Specter, Leahy question use of 9/11 fund money

Specter, Leahy question use of 9/11 fund money

By KIMBERLY HEFLING | Associated Press Writer
August 4, 2007

Two senators want to know why a $1 billion Sept. 11 insurance fund appropriated by Congress to help ailing ground zero workers has not been used to compensate those exposed to harmful substances.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and the committee's ranking Republican, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said in a letter to the insurance company overseeing the Sept. 11 health-related claims that they are considering convening a hearing in September.

"Reports that the World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on salaries on administrators and over $45 million to private law firms are troubling," the letter said.

The two also said they have concerns about the $74 million that reportedly has been spent on overhead costs and legal bills. The letter, dated Wednesday, was addressed to Christine LaSala, CEO of WTC Captive Insurance Co.


Last month, attorneys representing thousands who became ill after working to clean up the site while breathing toxic trade center dust went to court to demand the insurance company spend money on their health care.


This is what you get when you ask a for-profit insurance

company, or any corporation for that matter, to GIVE AWAY money. If they make $100 million per year in interest (an example) on investing the $1 billion, do you think they are going to be more or less likely to delay distribution of said monies?

Congress should immediately reclaim the funds and assign one of their numerous commitees or sub-commitees to pay it out. Yes, it will be more difficult than naming a post office (their #1 accomplishment), but it's still not that hard.

"They took it from the top to the bottom, we're gonna take them from the bottom to the top." - Dan Wallace