Borders Accidentally Put This in Non-Fiction

Borders Accidentally Put This in Non-Fiction

We were rearranging books in Borders in Flemington, New Jersey

Absolutely priceless

Absolutely priceless picture...worth more than a thousand words...hilarious...and IS 9/11 TRUTH to the nth degree!


Great idea. Well done. Hilarious ;-)


for putting a smile on my face at the end of a long day : )

The answer to 1984 is 1776!
(Gold, Oil, and Drugs)

Good one....

Truth in advertising, and all that.

Great work!

I've often placed David Griffin's "Omissions and Distortions" right next to the official book, or even in front of it, but this might be an even better idea! Nice work, comrades!!

The 9/11 Commission Report

I placed pieces of paper inside the book with relevant websites and a brief message; ‘this book is filled with lies.’