Operation Call a PNAC member: Former Drug Czar and Education Boss Bill Bennett hung up on the 'Dictator in Chief'

Click here to watch 'George-Bush-calls-Bill-Bennett'
In case you hadn't heard, earlier this week, PNAC signatory William Bennett hung up on the 'Decider' as he was reminding the American people of his call not to believe "outrageous conspiracy theories" and coming out as a "Truther" by making clear statements that the Zelikow report fit this description perfectly. I can't believe it wasn't on the front page of the New York Times. One of the POTUS's and GWOT's biggest backers rudely hung up on him and his message. Although I am not holding my breath on the MSM to remedy this situation, I do think the 9-11 Truth and Justice community owes Bennett a barage of utterance (1-866-680-6464, 6-9am weekdays EST). How often is it that you get a chance to talk live with a PNAC member in front of multitudes around the country?

On a more serious tip...
With the threats flying hot and heavy, taking a hold of the people's airwaves and reaching multitudes by calling talk radio shows is a very potent pre-emptive tool. Call up and say that if there is another attack in the U.S., the first suspects we will look to are the members of the Bush administration especially Cheney, all signatories to the PNAC letter and anyone who has given a vague warning or threat of future attacks (Brezinski, Santorum et al.). If you record it, you will have created another type of chain-of-evidence pointing towards motive and intention. Moreover, if we explain that We the People intend to use the full measure of the Law and Justice to rectify this situation, it might possibly give anyone who's thinking of being complicit (commission and ommission both) in murderous and treasonous atrocities a second thought. I haven't been able to lay this out clearly on air yet. Here are a couple examples of somewhat successful 9-11 Truth calls:

Click here to watch 'Medved-show-w--terrorism-expert--Victor-Mordecai-'

Click here to watch 'Bill-Bennett--False-flag-terrorism---this-is-going-nowhere-'

Its crucial to keep opening up the conversation in the public sphere (as Keith Ellison and Paul Craig Roberts are doing very well from both the left and the right). This is really what this movement is about in many ways, the power of Truth and the possibility of transforming the dialogue. It's strength and our strength lies in the power of communication and openness rather than silence and secrecy. The tools of violence are clearly weighted towards the perpetraitors (though millions of American people dedicated to upholding the 2nd ammendment, representing the largest armed civilian force on the planet, have our backs if neccesary). But it is no coincidence that the 1st ammendment is 1st in power and preference. The tools of transformative sound, word and image are deeply weighted in our favor (despite the current corporatist stranglehold on the MSM) as evidenced by the recent powerful Truth fleecings of Congress members Susan Save-it! and John McCan't.

a full page ad in the NY times: $100,000+
a 30 second ad on TV: $1000's and $1000's
1000 DVD's: $1000
a minute or more with a PNACer on live radio: $0 (with a little wit to get through the screener)

Key things to bring up are:
State-sponsored false-flag terrorism
High Treason
the Power of 9-11 Truth and Justice
Constitution and Law
Cheney's role in 9-11-Mineta's testimony-Cheney lying to the Commission is Treason
whatever you think people need to know as things amp up

Let's call everybody!
Shows and numbers: http://www.911blogger.com/node/9489

Outstanding work

Exemplary !!