I Got My Copy Of Debunking 9/11 Debunking By Dr. David Ray Griffin

The mailman just knocked at my door, and was nice enough to deliver my copy of Dr. Griffin's latest book. I hope everyone purchases a copy, and promotes it as well.

Now that's...

Cute advertising. :D

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

I see

I see that they decided to go with the flashy cover?!?!?
Together in Truth!

I like the white...

Just like O&D.

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton

The Chapters...

Acknowledgements viii

Introduction: Conspiracy Theories and Evidence 1

ONE 27
9/11 Live or Distorted: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify the 9/11 Commission Report?

TWO 95
The Real 9/11 Conspiracy Theory: A Critique of Kean and Hamilton's Without Precedent

The Disintegration of the World Trade Center: Has NIST Debunked the Theory of Controlled Demolition?

FOUR 207
Debunking 9/11 Myths: A Failed Attempt by Popular Mechanics

Conclusion 309

Notes 323
Index 386

"So where is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."

Richard Cheney - Chief Executive Of Halliburton


Thanks for the reminder, Jon! Just ordered mine on Amazon.