtually no one has ever heard) after it had put forward an “immigrant’s code of conduct” implicit in which is that Muslims mutilate their daughters and torture women with whom they are engaged in relationships. The adoption of this “code” was made to look as though it came from nowhere - the village council enacted this measure, and miraculously, by some curious twist of fate or happenstance, Quebec’s French-language media decided this to be newsworthy, and has been keeping the story at the forefront of radio and television reporting, and talk shows.

The second phase of the operation, was to have a policeman from the Montreal police force put out a clearly anti-immigrant diatribe on the internet, under the guise of humour or satire. This in turn, resulted in the discussion on almost all the French-language private radio and t.v. stations, to be prolonged. That particular incident, was followed by yet another municipality enacting a similar “code of conduct”, with exactly the same degree of publicity and public discourse, which is really an US versus Them type of discussion, has been exacerbated by a plethora of radio and t.v. talk show hosts who have been constantly engaging in discussions relating to “reasonable accommodation” of immigrants. It must be noted that prior to these unusual occurrences, the term “reasonable accommodation” was never mentioned or featured anywhere, so it would seem that it is one of those expressions devised by clever psychological warfare specialists or their acolytes in “p.r. firms” known to carry out psychological manipulation campaigns for and on behalf of the U.S. and certain other governments. As if that were not enough, a report was “leaked” to the media regarding teachers in the public sector being paid for leave in cases where their religious holidays do not correspond to those of their Catholic and Protestant counterparts.

Again was the discussion prolonged as to what constitutes “reasonable accommodatoon”, despite the fact that this pratice is far from being a recent phenomenon, and is not really “privileged information” at all!

Nevertheless, the majority of Quebec’s politicians at the provincial level, especially the openly pro-U.S., clearly pro-Republican, Mario Dumont (whose party is more or less Libertarian in orientation), declared themselves to be in favour of “placing limits” on the reasonable accommmodation of “immigrants”, while the more subtly pro-U.S. premier of Quebec, Jean Charest, in effect, also sided with the anti-immigrant sentiments by having convened a commission to study the matter, while denouncing Dumont’s Action Dé being hysterical.

With each passing comment made by radio and t.v. commentators seeming to be more shrill, more anti-immigrant, more along the lines of “put up and shut up or get out!”.

The scene is set for an event that will triggger the ultimate anti-immigrant furor, that will lead to divide-and rule politics of the worst sort, through which “martial law” will be necessary to stabilize the situation and to secure the vast U.S. investments in the country. It must, however, be noted, that such an excercise will have more impact if it is allowed to rest for awhile prior to the unleashing of the event in question.

Of course, if indeed those purporting to run the various levels of Government in Canada, together with those to whom they entrusted the “security” of Montreal’s metro system, do carry out yet another diabolical plan aimed at the total dominance and exploitation of yet another country – Canada – then those puting forward the anti-immigrant diatribes will be able to claim justification in their rantings, while moving the Quebec public to advocate the stripping away of the civil and constitutional rights of those who “look different” and their dangerous “sympathisers” – i.e. anyone who, like this author, holds the constitution and charter of Rights to be sacrosanct, and who also questions the validity of “security measures”, along with Canada’s unqualified support for the U.S.’ thinly veiled drive towards global dominance.

It is more than likely that the blast will be ascribed to Iranians - possibly some unsuspecting Iranian-Canadians will be induced to carry out some activity which they will be led to think is a “secret mission”, and either their mortal remains will be produced as evidence of their “martyrdom for Islam”, or , or they themselves, will be troted out for the media, under allegations of having orchestrated the blast. (This appears to have been the role played by the so-called Pakistani ring leaders of the July 7th bombings in London, against whom no evidence linking them to the outrage, has as yet been presented).

In such an eventuality, intellectual discourse will be deemed to constitute support for terrorism, and the public manipulation campaign which is already well underway, will thus be carried to its logical conclusion, Washington will have its pretext for imposing continent-wide martial law, taking over Canada AND launching the war with Iran, which in and of itself, is likely to trigger World War III, if the Russian, Chinese, Central Asian and Iranian military manouevres are to be taken into account, to say nothing of the statements coming from the Russian General staff. Regrettably, the vast network of well-placed lackeys to be found throughout Canada’s political, media business and labour establishments are playing a critical role in supporting Washington’s grand designs, which are leading us towards the precipice of a full-scale third world war.


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Dr. William (Bill) Deagle, host The Nutri-Medical / Clay and Iron Radio Show interviews Ken Fernandez regarding the above article (click normally, not right-click)

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Dr. Bill Deagle can be heard daily on the GCN network and via shortwave radio.
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both DR. BILL DEAGLE and KEN FERNANDEZ will be speaking about this and many other important topics at the multi-speaker

JUNE 22nd to June 24th, 2007


Lies lies lies.

Listen, I consider myself a 911 thruter and I believe that the truth will prevale. But this document by this Canadian Fernandez is full of stupidity. We won't win anything by diminishing people like he does in this article, specially French-Speaking Quebecer. I'm from this province, I live near Montreal and I can say that Fernandez is off the track with is alligations.

Bad, bad article.
