Busted: 9/11 News Bias


A YouTube video called "Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions" contains an interesting internal memo from Fox News headquarters. The memo, dated March 23, 2004, says:

"The so-called 9/11 Commission has already been meeting. In fact, this is its eighth session. The fact that former Clinton and both former and current Bush administration officials are testifying gives it a certain tension, but this is not 'what did he know and when did he know it' stuff. Don't turn this into Watergate"

A screenshot of the memo (from 5:25 into the video) is below.

It is clear (especially within the context of the other memos presented in the video) that Fox headquarters was essentially instructing its reporters to stay away from reporting anything controversial about 9/11. The memo constitutes evidence that Fox reporters were ordered not to mention that:

(1) It was obvious that the administration knew more than enough to stop the 9/11 attacks (that is -- in the words of the Watergate prosecutors -- Bush and Cheney knew a lot, and they knew it before the attacks started)

(2) The Commission wanted to interview Bush and Cheney, but they would only testify if they could be interviewed jointly, and if they were not under oath

(3) The investigation of 9/11 was important, because the government's story made no sense

While you might think that Fox News is an especially-biased news source, this is really just business as usual in terms of media coverage of 9/11.

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Two great finds

Two great finds by George Washington

"The so-called 9/11 Commission has already been meeting. In fact, this is its eighth session. The fact that former Clinton and both former and current Bush administration officials are testifying gives it a certain tension, but this is not 'what did he know and when did he know it' stuff. Don't turn this into Watergate."

"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse".

“We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality."

Taking small victories and pushing them into large successes.

How we can defeat these assholes is of utmost importance. If it is riding this Bill Maher thing out until his side gives. Or if it means compiling all of this information into a air tight sealed court case, including this memo by Fox News. Whatever it takes we must do it. Collectively we can have quite an impact on the internet as we've seen. and Individually we have influence in our community and neighborhood. Let's use all available resources to put this out of our misery and into the public spotlight. Hopefully it works. The consequences are too dire to be considered if we don't.

I always did find that particularly fascinating

I suppose the real question is, who crafted the memo and what exactly did they mean by the "Don't turn this into Watergate" comment.

Interpreting it is speculative, but one could make an argument that the phrase does suggest a strong connotation (denotation?) for what you suggest.

One of the things that is problematic with 9/11 Blogger is that editorial opinion and factual essays are intermingled, and without notation as to which is which. Sometimes it is obvious which is which, and sometimes it is not. Sometimes people seem to mix and match within the same post. (often unintentionally, imo) Which is partly the nature of the beast, I suppose.

Overall, as blog posters and repliers, although there are obvious "problems", I still think we do pretty well.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent, Principle Investigator, Forensic 9/11ologist

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. — Abraham Lincoln

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. — Robert Heinlein