False Flags, Real Deaths, Big Mistakes

The views expressed herein -- like all of the blog posts -- are solely those of the author, and not necessarily those of 911blogger.com.

This is also a first attempt at brainstorming on how to reach the people who are consciously covering up the truth about 9/11. My guesses about motivation are subject to change, and people who have knowledge in this area are welcome to correct my mistakes


Not all of the people who carried out 9/11 and other false flag attacks are hit men who did it for the money. And not all of the people who ordered those attacks did so for the oil and defense industry profits that were justified by 9/11 (what Steven Jones calls "the 9/11 Wars" - the war against the Middle East which 9/11 provided an excuse for).

Some of the people who ordered or carried out the attacks are "true believers" -- ideologues, who actually believed that the ends justify the means. These are admittedly some very mistaken and very dangerous people. But unless we address their motivations, we will be unable to convince the people who are now covering up 9/11 and other false flag attacks from revealing the truth. In other words, we need to be able to address and rebut the faulty beliefs of the ideologues who are covering up the crime of the century.

How could anyone believe that 3,000 innocent murders on 9/11 were justified? I think the answers are a mixture of one or all of the following for each of the people involved (I'll use short-hand nicknames for each belief): "protecting Israel", "fighting for Christ", "preempting China", and "choosing our own timing".

I will briefly describe each of these beliefs, and then show why they are incorrect and detrimental to America.

(1) Preempting China

The neocons calling the shots on America's foreign policy have stated that they will preempt any challenge to America's status as the sole superpower. China is the rising power that is most likely to challenge the U.S.

Oil is the lifeblood of the military machine of every nation. So the neocons decided to create a pretext to secure Middle Eastern oil (Iraq, Iran, etc.) in order to ensure America's access to oil and deny China access if needed. Even Henry Kissinger has hinted at this (search this for further info).

However, if we really wanted to protect ourselves from the growing Chinese tiger, it might be a lot smarter to start with more basic defensive strategies like not giving military secrets to the Chinese. In addition, I would argue that saving America's money to build a new generation of weapons so that America can defend itself if China ever attacks us is a better bet than starting world war III now. This is especially true given that China may side with Iran.

(2) Protecting Israel

Many of the highest-level officials within the Bush administration are dual citizens of both Israel and the U.S.A. Some of them were previously high-level advisors to the government of Israel, who proposed the use of force for regime change and instability in the Middle East. Many of these officials then wrote a position paper as part of the influential American think-tank PNAC, before joining as key players in the Bush administration, saying a "new pearl harbor" was needed to allow their plans to be implemented. 9/11 was the "New Pearl Harbor" which allowed this proposal to be implemented.

As an interesting example of the confluence of these different areas, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, who vigorously steered the investigation away from the truth, and who is a key neocon military and foreign affairs player, has said that the Iraq war was waged in an attempt to protect Israel.

The bottom line? Some people who ordered and carried out 9/11 did it "to protect Israel". (The question of whether the American neocons subcontracted out to Mossad or to private Israeli military, intelligence or defense personnel portions of the 9/11 operation is beyond the scope of this essay. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did. But this essay focuses on America).

But world-wide opinion is turning against Israel, due to its heavy-handed approach to the Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East. Just as real terrorists who want to destroy America are being created by America's war against Iraq (and Iran), Israel's violence towards its neighbors in the Middle East, and refusal to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people to live with dignity and stability, is creating real enemies who -- unlike the mistranslated Iranian president -- really will want to wipe Israel off the map.

Again, I am talking strictly from a practical perspective. Empires don't last forever, and bullies are eventually dogpiled on and brought down. Israel -- and America -- can best protect themselves by quiet defensive strength, not offensive brutality.

(3) Fighting for Christ

The war in the Middle East is largely being fought as a religious war against Islam. George W. Bush and a key general in Iraq have both called the Iraq war a "crusade". Many other high-level civilian and military leaders also believe in fighting a religious war against Islam. Troops are actively being indoctrinated to fight a religious crusade in the Middle East.

My own father-in-law, who is a very smart man intellectually, has hinted that he thinks we should fight in the Middle East because "every good thing has come from Christianity". So this attitude is more widespread than you might think.

Moreover, millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

9/11 was the spark that, in some of the true believers' eyes, will allow the "holy crusade" to go forward, and was the excuse to start "the Battle of Armageddon" in the Middle East.

But the New Testament says that Christ and God are all about love. If true, world war and violent inquisitions will not be the things that persuade Christ to return to Earth.

(4) Choosing Our Own Timing

Some believe that the terrorists were going to attack us anyway, so we might as well make it happen now, at a time of our own choosing, while America is still the sole superpower, and before the enemy gets too strong.

You might say that Al Qaeda isn't real, or that it is a creation of the Western and Israeli intelligence services. or that Al Qaeda is real, but composed of a handful of idiots who are too weak and stupid to light a fire in their own trash can. (See this Los Angeles Times Article, reviewing a BBC documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares", which shows that the threat from Al Qaeda has been vastly overblown; and see this article on who is behind the hype. And read the statement by a former National Security Adviser told the Senate that the war on terror is "a mythical historical narrative". And see this).

But I'm not talking about reality. I'm talking about belief. And I think there are people within the U.S. government and defense industries who actually believe that we had to start the "war on terror" ourselves, or else it would be too late to defeat Al Qaeda. Just like America let the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor so we would have an excuse to get involved in WWII, these people made sure that the Twin Towers came down and the Pentagon was hit, so that we could start attacking the bad guys.

Because this belief is based on erroneous facts, it will lead to disastrous results. In fact, Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq before we invaded, and now -- because of our wars of aggression -- there are a lot of people in Iraq and around the world who hate America. This mistaken belief actually creates terrorism.

9/11 was a Big Mistake

Forgetting the immorality of murdering 3,000 innocent Americans, each of the four major beliefs discussed above for why the ends justified 9/11 are wrong. From a strictly pragmatic, real-world, cause-and-effect perspective, 9/11 was a big mistake.

It is my hope that those who are covering up the largest false flag attack in history will realize that their beliefs in why 9/11 was necessary were mistaken, and that they will help to tell the truth and prevent future false flag attacks.

Moreover, with modern forms of instantaneous communication like the Internet, cellphone cameras, and miniature videocams, its harder to get away with false flags than it used to be. False flags are destroying the confidence of a large proportion of the population in government. Not only do the ends not justify the means, but the means of false flag terrorism don't even lead to the ends sought by its practitioners.

Good going, GW.

Taken back for edit. After reading Nicholas below and considering his punch line, I wanted to take another stab at my own effort. Upon the ashes of the foiled NWO plan, we have the "opportunity" to craft something a bit different, something We get to participate in, rather than just riding along.

Thanks, particularly for helping in my use of the word "power" in relation to China. As you suggest, and I agree... China is not about projecting her "power", so much as it's about exercising what she has, and can well savvy for at least trying to feed her own. That kind of power in one respect, I find admirable at least for its apparent introspection. Wish my own country would consider such. So casting stones at China, for anything at this time, would be just plan stupid considering our own glass house.

Nicholas said below, "9/11 was done, to save the old world order."

It's a great phrase. But as for the rational of the old world order's NEED to perpetrate 9/11... I've long pinned THAT on a "failure of imagination".

So far, I can find at least one grand miscalculation on the part of the 9/11 planners, and one outright fantastic comedic tragedy. This HAS a happy ending... so far as I can see. At least for free people that is.

The miscalculation was in one hand pulled off just a half dozen years or so too late up against the technical maturity of the public at large, vs. another hand that couldn't be rushed any faster trying to place obstacles in front of human drive. They tried their best to get the playing pieces timed in order, and then found themselves stuck without an option. They HAD to do it after a curtain point of no return. The commitment and stakes was that of All In Poker.

In the spring of '02, I was convinced by my own research and the several comments of others... that if this was going to be uncovered by free people... the planners had critically failed to account for what the internet would become in such a short period of time... what it could remember, and how much more extensively people would use it in real communication, instead of just for porn and stocks.

The ultimate tragic drama, was the "failure of imagination". It has always been one of my favorite lines for the double meaning so many of the sound bites offered by this era insist upon hearing again for the stark truths buried within. People WILL be able to listen and learn from These Bastards for generations to come.

They, the bastard They, could not find people (ironically declining seas of volunteers), who could imagine an alternative in all the think tanks, back rooms, and board meetings that didn't include some major concession on the part of global elite needing to compromise away projected profits. A fools paradise of dreamt riches, so long as they could keep control of the tally stick, and the ironic entendre of a False Profit.

It was absolutely last minute. Otherwise it might have stuck deeper, longer. As it was 'pulled' at the very last minute, so to say... too many loose ends left within a burgeoning sea of young people stepping into technical gadgety pants their otherwise Masters thought they could keep up with. The Info-Police-Planet couldn't get its digits lined up quick enough and simultaneously failed by a red c-hair trying to dumb people down enough to pull the wool. Not that we're out of the woods yet, not by a long shot... but we've bested them at their own game, they know it... we know it... now I'd say it's just a matter of settling the score as calmly and quietly as people vs. elite deem prudent, and with as much grace she, humanity, can muster in times like these.

Submitted earlier, but re-edited.

GW, I like what you're asking of that theoretical person[s] who likely peak in on this civilian 911 study and justice effort. Quite possibly gauging for feedback or hedging on how such a person with genuine inside information might best reconcile with themselves. That would seem to me the necessary first step in turning their past complicity or active knowledgeable complacency, into something positive even after such a past participation in atrociousness.

Your China 'angle' as major factor in the elite's calculus, along with general xenophobia are the two components I would still develop. Greed for resource or nation state favoritism and religion, are still subsets subservient to the hierarchy of mass manipulation through xenophobia. Which is the weapon of choice used against general people by State-less elite irrespective their own time or place.

China has been the preeminent preoccupation and focus of western intelligence "fixation" looking at, and considering the potential of, China's "power". (See Nicolas below for more comment on China's "power" attitude.) Yet I worry that such a fixation by a self-cloistered IC has not shorted the alternative to conflictive power/resource analysis, that being, equitable earth power/resource synthesis. Something unprofitable for elite the world over. Myopic to a dangerous fault, if our Officialdom has been projecting its dangerous mis-leadership by example if indicated by Officialdom's disinterest in interdisciplinary education, honest prosperity, and spiritual peace.

But as added above, I does feel like the Elite version of NWO has been fatally wounded. Not dead, and currently NOT de-fanged yet either... cornered it might lash and swing... but definitely something free people will not soon allow to rome unhindered nor unwatched, now with a new eye for such dangers afoot.

this is a worthy essay

Which means attempt in French.

But I'm somewhere else and for me it all leads to a different answer:

Maintaining the global empire of capital against its own self-generated downfall for as long as it can last. No doubt rationalized by the planners of 9/11 and the global war as a necessity of achieving the greatest good for the greatest number of (western, white-identifying) people.

In detail that means:

Seizing the petroleum resource base directly as collateral to maintain the air-dollar's hegemony against a bubble-popping that will come anyway. Confronting a future of diminishing returns, depleting resources and ecological disaster on behalf of the super-rich in their fortified enclaves. (Many 9/11 truth heads have been conditioned to reject the science behind resource depletion but it's happening.)

Mobilizing the psychological reserves of the middle classes on behalf of perpetual war through shock, re-programming and fear. Enacting the transition from a polity based on carrot and stick to one relying nakedly on force. Following the stagnation of capitalist growth economics, ushering in the "new-new" economy of biometrics, nano, daily micro-war, surveillance and security, counter-insurgency and the reach for physical immortality by the lords and ladies of the world.

A reaction to the fear of worldwide democracy and capitalist economic failure by a multi-headed global spook octopus that has been anticipating this endgame for decades, and thus bringing it closer with each new attempt to control through covert operation.

A certain self-defeating but oft-brilliant analyst who's played a role as a vandal in the local news lately said it well:

False-flag (or call it shock doctrine) is class war by an oligarchy that resorts to this means of attack in the absence of other politically feasible alternatives.

Class war.

Not war of civilizations, that is the cover, and it's more flexible than you seem to admit.

China? You mean the manufacturing sector of the American/Western centered world economy? Please. Their system made its accommodation and integrated itself into the global system long ago. Almost as much a phantom as "Islam," a very big bogeyman with none of the designs on world domination falsely attributed to it. They're busy enough feeding themselves, man, they're not going to fight World War Six. They will be the last to sell their dollars, and I guarantee you the oil will not stop flowing to them long as they can pay. They are essential to the overall system for the labor and production they provide. Many other places will be cut off from the pipeline before China is expended, as far as the empire is concerned it is one of the most reliably functional pieces.

Israel? I know a lot of people here will react like tail-wagging felines to anyone who doesn't give that as the first, middle and last answer to all riddles, but it's an unruly colonial satrapy that is wagged at the Arab states just as much as it tries to wag back. A limb with its own ganglion, like many others, but a limb nevertheless. A reserve mercenary force for a good share of the dirtiest work, hence its reputation as some kind of superpower. The over-rated center of apocalyptist wet-dreams shared by a spectrum running from the true-bluest Zionist to the hairiest Jew hater.

"Christianity" and other fundamentalist religion? The wildcard, to be certain. The true-believing soldiers, some of them probably packing private nukes. But at the top as thoroughly a scam as ever invented. Absolutely no different from the drug lords. You think the popes and grandees and mullahs and TV bozos believe that shit?

Class war, General Washington. What you and your fellow founders waged on your own people and on all those less lucky, from 1786 forward, out of fear it would one day be waged on you.

And it is being fought back - just not in this doped-up country of money junkies and lonely voyeurs. Want to know where the empire is being challenged politically? Look no further than the countries to your south. The ones so many 9/11 heads have now been conditioned to view as the foot-soldiers of a fictional plan for world empire that they think will be toppling the real-existing world empire that they cannot see.

You want to know why 9/11 was done? To save the Old World Order.


"Truth is not measured in mass appeal."


"You want to know why 9/11 was done? To save the Old World Order."

I don't get this "New world order" thing. What new world order? It is exactly the same Anglo-American-Jewish power elite now that has run the US since long time back.

They did 911 to keep the power and grab even more of the resources.

The Lord of the Flies

Great thread. Valid points all around.

For my part, I think it is a major mistake to view the neocons as freakish aberration. This line of thinking is endemic amongst 911 truthers, yet the Straussians are merely the logical extension of liberal theory (I use the term “liberal” not in the modern sense of “social progressive” but as an expression of the classical liberalism of Hobbes and Locke).

The essence of Straussian theory is elitism. I think we can all agree on that.

“Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed,” he once wrote. “Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people.”

A bizarre, self-defeating statement with no basis in reality (or at least anthropology), yet it is the defining characteristic of all statist philosophies. Including that of the “Founding Fathers” (saving Jefferson, perhaps).

So we find Woodrow Wilson arguing that “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and themselves to perform specific difficult, manual tasks.” And John Dewey that the "more intelligent members of the community” must maintain dominance because "the common interests elude public opinion entirely". Or John Jay that the “people who own the country ought to govern to it”. Or Liberal scholar Walter Lipmann that the “masses” are “'ignorant and mentally deficient.” Or Trostsky that “The working class cannot be left wandering all over Russia. They must be thrown here and there, appointed, commanded, just like soldiers.” Or Hitler that “We fight against the idea of numbers and the delirium of the masses. We want to see those who are superior take the reins of government in their hands.”

Or George Washington that “Mankind left to themselves are unfit for their own government."

So no, the Straussians are not an aberration. They are the natural extension of classical liberal doctrine. Ideas such as original sin, natural discord and the “pre-social” individual, the necessity of hierarchy and the primacy of the state are the foundation upon which Strauss built his deranged theories. They derive as much from John Locke and Hobbes as Hitler and Mussolini.

I think the motives outlined by GW (protecting Israel, containing China etc.) are real. As Bakunin bluntly put it: “The state must devour lest it be devoured, conquer lest it be conquered, enslave lest it be enslaved, since two powers, similar and yet alien to each other, could not coexist without mutual destruction.” After the collapse of the Soviet Union the United States was presented with an irresistible opportunity to expand her power ten-fold.

But these geopolitical machinations are a symptom of something deeper. They’re a symptom of the very simple idea that elites have the right – in fact the duty – to corral the “bewildered herd” and to manifest destiny in the name of “civilization”. At its heart it is based on the same weapon elites use against the “common” man: fear. Fear of real democracy, fear that one's host state will diminish in power in relation to others, fear of the “mob” threatening to make things equitable and just. It’s the same fear that plagued the “founding fathers”. And it’s a fear that we have to overcome.

The motive for 911 was, in fact, incredibly simple. The goal, as Brzezinski put it, was was to keep "the barbarians from coming together" and prevent "anarchy".

"'Incapacity of the masses.' What a tool for all exploiters and dominators, past present and future, and especially for the modern aspiring enslavers, whatever their insignia … Nazism, Bolshevism, Fascism, or Communism. 'Incapacity of the masses.' This is a point on which reactionaries of all colors are in perfect agreement… and this agreement is exceedingly significant."
- Voline

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Some good points

Danse, I question both, the sometimes-exclusive focus on the "neocons," and the identification of them with an obscure philosophy professor who died in 1973 (which I believe are related and mistaken). I believe this serves to obscure how the present policies are the predictable results of the ruling system operating over decades - for example of Pentagon, Incorporated.

The constantly cited Strauss quotes (if even in context) are, as you point out, unremarkable in the broader context of statist, "Machiavellian" or "realist" ideology that is widespread at the academies,think tanks and foreign policy agencies. This strain of thought runs through many centuries and iterations. The point for me is that intellectuals are always available to provide rationalizations for the policies that the powerful are going to want to pursue because of the logic of power. That doesn't change the logic of power, or the fact that the powerful will do what they do and stick whatever justification on it seems best. To focus on the intellectuals as the causative factor often gives them too much credit.

Further, I see about zero evidence for Strauss's supposed direct influence on the present crop of neocon officials and intellectuals, and certainly not for labeling them "Straussians." Strauss wrote essays about Plato, not a political program, at most you can blame him for an attitude, but most of the neocons never had anything to him.

Meanwhile, at Strauss's university itself there was a professor, Wohlstetter, who as a RAND fellow basically wrote the nuclear strategy for the Pentagon through several decades of evolution, and who provided the rationale for Team B and the late-1970s Committee on the Present Danger (window of vulnerability, missile gap, vote Reagan-Bush). These groups were the actual coming together of those whom you now label neocons and Straussians. Wohlstetter was also Paul Wolfowitz's thesis adviser and he supposedly disliked Strauss. To speak of "Wohlstetterians" would be accurate, and would shift focus from some mystic on the sidelines (who died early) to a scion of the Pentagon's intellectual mainstream.

The neocons are not a rogue influence. The vast Pentagon system would function to produce similar results without them.

"Truth is not measured in mass appeal."

Wohlstetter? What about Milton Friedman?

We also have Milton Friedman from the same university I believe. None can deny that this man had an enormous influence both on ideology and implemented policy.
I read somewhere, that what Thatcher and Reagan did in their privatization campaigns. Rumsfeld did to the Pentagon. With known results.

I think that there is one new important feature with the Neo-cons. They are out in the open, they are not hidden. They are producing policies in think-tanks and public forums and implement these policies on Government. This means that they need a ideology, a justification. Even if it is just an ornament. Straussian philosophy seems to have filled that function.

To make a natural analogy, often done. Is to compare with the situation during the JFK assassination. In those days they were hidden in security agencies and in the military industrial complex. No need for any fancy ideology. Just murder in cold blood.

Pardon, my limited English.

Thank you for the fantastic comments.

This is obviously a first attempt to brainstorm about how to reach those covering up 9/11. Some excellent points made, and good criticisms of my hypotheses.

I would argue to Nicholas, by the way, that while China is NOW a valuable capitalist trading partner to the U.S., the hard-core miliItary hawks are foreseeing a military confrontation with China IN 20 YEARS. Reason? China will then be a superpower, challenging the U.S. for supremacy.

The Chinese are not crazies. They are very pragmatic. But they will be very powerful, and the "New American Century" will be threatened by their power.

My 2 cents, anyway.


The U.S. military hawks have been planning out war scenarios with everyone in the world (including Canada) since World War I at the latest.

Chinese are not crazies, very pragmatic. Therefore they know themselves they will never be a world-spanning superpower in the same way as America, once it declines away from that status. Their rulers, i.e. the Party, are concerned with maintaining their power in a 3000-year-old empire, feeding their 1.5 billion people and industrializing on the Manchester path (with a lot of forced-labor on the Nazi model). Not having been party to imperial hubris, they understand better than the U.S. that the spread of military technology is going to end the possibility of anyone dominating the earth, and allow only destruction. In 20 years, they will be confronting the same deadly ecological disaster that has already begun today.

To the U.S./global elite, China is an essential and reliable piece of the system. Again, it's the primary manufacturing sector for U.S. consumption, and other than industrializing has accumulated nothing but dollars in the process. You see them trying to dump all of their dollars? Good luck, they're likelier to adopt the currency.

It's important to the U.S./global elites and militarists to control the ME oil sources for Chinese production, but again, everyone else not in the West and maybe even Europe will be cut off from that flow before China is ever considered expendable.

The serial war strategy of the neocons is going to fail long before it gets around to the feverishly imagined final playoff with China for all the marbles in 30 years.

This isn't to say that an attack on Iran won't snowball into global nuclear war involving everyone, of course, but: Why hasn't China moved to expose 9/11 in the way that genuinely threatened states like Iran, Venezuela and Cuba have done?

China is a party to the global elite consensus.

"Truth is not measured in mass appeal."

NIcholas, you might be right, BUT ...

the Saudis are one of the neocons' biggest allies right now. But many neocons have called for Iran, Syria THEN SAUDI ARABIA as far as middle east wars.

So our allies today might only be short-term allies, no?