Permanent Markers, Sidewalk Chalk, and Fun.

In regards to 9/11 Truth our childhood passion and fascination with Permanent Markers and Sidewalk Chalk is best not to give up.

I'd like to see a 9/11 slogan and resource in every public restroom, including Port-a-Potties, across the country.
Along every bikepath or public walkway (preferably under a bridge or another rain protected area)

A slogan & resource that I've seen and liked is:

9/11 = an inside job
Look into it
Google "WTC7"

That should make for a fun summer of a little childhood fun with some risk involved. Enjoy the activism :)

I've also seen some well placed stickers out there, but I haven't found a source for buying good 9/11 related stickers in bulk.
If you know of any please include them in the comment section. Thanks..

For a good time google 9/11 inside job

"For a good time google 9/11 inside job"
(I'm looking forward to seeing this as a Soapbox ad soon.) ( See below: Experimenting with...)