Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Jason Charles of The Truth Alliance Network

This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Jason Charles of the Truth Alliance Network.  Jason explains the purpose and mission behind his website and goes through the activist tools and truth community base being built. 

The Truth Alliance Network vision is to simply provide truth activists with a community website developed on a fully scalable, enterprise-level platform that is capable of organizing truth community resources, knowledge base and community-led initiatives aimed at bringing down the power structures of the New World Order.  A considerable challenge, yet absolutely necessary; we believe we have devised a brand, and structure capable of doing just that.

If you have skills and want to contribute to a growing resource for truth and justice in America, please visit the Truth Alliance Network website.

Tribute to Aaron Russo-
Unknown Bugler
Northern Colorado Drum and Fife Corps

Intermission music by Contents Under Pressure.

Ending music by Gianluca Zanna.