Many raising questions about events of Sept. 11
Many raising questions about events of Sept. 11
There are several organizations that are raising key questions about what really happened on Sept. 11 and are calling for a truly independent commission to investigate those questions.
One is Patriots Question 911. This group is made up of military officiers, members of intelligence agencies, government officials, professors, 911 survivors, family members, first responders and media professionals.
The U.S. military officers include Gen. Wesley Clark, retired; Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, retired; Col. Ronald Ray, retired; Col. Robert Bowman, retired; Col. George Nelson, retired; Maj. Douglas Rokke, retired; Capt. Russ Wittenberg, Capt. Daniel Davis, Maj. Scott ritter and Maj. Erik Kleinsmith.
Federal officials include two presidential candidates, Republican Congressman Ron Paul and Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
Others in the group include:
-- Norm Mineta, secretary of transportation from 2001 to 2006; Joseph Wilson, Morgan Reynolds and Daniel Elsberg.
-- World Trade Center survivors William Rodriguez, who spoke in Peoria this past April; Philip Morelli and Marlene Cruz.
-- Scientists and engineers such as William Rice and Steven Jones.
-- First responders such as Deputy Fire Commissioner of the New York Fire Department Thomas Fitzpatrick and New York firefighter Joseph Montoperta.
Another group is Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. It has a similar list of professional people willing to go on record with their questions and concerns.
To learn more about these organization, do your own search or go to the Pantagraph Web site’s letters section where I will post some background information.
Gregg Brown
- Mekt_Ranzz's blog
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Patriots Question 9/11 is Not a "group"
It says so in the introduction on the webpage: "It is not an organization and it should be made clear that none of these individuals are affiliated with this website."
So it is quite misleading to say: "Federal officials include two presidential candidates, Republican Congressman Ron Paul and Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich.
Others in the group include:
-- Norm Mineta, secretary of transportation from 2001 to 2006; Joseph Wilson, Morgan Reynolds and Daniel Elsberg."
But hey - it's great to see this story and the debate it stimulated!