Mike Huckabee Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Student Scholars Co-Founder, Michael Jackman, asks 08' Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee (R-AR) about Pakistan's obvious role in funding the 9/11 attacks, and mentions that the ISI Lieutenant General, who ordered the wire transfer of $100,000 (an estimated 1/5 of the operation's funding) to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta, was in Washington meeting with United States officials before and after 9/11. Lieutenant General Mahmoud Ahmad was allowed to go back to Pakistan and retire without ever being questioned about the ISI's role in financing the attacks. WWW.SST911.ORG

what a coward, he didnt even

what a coward, he didnt even answer the question, just went straight into talking point mode before walking away. total coward.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Huckabee, like most all of our deceitful politicians, wants no

part of any serious questions regarding 9/11!

Keep taking it to them!