New Site Coming Soon...

David Weiss passed away on 9/11. He was one of the brave 343 firemen that gave their lives that day. In Arizona, I met David's sister, Michele Little. Since then, she and I have become good friends. She is one of the most positive people I know, and I am thankful for having met her. Through me, Michele met John Feal of the FealGoodFoundation. Michele is currently in the process of setting up a 9/11 Responders Fund in order to help out. She has asked that I help her out with some of the web stuff for her site. Here is a variation of the header I made.

Anyway, just wanted to share.


Michele Little

is a very cool person - I'm glad she's doing this and I'm glad you're helping her out!

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

She is...


Hey Jon

Hey Jon,

Looking good! If we can help you out in any way don't hesitate to give us a holler. I'm hoping that if we raise awareness enough America will finally start paying attention to this issue.
