Huff it

Please vote for the story "Structural Engineers Question Collapse of the World Trade Center" HERE.

6 votes and it makes the front page.

Hey GW

Off topic (sorry), but do you know why my submission about Raw Story's story on Rosie hasn't been posted yet? It's at the top of their front page...

Fox suggests Rosie fired over 'leaked' video of 9/11 talk

I submitted it hours ago to 911blogger, but it hasn't shown up yet...?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


I actually never review blogs submitted to 911blogger before they are published. I'm just too busy.

That's not my department.

oic Thanks for the reply :)

EDIT: it's posted now:

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Hastle Huff

Glad to see you are still Huff'n it GW. Peace. I always enjoy the opportunity to vote those things up.

Thanks ...

we got it on the front page :)

Operation Northwoods is

currently one of the top stories for the last 24 hours at Digg and the number 1 story at Reddit.

Y'all might want to go spread some 9/11 truth on those threads.

Ha, as soon as I posted a comment the site (digg) went down

must be a conspirrrrracy lol

EDIT: Oh shit maybe it is a conspiracy. Just the link to Northwoods at digg is down. Links to other threads on digg seem to be working. Strange.

Digg's main page is down too:

But other threads can still be accessed like this one for instance...
"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


Like you George, I never tell a lie...Truth out.

keep it up

Hi GW,

Great work getting 9-11 into that mainstream left gatekeeper blog site. Keep it up, we'll keep huffing.

A Filipino for 9-11 truth