How Dare You?

Neoliberal sock puppet Bill Clinton, confronted by 9/11 activists who stated the obvious -- that 9/11 was an inside job -- responded

"An inside job? How dare you. How dare you. It was not an inside job."

Well, sir, as the leading spokesperson for the neolib branch of the imperial war party, let me ask this of you:

The Oklahoma City bombing was carried out -- and covered up -- on your watch.

How dare you?

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing, where the FBI had penetrated the cell which carried out the 1993 world trade center bombing, but -- at the last minute -- canceled the plan to have its FBI infiltrator substitute fake power for real explosives, against the infiltrator's strong wishes, was carried out -- and covered up -- on your watch.

How dare you?

As the commander in chief during two of the worst false flag attacks on American soil, how dare you attempt to now try to cover up the crimes of 9/11?

9/11 may have been carried out on the watch of the neocon branch of the false flag party, but it must have been planned years in advance, by both the "left" and "right" faces of that party. Indeed, the need for false flag attacks to justify military adventures in the Middle East was openly hinted at while Clinton was still in office by Jimmy Carter's neoliberal national security advisor.

yeah, i posted this link

yeah, i posted this link here about 2 hours ago but it didnt show up.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA





Especially considering that only a fraction was spent investigating 9/11 of that spent investigating his fellatio on the job.

Best wishes

Where is the video with Bill Clinton and the 911 activites ?

Please where is the video with Bill Clinton and the 911 activites ?
Merci John

Clinton encounter video should be out by the weekend...

Here's a 24 second video of him being "sincere" - while you're waiting...

Clinton, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...

Link :


Best wishes

Here's a little bit of video

Here's a little bit of video coverage:

right hand, left hand

"Inside job" term not very useful.

Do you see how useless it is to yell "inside job?"

They say "No it wasn't." End of discussion. You've gotten nothing out of them, whatsoever.

Yes it was. No it wasn't. Yes it was. No it wasn't.

He's still the very popular former president. People side with him and his ilk.

You COULD have taken a very valuable opportunity to put him on the spot about myriad complex issues, that he can't just respond to in 3 words.


Michael Sheuer, head of the CIA "Bin Laden Unit" during your term has said that they had Bin Laden's location pinpointed "10 times", yet you never approved a strike on him. That was after Bin Laden had declared "war" on the US in 1998. Why didn't you allow the CIA or the military to go after Osama Bin Laden?

There are many other uncomfortable issues for Bill. "Inside job" isn't one of them. They have a wall of agreement across the political and media spectrum. Everyone who says "inside job" is a "nut job."

We need to outflank them, not go directly head to head. You'll lose.

Bill Clinton - His Life


Shame on you Mr. Clinton. Shame on you sir.
"Cogito ergo sum"

from "25 Tactics of Truth

from "25 Tactics of Truth Suppresion":

"2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used to show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare you!" gambit."

Clinton is well schooled but entirely predictable.

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson

Ultimately, the "Truth"

Ultimately, the "Truth" Movement is not about 9/11. It is not about demonizing Republicans or even "neocons". It is about making possible a political reality based upon TRUTH. It is about not allowing atrocities like this to go unexposed and unpunished. "Elites" complicit in such crimes will naturally protect one another, no matter the letter after their names.

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson