Rev. Rich Lang, Jason Bermas on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tonight

Tonight (Tues. 8/28/07) on WTPRN I will host Rev. Rich Lang, Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church, Seattle -- America's leading "clergy for 9/11 truth" activist! As I wrote to Rev. Lang: "When I co-founded MUJCA three years ago, part of the goal was to inspire clergy to do precisely what you're doing, so I'm eager to hear your firsthand account of being in the forefront of clerical activism. And since most of America's clergy is still in denial about 9/11, I'd like to hear your ideas about how to change that."

Jason Bermas of Loose Change will come on for the last half hour to discuss the upcoming 6th anniversary events in NY 9/11/07.

9-11 p.m. CT, "9/11 and Empire Radio" on WTPRN: (complete radio schedule

I'll also be on Webster Tarpley's WTPRN show on Thursday night 8/30/07, 7pm - 9 pm CT, discussing the Kennebunkport Warning and further plans to head off the next 9/11

Jason Bermas: Loose Change Has the NORAD Tapes!

This should be front page news:

Jason Bermas: Loose Change Has the NORAD Tapes!