WIRED Magazine is looking for user-submitted conspiracy theories

WIRED magazine, in the new issue, ran a story about conspiracy theories. Naturally they mentioned 9/11 in the way you'd expect a mainstream publication to mention it:

The US Government Was Behind 9/11
Or Jews. Or Jews in the US government. The documentary Loose Change claimed to find major flaws in the official story — like the dearth of plane debris at the site of the Pentagon blast and that jet fule alone could never vaporize a whole 757. Judge for yourself: After Popular Mechanics debunked the theory, the magazine's editors faced off with proponents in a debate, available on YouTube.

Fortunately, they give readers an opportunity to submit new conspiracy theories. So why not submit the theory that we all can probably agree is the wildest - that 19 Arabs took down the world's superpower.

I'm not going to link to the URL to give them this website in their server's referrer logs. Just go to wired.com, click "Read Magazine" in the site menu, then click "THE BEST: CONSPIRACY THEORIES" in the upper sidebar.

Let's give WIRED some really wild theories!

(As a subscriber, I'm going to write a flippant letter to the editor....)



Here's my submission:

Non-Theory, Just Facts About the Psy-Op On 9/11/01
by Joe
CNN REPORTS: Bin Laden Denies Involvement Sept 16, 2001 http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.binladen.denial/
North Tower Northeast Corner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZeaW4ybejs
http://www.ae911truth.org/ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
The Sept. 11 Records http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC...
118 Firemen/First Responders report "bombs" or "explosions"

Here's My More Recent Addition

Tin-Foil Hat Crowd thinks Bldg 7 Was Demolished By Explosives
by Anonymous

This Video debunks their assertions:

Here are some others

Go there and post!

911 Commission.
by Psyzygy

A group of 19 Islamic Terrorists organised by a man in a cave managed to hijack 4 passenger airliners with craft knives & fly 3 of them into high profile targets. (This is obviously an ironic post.) As a consequence, 2 planes vaporised & 3 steel structured buildings collapsed due to fire killing thousands of people, giving an excuse for an endless war, invasion of the Middle East and terrorism on a global scale.

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911 Commission Report is the Real Consipracy
by John McLoran

They never even asked why the World Trade Center Building Number 7 fell when it was never hit! Also, fire fighters heard "boom boom boom" which they said is what you hear when charges are blown to cut steel beams in a demolition. And it came down in 6 seconds...Hmmm 911truth.org

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Post 9/11 Anthrax & Beltway Sniper Attacks, An Inside Job?
by Aidan Monaghan

During the 2001 Capitol Hill debate of the Patriot Act, senate opponents were mailed anthrax made in a U.S. army lab.

During Capitol Hill's debate of White House plans to wage war in Iraq, a gunman claiming to be a CIA sharpshooter kills 9, injures 11 & misses 1 (9/11/01) during the longest pause in his spree, in the Wash. DC area.

Were these shootings a sequel to the 2001 anthrax attacks, to intimidate Wash. into cooperating White House Iraq war plans?

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Tin-Foil Hat Crowd thinks Bldg 7 Was Demolished By Explosives
by Anonymous

This Video debunks their assertions: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5712953049463929480

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Pax Vatica
by Kevin Estes

Having lost all credibility ,the remnants of the Roman Empire re-branded itself as the Roman Catholic Church ,using the icon of Jesus as its front man. It changed its mode of operation from military aggression to psychological and monetary control.

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Kennedy Assasination
by gw

Sirhan Sirhan and George W. Bush were on the grassy knoll when JFK was shot

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by John Doraemi

"The process of (military) transformation is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a New Pearl Harbor."

Bush warned: Genoa G8 Al Qaeda attack scenario, Bush moved out of hotel, missiles installed around Genoa.

Then on 9/11 he sits there. No securing the president. Stalls for time. 30 min later, Pentagon is hit in "Act of war."

The Facts of 9/11: http://crimesofthestate.blogspot.com/2007/02/no-george-monbiot-these-are...

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Non-Theory, Just Facts About the Psy-Op On 9/11/01
by Joe

CNN REPORTS: Bin Laden Denies Involvement Sept 16, 2001 http://archives.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.binladen.denial/

North Tower Northeast Corner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZeaW4ybejs

http://www.ae911truth.org/ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

The Sept. 11 Records http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/html/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC...

118 Firemen/First Responders report "bombs" or "explosions"

4 1

FDR Knew about Pearl Harbor
by Dietrich

Google: "FDR Knew" "Pearl Harbor" First is Journal of International Review, a a scholarly journal, wherein author Stinnett proves that FDR not only knew Pearl was to be bombed, but indeed provoked the Japanese into bombing it.

Read the interview, check out the book and the documents in the appendices, and ask yourself if elements of the US government could either allow or perpetrate 9/11.

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US Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated on 10/25/02
by david aktins

Paul Wellstone along with his wife and daughter were brought down in small plane over northern Minnesota. The Bush family hated him, and the candidate they supported won the election a 11 days later. Read this: American Assassination: The Strange Death Of Senator Paul Wellstone by Jim H. Fetzer

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US Gov't had some info on 9/11 and didn't act quickly enough
by daddy4mak

I guess that's not REALLY a conspiracy theory...it's a fact. Bush received a document with the headline "Bin Laden poised to attack the US" and Bush's response "OK, fine...you did your CYA"

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