Ex-spy thinks whole story about 9/ 11 hasn’t been told

Source: http://www.gazette.com/articles/baer_23254___article.html/iran_iraq.html

Ex-spy thinks whole story about 9/ 11 hasn’t been told


June 5, 2007 - 12:23AM

SILVERTON - In his work boots, nylon pants and cotton sweat shirt, Robert Baer blends in to this little mountain town.

You wouldn’t guess that he once helped engineer a failed coup against Saddam Hussein, that he speaks Arabic and Farsi, that he once prowled the lawless valleys of Lebanon in service to the Central Intelligence Agency, or that George Clooney played him in the movie “Syriana.”

Only his bookshelves, packed with volumes about Iraq and the Middle East, give any clue to Baer’s background. A book about the Russian mafia sits next to his chair.

In an interview from that chair, Baer talked about messes in Washington and Iraq, unexplored leads in Iran, and the “curious” town of Silverton.

He has more firsthand experience with terrorists than almost any American, and he is convinced the full story of the Sept. 11 attacks has never been told.

“We don’t know what happened on 9/11. The 9/11 Commission Report was written from witnesses that were tortured — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,” Baer said, referring to the man who has confessed to dozens of terrorist plot while in U.S. custody.

“So what do we really know?”

It’s a question that helped inspire Baer’s first novel, “Blow the House Down.” The story follows a dissident CIA agent as he tries to untangle a Sept. 11 plot that points to Iran and an American financier who was playing the stock market based on advance knowledge of terrorist attacks.

Just fiction, right?

Not entirely.

“I’m in touch with a guy who went in to his broker at 3 o’clock on 10 September and said, ‘Cash me out.’ His parting shot going out the door was, ‘The market collapses tomorrow morning at 9,’” Baer said. “He’s in jail now.”

Baer doesn’t side with the conspiracy theorists, however, who think the U.S. government destroyed the World Trade Center.

“That’s very unfortunate. It demonstrates a naivete that’s scary,” he said. “It’s not that these people are crazy, it’s just that they’re so consistently lied to, from Vietnam through Iraq.”

The 9/11 Commission never reported the links between al-Qaida and Iran, Baer said. Since his tour of duty in Lebanon in the early 1980s, when the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed, Baer has been convinced that the trail of international terrorism often leads to Iran.

And by taking out Saddam Hussein, the United States has played into Iranian hands.

“We’ve now put Iran in a position of predominance in the Gulf, thanks to Iraq,” Baer said. “And in case anybody’s forgotten, the Iranian president is a murderer, he’s got blood on his hands, and he’s crazy.”

Before the Iraq war, Baer said Bush administration officials wanted to use his arguments to justify the invasion.

Although the Washington war drums are beating again — against Iran this time — Baer’s phone has stopped ringing.

“I think they eventually figured out I’m fairly far to the left, especially when it comes to foreign policy. I’m far to the right on immigration, only for environmental reasons,” Baer said.

Now 54, he has retired from the CIA and wants no part of Washington. He lives in Silverton with his wife, Dana. He writes a column for Time and skis on Red Mountain. He’s also at work on his second book of fiction, a “real novel” about Iran.

So, it was Iran who done it ?

There is no such thing as a "retired" CIA-agent who writes a
column for "Time"
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

I agree - the 1947 organization of the CIA

is a direct violation of the Charter that the US agreed to 2 years before it was started.

I haven't attempted to get to deep into it yet but I do know that George H.W. Bush called the FBI on 11-22-1963 and I have seen the special agents report of the telephone call.
It contains information that at that time George H. W. Bush was president of Zappata Oil (later discovered to be leased to the CIA).
Also that Mr. Bush had informed him that he intended on spending the night in the Dallas-Sheraton and would be leaving for home on 11-23-1963.

I read someplace that JFK was angry about the CIA's covert operations that led up to the Cuban Missile Crisis and was going to close it down.

We were very good neighbors back then either.

i heard...

it was also his opposition to Israel obtaining nukes. confluence of interests, same as 9/11 I think!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force

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Once CIA, Always CIA. Baer is an Insider.

"They took it from the top to the bottom, we're gonna take them from the bottom to the top." - Dan Wallace

The 9/11 Commission never

The 9/11 Commission never reported the links between al-Qaida and Iran

How convenient.


That's the whole point of this article - question 911, but for ties between IRAN and Al Quaeda.

The only point to this was so they could say...yes, we do need a new investigation into 911...we now think Iran was behind it.

By george, I bet we even need a new investigation into OKC. Seems to me their was an Iranian involved in that...and heck...come to think of it now...we remember finding bombs in the building...that never exploded that had Iranian govt. markings....

Yes, this CIA op now believes in conspiracies. And how nice, that he doesn't call us crazy. It's just that we've been lied to so much, that we no longer trust. And how great for us that he's going to set us straight on it.

Fuck you! CIA piece of crap.

Once CIA..always CIA.

The only thing this piece of shit did was tell us that 911 was a lie.

Leave it to us, you piece of crap, to figure out what the lies are, and go back to murdering babies for the NWO.


Actually, it did

one example is on page 240 (pdf document)

there's also stuff like chapter 2:

"In late 1991 or 1992, discussions in Sudan between al Qaeda and Iranian operatives led to an informal agreement to cooperate in providing support-even if only training-for actions carried out primarily against Israel and the United States. Not long afterward, senior al Qaeda operatives and trainers traveled to Iran to receive training in explosives. In the fall of 1993, another such delegation went to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for further training in explosives as well as in intelligence and security. Bin Ladin reportedly showed particular interest in learning how to use truck bombs such as the one that had killed 241 U.S. Marines in Lebanon in 1983.The relationship between al Qaeda and Iran demonstrated that Sunni-Shia divisions did not necessarily pose an insurmountable barrier to cooperation in terrorist operations. As will be described in chapter 7, al Qaeda contacts with Iran continued in ensuing years."

there are other mentions.

the salient point here, however, is the likely attempt by the report authors to create an impression of a global terror network that includes Iran. Baer is trying to foreground this idea. I don't trust him.


Its hard to decipher what this means...

On one hand, this is GREAT news! He speaks of insider trading and clearly states that there is a cover-up.

On the other hand, he mentions that 9/11 has to do with IRAN?! What the hell? It makes me wonder if he is trying to make a link between Iran and 9/11 for the administration, because obviously the administration is not credible enough to try to make that link after they were already caught lying about Iraq and 9/11.


ive said it time and time

ive said it time and time again, Baer is an asshole. hes always tried to spin 9/11 to point at Iran and wouldnt you know it, hes popping up right on cue. perfect timing you scumbag. its not going to work.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

fluent in Arabic and Farsi

how come he never learned Hebrew?

Always skeptical of ex-spooks.

Yes, it's nice to hear this from Baer, but I think he pretty much believes the official story and would be a blowback type. He would never admit false flag behavior on the part of government.

Larry Johnson, who beats the crap out of the Bush administration on a daily basis, doesn't seem too 9/11 Truth friendly and wholeheartedly endorses the official story.

Our most accepting ex-CIA guy is Ray McGovern. As great as he is, I sometimes have this feeling he is playing the trustworthy grandpa role to keep an eye on the Truth movement for the government. I have no evidence for that and it is probably out of line, but you never know with these guys.

"9/11 research is a rabbit-hole of Byzantine complexity full of snares and delusions and peopled with false friends, lunatics, earnest lost souls and a few heroes."
- Jenna Orkin

Iran... the REAL puppet master over NIST.

So it was Afghanistan that harbored the Arab malcontents, Iraq supplied who the fuck knows what, but Iran... so says Baer, Iran REALLY was the skill behind hobbling NORAD, coxed Allah into squashing three buildings, and it was Iran that destroyed the evidence from the crime scene. It was Iran! Besides, they gots blood on their hands AND they're crazy.

Iran.... ya... it was Iran.

Baer... you fuck!
It was 'all those years' YOU were 'so consistently lied to.'

coming soon...

the invasion of Iran. Then...

"hm, it looks like the evidence actually implicates Syria in the 9/11 attacks..."


"hm, it looks like the evidence actually implicates Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks..."


Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs) is due out in June.

and then it will be

"looks like the evidence actually implicates Pakistan"...we've already heard that, of course.

France, Finland, and F*ckedupistan.

Then Russia didn't do enough... they too must pay for not being "with us". China didn't do enough to foil the attack on Freedom. And Tasmanians are crazy too.

Bomb them all.... bomb bomb bomb... bomb bomb them all. Looser f*cks. What's wrong with them, don't care enough about #1 America's pain? ... let's bomb 'm.

I'm a far too dangerously close to thoughts of assault... upon the next Super Duper HomeLand Patriot Hero trying to tell me of the imperative to bomb Them, "before those swarthy fanatical Islam-o-fascists get us"... or some other equally stupid, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, hegemonic, exceptionalist-war-mongering load of shit (as the Dollar evaporates).

We MUST arrest this mind-fuck upon humanity... BEFOR the perps get what they want; American [vary un]Civil War.

I'm pissed.

Now that I've gotten that out... I now remember, love.

We must love the person we must arrest. For their own good... and for our own good.

"We must love the person we

"We must love the person we must arrest. For their own good... and for our own good."

well put...

Robert Baer - high value COINTELPRO ASSET

Why does anybody in the truth movement care what this obvious PSYOP agent has to say?

"The 9/11 Commission never reported the links between al-Qaida and Iran"


"'And in case anybody’s forgotten, the Iranian president is a murderer, he’s got blood on his hands, and he’s crazy.'

Before the Iraq war, Baer said Bush administration officials wanted to use his arguments to justify the invasion. Although the Washington war drums are beating again — against Iran this time — Baer’s phone has stopped ringing.

'I think they eventually figured out I’m fairly far to the left, especially when it comes to foreign policy...[snip]'"

No, I think that the lying psychopaths in the Bush Administration realized that their credibility has crashed to less than zero - i.e., not only should we not believe what they say, but we should assume the extreme opposite of whatever the Bush Admin says, or anybody associated with them, as Robert Baer used to be. Therefore, the only people who have a possibility of being listened to are those who pretend to have split with the Bush Administration.

Of course, the most obvious foreign power whose fingerprints are all over 9/11 - Israel/Moussad - is not even mentioned by Baer. What a transparent shill for the Zionist Neocons! What garbage!

in the meantime

is anyone following Christopher Bollyn's trial?
what a set-up


The Real Goal

is to keep all 9/11 researchers and 9/11 Truth movies and books away from the many sign-posts pointing to Israeli involvement, because if the American public found out, they would cancel, in a heartbeat, the $18 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid welfare that is shipped out every year to “Country A.” The Israelis are highly concerned about their public image amongst the American public, hence all the constant espionage on U.S. citizens and politicians. When Jimmy Carter calls a spade a spade and compares Israel to Apartheid South Africa, and suggests international boycotts, they really start freaking out. All criticism of Israel or Israelis is shut down with the ol’ “you’re an anti-Semite” BS. You can talk all you want about the planes, the Pentagon, Rummy and Condi, and controlled demolition -- it seems they have given up on trying to hide all that -- but don’t take the next step and ask yourselves, “I wonder who would have had the means and opportunity to wire up three skyscrapers in NYC without anyone noticing?” Al-Qayda operatives just don’t walk into a government building like WTC7 and start wiring up the place with thermate cutter charges. Just keep the inquiry on Marvin Bush, Wirt Walker III, and Stratasec. Don’t start snooping around the NY/NJ Port Authority and the Eisenberg family. Don’t talk about Urban Moving Systems in New Jersey and the “dancing Israelis” with explosives residues discovered inside their trucks by NJ State police on the afternoon of 9/11, or the current head of the FDNY counter-terrorism division. And why not talk about these very interesting “foreign” connections to 9/11? The reason would probably be because Mossad plays real rough. They make the Italian Mafia and the CIA look like total pussies. This is not about your right to political free speech anymore. This is hardball for all the marbles, and they will kill your grandmother if you get too close to the bone. I think Dylan and the boys already know this, and that is why you won’t hear the “I word” mentioned in LCFC. Nonetheless, we still have enough info to start a widespread public investigation of 9/11, and that’s the good news.

Testing, testing – the trial of Christopher Bollyn

Thank you Kate for bringing this to the attention of all here. Do not be afraid to speak.

Oral testimonies gathered together in “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45” by Milton Mayer (University of Chicago Press) -- a book of first-hand accounts by people who lived through the Hitler era – point out that the same EXACT PATTERN of events and processes (physical as well as psychological) that occurred in Germany during that dark era are now visibly occurring in the United States and Canada. It is a process described by Germans who lived through that time as “the gradual habituation of the people.” They turn the heat up on the pot in small gradual increments, testing you and getting you accustomed to things that several years ago would have made you recoil in shock or disgust – FEMA prison camps, torture, pre-emptive war, false-flag terror, rigged elections, the dismantling of the Constitution, etc. Having mentioned this, I must point out that the current trial of independent journalist Christopher Bollyn is being used as a test case. Having been labeled as an anti-Semitic nutball by the media because of his research into the deep Israeli connections to 9/11 and current U.S. Middle East policy, he is now on trial in Chicago for doing nothing but his job as an investigative journalist who has consistently tackled the hard and controversial topics everyone else is afraid to touch, such as the Israeli sex-slave trade, etc. The trumped charges of the trial of course concern “resisting arrest,” not freedom of speech.

About a year ago, he thought he was being a good neighbor and reported to the local police that a mysterious black car was constantly cruising around his neighborhood (a private community). The men in this car – an armed tactical unit of Chertoff’s DHS Gestapo -- were alerted by the local police of his call. They came to his door with M16s drawn, would not produce any ID to show their authority over him and his family to enter and search his home, Bollyn would not cooperate with their Gestapo home invasion, told them to leave, was then tackled and tasered on his front lawn, his wife and kids were held at gunpoint in their home during an intimidating, illegal search, AND HE IS THE ONE BEING CHARGED WITH RESISTING ARREST, i.e. asking armed men with no ID or local police authority to get off his property and asking them for search warrants!

What these folks want to know is, if someone they brand as a so-called “anti-Semite journalist” has his home invaded, stands up for his rights, and is then forced to defend trumped up charges in a court of law, WILL YOU NOTICE? Will you even care or say a word? Will you defend him? Will you watch them take everyone away to the camps and courts, and say nothing until it is your turn? BTW, Christopher Bollyn is good friends with Dr. Steven Jones. This is another incremental test to see how the public will react. TESTING, TESTING... We now have a Zionist occupation of the U.S. government and its intelligence agencies. They want you to fight, die and also pay for their wars of Middle East conquest. They attacked you on 9/11 and will attack you again. I beg you all to resist the “shut-down” tactic of branding people as anti-Semites. The Jews DID NOT ORCHESTRATE 9/11, but the right-wing Israeli Likud, Irgun, and Mossad did! Wake up before it is too late. I beg you!!!!

Beware of iamthewitness.com - booby trap for anti-Zionists

People need to be aware of some really nasty things regarding the operation called "iamthewitness.com" having to do with certain individuals claiming to be anti-Zionist not being quite who they represent themselves to be.

Check out this article article:
Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing–Darryl Bradford Smith’s Talmudic and Zionist View of Jesus

"In addition to the recent revelations by Christopher Bollyn that Eric Huffschmidt is Jewish and related to ultra-Zionist neo-con Rupert Murdoch by marriage, that Bollyn himself lived in a communist enclave in Israel and was married to a woman whom he claimed was working for Israeli intelligence, we now have an additional piece of the puzzle indicating that the entire ‘I Am the Witness’ operation is an intel-op designed to sow dissention within the anti-Zionist movement and to lead people’s energies and resources off into a direction where they pose no threat to the overall agenda."

As a scholar of Near Eastern religions,

I read the article behind your link. What a load of nonsense. We have no actual historical or archaeological information about the "historical Jesus." The Jesus of the Gospels is a literary creation of the anonymous Greek authors of the New Testament who used the literary mythic models of the Greek god Dionysius and the Egyptian god Osiris as the basis for their character creation. I am not saying that I disagree with the moral teachings put into the mouth of this revered literary character (teachings based upon Greek Humanism), but I will tell you that the historical foundations for the biographical story and teachings of Jesus are more literary than empirical, and I am backed up on this by Christian scholars and archaeologists such as Professors John Dominic Crossan, Jonathan L. Reed, William G. Dever, Stephen L. Harris, Gloria Platzner, and Willis Barnstone, etc. This disinformation about Bollyn and Hufschmidt is yet another JDL BS op. Mossad brought down those towers. Period. Deal with it!

the messenger, Laz!

Don't you think that a JDL/Mossad op could in fact be behind Bollyn and Hufschmid and Smith? Couldn't this explain why they are right about so many things but in the case of Hufschmid and Smith at least make themselves pretty unlikeable? Isn't it too much of a coincidence that Hufschmid's half sister is married to Rupert Murdoch's son? i agree of course with your suspicion that Mossad brought down the towers--it's the only possible explanation that makes sense...


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force

NEW---> check out our revamped site!


Whoa there Laz! I think you missed the point

First of all, I never stated my position regarding the question of Jesus being a real historical person or not. I am not a christian, so I have nothing invested in the story, and I am skeptical of the whole Jesus thing, personally.

But, for you to then somehow link this issue (along with certain assumptions you made about my belief system) with your argument that "disinformation about Bollyn and Hufschmidt is yet another JDL BS op" is in no way logical. And, if you are convinced that this information about Bollyn, Hufschmidt, and Smith is disinfo, where is your proof? You haven't even specified what specific facts were refuted.

"Mossad brought down those towers. Period. Deal with it!"

Um, I actually already pretty much stated this position that Mossaud did it in my original post. So, maybe it is you who needs to Deal with it!

Sorry Keenan

if I misunderstood the intention of your post. Yesterday was a very emotional, intense day, and as far as who is a disinfo agent or a Mossad media operative, it can sometimes get very confusing. These guys are very slick and deception is one of their trademarks, with their motto being -- "Thou shalt wage war by deception." I am not really a big Hufschmidt fan and do not trust him, to be honest, but I am always wary when I see someone like Bollyn, who gets very close to revealing some of the major parties behind 9/11 and everyone tries to decry his research just because he points out that there are some major Zionazis behind the curtain. Also, on another note, we really need to educate people about the fundamental differences between Zionists and Jewish people. I have already written extensively on this in some of my earlier posts. For example, the orthodox rabbis of Naturei Karta are anti-Israel, anti-Zionism, but they are Jewish. This Zionism = Judaism thing is an intentional media manipulation to confuse people and shut down discussion. Again, my apologies to you if I got a little upset. I wasn't even mad at you. I was boiling all day because of all the things going on. Peace, brother.

Yes, very good point!

We have to counteract the media's purposeful conflation of the Zionist issue with the Judaism thing! The fact that so much of the media is owned/controlled by Zionists does not make our job easy.

More discussion about Bollyn and et al

Check out these forum discussion threads regarding the possible COINTELPRO stuff and other goings-on within the anti-Zionist community:

Christopher Bollyn Harassed and Beaten by Undercover Cops?

John Kaminski Goes Off the Deep End

Bottom line? Don't take anyone at face value until they have a proven track record. And even then...And, never underestimate the level of diabolical machiavelian manipulation of Zionists and other psychopathic fraternities.

Knowledge is power!

More Lies and Propaganda

This is like a bad plot form a worse movie.

The problem is that there's millions of people who are so completely unaware of the lies that they'll look at this story and say "Wow - maybe Iran really does need to be taken out..."

The deception is so shallow, but without being armed with facts there is no defense against it. It becomes truth to those who don't know any better.

All the more reason to push 9/11 truth even harder.

Here here!

Here here!

Why is this

on the front page?

---QUOTE" No, I think that

No, I think that the lying psychopaths in the Bush Administration realized that their credibility has crashed to less than zero - i.e., not only should we not believe what they say, but we should assume the extreme opposite of whatever the Bush Admin says, or anybody associated with them, as Robert Baer used to be. Therefore, the only people who have a possibility of being listened to are those who pretend to have split with the Bush Administration.

Of course, the most obvious foreign power whose fingerprints are all over 9/11 - Israel/Moussad - is not even mentioned by Baer. What a transparent shill for the Zionist Neocons! What garbage!

Excellent comment

it was IRAN?!

Why didn't they just SAY SO! Instead of saying it was bin laden in Afghanistan, then Saddam in Iraq... Hmmm are we sure Kim Jong Il didn't have a hand in it? It was everyone! Everyone except... except... yeah, exactly!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force

NEW---> check out our revamped site!



Baer doesn’t side with the conspiracy theorists, however, who think the U.S. government destroyed the World Trade Center.

Is that all we're about? I think not.

Audio Interview 6/9/06: Thom Hartmann: "Are you of the opinion there was an aspect of 'inside job' to 9/11 within the U.S. government?"

Baer: "There is that possibility, the evidence points at it."

Hartmann: "And why is it not being investigated?"

Baer: "Why isn't the WMD story being investigated? Why hasn't anybody been held accountable for 9/11? We held people accountable after Pearl Harbor. Why has there been no change in command? Why have there been no political repercussions? Why has there been no -- any sort of exposure on this? It really makes you wonder." http://www.911blog.

Essay 1/12/02: "Did bin Laden act alone, through his own al-Qaida network, in launching the attacks? About that I'm far more certain and emphatic: no."

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