Bush Continues to Beat the War Drum of 9/11 Despite its Changing Sound
Last night President Bush gave a speech explaining why he vetoed the Iraq Accountability Act - not surprisingly he pulled out his old war drum - 9/11:
In Washington last week, General Petraeus explained it this way, "Iraq is, in fact, the central front of all al Qaeda's global campaign." Al Qaeda -- al Qaeda's role makes it -- the conflict in Iraq far more complex than a simple fight between Iraqis. It's true that not everyone taking innocent life in Iraq wants to attack America here at home, but many do. Many also belong to the same terrorist network that attacked us on September the 11th, 2001 and wants to attack us here at home again. We saw the death and destruction al Qaeda inflicted on our people when they were permitted a safe haven in Afghanistan. For the security of the American people, we must not allow al Qaeda to establish a new safe haven in Iraq.
While it has been common practice for this president and his administration to invoke 9/11 when it suits their political needs, the usage of 9/11 as a drum to garner support for the war had seemed to be on the decline - but apparently it is still in play when they are so far backed into a corner. Perhaps the main difference in using 9/11 as a war drum in the past and doing so today is that this same drum now makes an increasingly different noise.
For many Americans admitting the Iraq war was a failure of this administration has been too taboo, much in the way that admitting 9/11 was a failure of this administration has been. But as the American people gradually come to the realization that the Iraq war is indeed a failure, the 9/11 drum itself rings with this same sound. While in the past the banging of the 9/11 drum might spark patriotism and pride gained through surviving adversity, its new sound rings true - the Bush administration failed at the Iraq war, and failed us on 9/11 - but that is just what the drum is starting to sound like at the moment.
The next step in this progression will come as the American public comes to see the Iraq war not as a failure, but instead as a treasonous war for the benefit of the largest players in the military industrial complex. Once this perception is more commonly held the 9/11 war drum will take that form as well. Perhaps Bush's frequent association of 9/11 with Iraq will come back to haunt him when the public ties the realities of Iraq in with the realities of 9/11? People will begin looking at 9/11 and wondering if perhaps it too was not a failure as they had once so innocently thought of the Iraq war.
So George, keep banging your 9/11 drum for the Iraq war - the American public is finally starting to hear what song you've really been playing.
Well said.
It's Not The Crime That Kills You, But The Cover-Up
I just couldn't get over how
I just couldn't get over how hollow Bush's comments sounded when he invoked 9/11 last night - surely the American public is starting to hear it too..
I've been...
Surprised many a day at what the American public doesn't seem to hear. And don't call me Shirley.
You have to keep calling them on it everytime in order for the people to start hearing/seeing it.
BELIEVE ME, the amount of times they use it, it is NOT an easy task.
You don't speak very often, but when you do, I like what you have to say.
It's Not The Crime That Kills You, But The Cover-Up
As usual, Bush's argument is to ignorant
The price of empire is terror. The price of occupation is terror. The price of interventionism is terror.
During the Clinton years, it was popular to say that you loved your country but you feared your government. Under Bush II, the same people want us to think that if we do not follow in lockstep with our government, we are all kinds of unspeakable things.
When you let people do whatever they want, you get Woodstock. When you let governments do whatever they want, you get Auschwitz. 9/11 has turned America's government to the brink of putting the world at war. It's way past time for this Administration to be impeached.
The people who have no problem with the advancing police state are many of the same people who so harshly criticized France for not joining America in invading Iraq in 2003. France had a terrorist problem at one point. And then they pulled out of Algeria.
Terrorists do not "hate us for our freedom."They hate our relentless meddling in the internal affairs of their nations. The problems of the Arab world are not America's to fix. So Dubya, quit trying to fix them.
It's not so hard to figure this out; in fact, it's real simple. Get out of the superpower business. Stop trying to run the whole world. When you have troops in 130 countries, is it any wonder that so many people hate you? Bring the troops home. Use your military to defend your shores and borders and be done with it. Therefore, We can get this impeachment started and be done with these Neocon scoundrels.
The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.
This mind control
This mind control prop is getting old.
al-qaeda = boogieman=attack on America=leave Iraq
This equation is only working on 30% of our population. But those 30% are the ones that are empowering Bush to do what he wishes. Once that 30% number starts to whittle down, the end of Bush will follow.
what is becoming clear is that "al Qaeda" is essential
to the concealing of what is actually going on in the world. We have always had a military industrial complex in this country, and Eisenhower's warning marked a watershed moment in its usurpation of much of the power in our putative democracy. The crimes of 9/11 however, and the war crimes they enabled, stand out from the MIC's usual modus operandi in several ways. It targeted Americans domestically, it was brazenly overt, and seems to have caught many people by surprise given the initial confusion in reporting that led to many things being said and revealed that might not have if in fact it had been perpetrated with the blessing of lots of big power players.
It is important at this time in our exposing of the lies and hidden facts that we not be blindered to the greater context into which 9/11 fit. We know the election in 2000 was most likely stolen, and that while media complicity played a role, ultimately the coup was effected by a few individuals on the supreme court--by no means lacking in conflict of inetrests and political agendas and allies. The group of people inserted into the top of the American power structure, call them the neocons if you will, were known for their hawkish positions, Straussian disregard for truth, democratic principles, and fair play. We know that they immediately set out to enact a program including an aggressive takeover of resources in the middle east as well as a destabilization of the political and military status quo there. We know that these men and women were advocates of strong and unquestioning support for hardline Israeli policies viz the region and the Palestinians. We know that they were the key architects of the false case for war against Iraq in the form of Doug Feith's Pentagon Office of Special Plans. We know that Doug Feith is both a rabid Zionist with a history of being reprimanded for inappropriately cozy relations with Israel in his official capacities. We know that Israeli generals routinely worked out of his office in the Pentagon, and that Israeli intelligence was instrumental in providing bogus and damning intelligence reports.
We know that AIPAC wields inordinate influence over many top American politicians, and we know that AIPAC officials have been indicted for espionage against America on behalf of Israel. We know that both Democrats and Republicans including the current speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, nonetheless continue to show a bizarre and inappropriate allegiance to AIPAC. We know that there was before, during, and after 9/11 a substantial presence of Israeli operatives all over America who were apprehended after 9/11 and that the FBI refuses to discuss classified information that they admit exists linking some of the Israelis detained specifically to 9/11. We know that one of these links is of course the case of Sivan Kurzberg and the other dancing Israelis who were seen celebrating the burning towers and behaving extremely suspiciously, including telling their arresting officers that "the Palestinians are your problem".
We know that the owner of building 7 and leaseholder of the WTC as of 6 weeks before the demolition of the entire trade center complex is Larry Silverstein. We know that in addition to owning a strip club called Runway 69, Silevrstein's other business ventures include the failed attempt at establishing a free-trade zone in the Negev desert in Israel. We know that despite clearly being interested in the exclusive rights to operate a business zone that would be exempt from Israeli labor standards and other protective laws, Silverstein is the single biggest donor to the political efforts of Hillary Clinton, a Democrat. We know that Silverstein's relationship with both Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu is very close and that Silverstein has not had a problem issuing demands of these hawkish Israeli politicians for favors in pushing through his desired trade deal. We know that one of Silverstein's partners in this effort spanning the decade before 9/11 was David Yerushalmi--an extreme anti-muslim bigot who founded www.saneworks.us. We know that 9/11 has been improperly used to villify and dehumanize muslims and arabs around the world, and that his group is just one example of many other extreme right-wing groups linked with the neocons such as www.iasps.org. We know that Israeli agents have been accused of posing as "al Qaeda" recruiters in Palestinian territory.
Knowing all this, and tracing both the ideological and financial shenanigans involving oil, Iraqi destruction and rebuilding contracts, propaganda contracts, etc., an honest person cannot deny that 9/11 and the ensuing crimes against humanity were perpetrated in no small part by and on behalf of a cadre of fanatical and corrupt Zionists. "Al Qaeda" is a term that may conveniently be used to cover up crimes by any number of interconnected groups with an interest in destabilizing and tehrefore controlling arab and muslim peoples and their wealth. Among these groups who will argue that hardline Zionists are not extremely well represented?
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero
WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force
Great writing RT....
You should do a BOOK !!!
Best wishes
thanks man... but too busy working for a living... :)
Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero
WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force
"an honest person cannot deny that 9/11 and the ensuing crimes against humanity were perpetrated in no small part by and on behalf of a cadre of fanatical and corrupt Zionists."
Maybe you are right, but I'm not convinced, and I want to see more evidence before making accusations about who the perps are.
In my opinion 9/11 has very little to do with "zionists", and even less to do with Pakistan. You are welcome to disagree, as that's just my personal opinion. Perhaps I haven't researched this area enough. I’m not saying they weren’t involved, I am saying—for myself personally, I want to see more compelling EVIDENCE, before I start handing out indictments.
9/11 was impossible without NORAD cooperation. The coverup would be impossible without the highest powers that be backing it. Dick Cheney planned the NORAD war games. There is much more evidence to implicate an "inside" job.
“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."
RT where are the links for these?
"We know that they were the key architects of the false case for war against Iraq in the form of Doug Feith's Pentagon Office of Special Plans. We know that Doug Feith is both a rabid Zionist with a history of being reprimanded for inappropriately cozy relations with Israel in his official capacities. We know that Israeli generals routinely worked out of his office in the Pentagon, and that Israeli intelligence was instrumental in providing bogus and damning intelligence reports."
Part of the reason I'm asking is I don't have these for My own archives, the other part is for the debunkingsteins over at JREF, who always ask for evidence. This is their paradigm on the trade center collapses ( translation; We have NIST and the whole freakin collective science and engineering community in total agreement with the evidence), therefore nothing else can be considered an inside job without irrefutable evidence. So I am collecting all the irrefutable evidence I can find to put it back in their face.
By the way, I think your site is very good.:-)
The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles.