Nafeez Ahmed - "Creating Terror"

From 1979 until 2007 ... this amorphous network designated by the term al Qaeda has functioned seamlessly as a mercenary proxy force mobilized in diverse strategic regions in the service of Anglo-American imperial expansionism. It hasn't ever had a break. The extent of it is absolutely shocking ... Western state sponsorship, indirectly and directly, of al Qaeda as a destabilizing force in strategic regions.

Meanwhile, innocent citizens are being killed. They are being killed since 1993 ... yet the policy has not shifted. On the contrary it's now escalating in the context of developling an even more catastrophic conflict with Iran.

This has damning moral implications. It means that at some level, policy makers are morally indifferent to the deaths of our own citizens in al Qaeda terrorist attacks. Other strategic imperatives, such as the control of increasingly scarce energy resources are more important. There has been a shift of priorities, something in the National Security structure, since 1979, has relegated civilian life way at the bottom.

- Nafeez Ahmed, 7-13-2007.

Nafeez Ahmed's talk "Creating Terror" Putfile stream:

High-quality MP3 D/L from the a-infos Radio Project:

In just over one hour, Nafeez Ahmed presents historical context for the "War on Terror" in a talk titled "Creating Terror". This is an excellent introductory talk on the causes of contemporary False Flag terrorism; a historical and sociological analysis that doesn't rely on "blowback", but blends geopolitical strategy and engineered terrorist events into a coherent paradigm of control, manipulation, and purposeful misdirection.

The talk was presented at the Indian YMCA in London, on Friday, July 13th, 2007, where Ahmed has spoken before.

(Continued after the jump.)

Among the historical topics covered is the financing of the Nazis, discussed in the recent book by Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler. The publisher, Pluto Press, describes Conjuring Hitler thus:

Nazism is usually depicted as the outcome of political blunders and unique economic factors: we are told that it could not be prevented, and that it will never be repeated.

In this explosive book, Guido Giacomo Preparata shows that the truth is very different: using meticulous economic analysis, he demonstrates that Hitler's extraordinary rise to power was in fact facilitated -- and eventually financed -- by the British and American political classes during the decade following World War I.

Through a close analysis of events in the Third Reich, Preparata unveils a startling history of Anglo-American geopolitical interests in the early twentieth century. He explains that Britain, still clinging to its empire, was terrified of an alliance forming between Germany and Russia. He shows how the UK, through the Bank of England, came to exercise control over Weimar Germany and how Anglo-American financial support for Hitler enabled the Nazis to seize power.

This controversial study shows that Nazism was not regarded as an aberration: for the British and American establishment of the time, it was a convenient way of destabilising Europe and driving Germany into conflict with Stalinist Russia, thus preventing the formation of any rival continent power bloc.

Guido Giacomo Preparata lays bare the economic forces at play in the Third Reich, and identifies the key players in the British and American establishment who aided Hitler's meteoric rise.

Ahmed says of the book's general thesis;

In other words, Preparata's revisionist history shows that the Anglo-American powers were directly complicit in the rise and the consolidation of the Nazis. Anglo-American financers were thereby indirectly complicit in the ensuing holocaust, which precipitated not only the mutual destruction of Germany and Russia in a prolonged international conflict, and finally the crushing of Germany under Anglo-American bombing.

Now, on Holocaust Remembrace Day the role of Anglo-American power in financing geopolitical intrigues, and aiding and abetting the Nazis, has been eclipsed from our historical consciousness.

Preparata's research was preceded in 1976 with the publication of "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" by Antony C. Sutton. Sutton's well documented research implicated J.P. Morgan, T.W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, General Motors, and the Ford Motor Company in financing the rise and consolidation of Nazi power.

Further authors and researchers have examined the role of Prescott Bush in this regard, including Webster G. Tarpley in George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography and various writings by John Loftus, yet this part of history remains obscured. This is by design, and according to James Stewart Martin, "Chief of the Economic Warfare Section of the Department of Justice investigating the structure of Nazi industry", the foxes were put in charge of the henhouse. In his 1950 book, "All Honorable Men":

Martin asserts that American and British businessmen got themselves appointed to key positions in this post-war investigation to divert, stifle and muffle investigation of Nazi industrialists and so keep hidden their own involvement. (Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler", p,14, '76 Press, 1976.)

For those still getting over the effects of Cold War propaganda, Ahmed covers the over-hyping of the Soviet threat to justify inflated military and intelligence budgets. Showing that indeed, at the highest levels (he talks specifically about British power) the Western oligarchs knew damn well that the USSR was not interested in a hot war, but continually used the threat of the concept as a tool to keep the masses confused and in the dark. Sounds awfully familiar.

Part of the propaganda campaign to help instill fear and indeed terror, were secret "Stay-Behind" armies that Ahmed discusses here:

Through to the late 1980s, highly secretive subsections of different intelligence services, British, American, and Western European, participated in a very sophisticated NATO-backed operation to engineer terrorist attacks inside Western Europe, which could then be blamed on the Soviet Union.

Ahmed references the research of Daniele Ganser, of switzerland. His book, NATO's Secret Armies is a landmark study in recent covert operations. Ganser studies the Italian "Operation GLADIO" in depth. This particular operation was also the subject of a documentary on BBC2 called "GLADIO".

If you haven't seen this documentary, you really need to. (Hint, start with Part Three.)

Part One: The Ringmasters

Part Two: The Puppeteers

Part Three: The Foot Soldiers

Incidentally, Tarpley's research suggests that Aldo Moro, the Prime Minister of Italy, was murdered by similar elements.

Ahmed continues on, detailing the facilitation of the Mujahideen as covert policy. Ahmed has scrupulously studied and written on this Western policy before, and briefly summarizes his key points. He presents evidence that suggests that a Strategy of Tension is underway in Iraq, and is soon to visit other nearby countries where Sunni and Shi'ite can be set against each other.

Ahmed's conclusion, in part:

From 1979 until 2007 ... this amorphous network designated by the term al Qaeda has functioned seamlessly as a mercenary proxy force mobilized in diverse strategic regions in the service of Anglo-American imperial expansionism. It hasn't ever had a break. The extent of it is absolutely shocking ... essentially, Western state sponsorship, indirectly and directly, of al Qaeda as a destabilizing force in strategic regions.

Meanwhile, innocent citizens are being killed. They are being killed since 1993 ... yet the policy has not shifted. On the contrary it's now escalating in the context of developling an even more catastrophic conflict with Iran.

This has damning moral implications. It means that at some level, policy makers are morally indifferent to the deaths of our own citizens in al Qaeda terrorist attacks. Other strategic imperatives, such as the control of increasingly scarce energy resources are more important. There has been a shift of priorities, something in the National Security structure, since 1979, has relegated civilian life way at the bottom.

Patsies? Sure. Call "al Qaeda" whatever you want to. People are still going to get killed by this covert operation until enough people are awake and demand that this bullshit comes to an end.
