Embezzled Money Is Used to Pay Insurance Claims
It is a well kept secret that insurance companies are not required to account for the source of money to pay claims. The relationship between 9/11 and insurance industry money laundering needs further investigation by researchers who have more time and resources than I do.
Larry Silverstein's settlement for the WTC destruction of 9/11 was fraudulent. He received much more than the appraised value of the buildings. Why did the insurance companies not prosecute Silverstein for fraud? It wasn't insurance company money used to pay the settlement. http://www.911blogger.com/node/8886
No regulatory agency oversees that insurance claims are actually paid with insurance company money. Insurance companies accept embezzled money to pay claims. The embezzled money cannot be traced back to its original source.
Here is a documented example. From: http://www.mackwhite.com/Yogurt1.html
"Of all the days, of all the almost 3000 days that had passed since these girls murders, APD chose the hour after a San Antonio jury convicted the Brice group of fraud. $20 million disappeared during the same time frame that the $12 million 'insurance' settlement appeared. [Eric Moebius is referring to the settlement for the families of four girls murdered at Brice Food’s I Can’t Believe Its Yogurt store]
"And this so-called settlement has always been suspect. Extremely suspect. What insurance company pays for the criminal conduct of third parties? How was Brice Foods responsible? There was no 'murderer in hand.' As a result, no one act or omission could be identified as having 'caused' the murders. There is no insurance liability, no causation."
Life insurance proceeds are not immune from the money laundering scheme.
"FM Properties, an entity represented by [Lawyer M] of Austin, has experienced the murders of 26 of its employees in Indonesia, with all murders taking place on FM sites or being conducted in trucks or shipping containers owned by FM Properties. Even these murders can be 'insured' here in Texas, allowing money to be downloaded through death claims that take place half a world away."
2.3 trillion was missing from the Dept of Defense before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld claimed the records were destroyed in the 9/11 Pentagon attack. One way this money could have disappeared without a trace is through insurance claims.
From, The Bar, Insurance Fraud and Murder by Eric Moebius:
”If anyone thinks these reserve fraud transactions are a once in a while event, they are tragically mistaken. Reserve fraud is an industry and it has taken a firm grip in both the state and federal courts. The amount of capital flowing through these reserve fraud schemes may soon dwarf the capital that disappeared through the S&L crisis. Reserve fraud creates a huge and spiraling demand for pirated catastrophic injury claims and explains why the Texas State Bar is so well organized at the state and county hospitals where it is illegally picking up referrals of severely injured patients. .... But add to this tragedy the fact that there is an enormous body of evidence that conclusively demonstrates that this almost insatiable demand for the catastrophic claim has resulted in the use of intentionally induced catastrophic claims; intentional injuries and murders conducted through the use of over-insured vehicles or on overinsured premises. As a result, we are seeing multiple arsons and multiple murders.”
9/11 was a case multiple arsons and multiple murders on a grand scale. The World Trade Center Towers were over insured.
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Untraced Money source of much...
of what is wrong with America. This is an area anyone with a moral compass, should be looking into, unfortunately, it's a dull tedious job!
I believe, your observation is, right on. Money laundering pads profits and the money often isn't legitimate. I suspect it's not only insurance companies and corporations, but our government as well. CIA has habitually dealt in drugs to finance black ops. I believe, it proved so lucrative that it's become an end, itself.
...don't believe them!
harassment and coercion of this truther
The following statement is subject to misinterpretation and is retracted: "PS. This is a warning to the big guys out there. There is a snuff film market to see you killed in a moment of passion. Be careful. "
Russ Hallberg
Russell Kurt Hallberg Jr
I received the following emails in response to an article I wrote and posted: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2008/03/18/18486560.php?printable=true
The article is included, after the emails. My middle name is Kurt, the name used until I turned 18. I might also note it has been my intention to use my real name and not be incognito. If I suffer a similar fate as the prime defense witness, deceased, before the Yogurt Shop Murders trial, so be it.
Like David Ray Griffin’s, 9/11 Contradictions, conflicting statements are evidence of guilt. Can you find my implicit or explicit threat in the article? Denial of 9/11 truth certainly proclaims whose side “B Goree” is on. Why is she a member of the same web groups I am, since I am a 9/11 Truth activist and she is on the other side?
I am very proud of what is referred to as my “fear mongering” last August. That refers to my opposition to Operation Noble Resolve here in Portland, Oregon. Apparently, my sister believes awareness of false flag operations is some sort of delusion.
Here is a final message to my sister, who is sure to be reading this. You are now dealing with the global 9/11 truth community. You are not in Texas, anymore.
B Goree
Hello there,
I sincerely hope you are happy and doing well. However, I have to take you to task yet again for posting threats against us on the internet. In your latest posts regarding insurance claim money laundering you have included threatening material.
I realize you have believed this disgusting BS about your own family being somehow involved with murders in Texas, attempts to include you on some vast worldwide scheme, and 9/11 for such a long time that you have brainwashed yourself to accept it as fact. I don't even try to make you see reality anymore. Just know that no one in your family has ever done any of the things you accuse us of. We are not wealthy and we don't want to run your life.
Kurt, really, I know you have been happy and active in the Portland OR area for a long time. I have always made a point of googling you or looking you up on other search engines since we parted ways. It's easy to find you and your activities on the web and learn all about the Ben Franklin persona, the "They can rot in jail" fiasco, and your fear-mongering during August of last year, among other stuff. I keep up with your blogs and am a member of the same web groups as you. I don't care what you do, actually, but you can't make threats to harm people without being willing to accept the consequences, including my calling an attorney and even the police if you continue to threaten us.
I am real sorry to burst whatever illusion you may have had about being incognito there.
Your sister,
Russ Hallberg:
I have never made any threats. You have misinterpreted my statements to suit your agenda. I have been a nonviolent person my entire life. I registered for the draft as a conscientious objector.
Apparently, my latest post had the desired result. I never want to hear from you again. You make me puke.
B Goree wrote:
Kurt here's whaty you wrote: "PS. This is a warning to the big guys out there. There is a snuff film market to see you killed in a moment of passion. Be careful." This is plenty for anyone to see it as a threat. Online threats are no joke.
Russ Hallberg wrote:
I was warning guys to be careful. That means keep it zipped rather than take chances. In no way was I advocating violence. Only an evil mind like yours would see it any other way. It appears you don't want me to expose the danger to big guys. Must be a big industry!
I will always remain positive in my hope for humanity's future. Nonviolent movements like 9/11 truth and effective free energy will overcome the clutches of evil. I place you in the latter category. I will always advocate nonviolence.
I hope this is good bye. I do not want to hear from you again. There is nothing you can do to change my point of view.
U.S. | Global Justice and Anti-Capitalism
Insurance Claim Money Laundering
by Russ Hallberg Jr
Tuesday Mar 18th, 2008 1:48 PM
Money laundering by the insurance industry. Opinion based upon personal experience and research. Traffic fatalities meet an annual quota through staged accidents.
Russ Hallberg Jr
This article is the result of my own research and personal experience. It is to be considered personal opinion.
I have been exposed to insurance claim money laundering schemes my entire 54 years. I did not comprehend the mechanism until I read published interviews with former Texas Assistant Attorney General, Eric Moebius. The best interview material with Eric Moebius is located at: http://www.MackWhite.com/Yogurt1.html (Thanks, Mack!) The following article is corroborated by statements from Eric Moebius.
The Quota System
The mechanism of insurance claim money laundering is two fold. First, insurance companies’ premium rates are based upon claims history. What you pay for your mandatory automobile liability insurance is based upon the claims history of drivers in your class. The state insurance commissioners determine the rates.
Relatively stable claims records are in the financial interests of the insurance companies. Wide variations in annual claims payouts would create chaos. Imagine your automobile insurance premiums doubling one year, then dropping by 75% the next!
Automobile accident rates remain relatively stable from year to year. This particularly applies to fatalities. I was told of a quota system regarding accident fatalities. Suicidal individuals are coerced to make the ultimate sacrifice, ensuring the future prosperity of their beneficiaries. These are often young men, increasing the value of the claim by “years of future earnings lost.”
Amateur race car drivers are solicited to participate in staged accidents. These involve both fatalities and personal injury. Personal injury accidents are used to bring unwilling subjects into the “system”.
The quota system applies to health and casualty insurance. Many cases of arson are not prosecuted and are willingly covered up by insurance adjusters. Job security.
Mutual insurance companies are regulated only by the state insurance commissioners. The insurance commissioners are charged with making certain claims are paid and the insurance companies are financially stable. Mutual insurance companies are owned by the policy holders. By law, premiums paid in excess of claims are to be returned to the policy holders at the end of the year or applied to next year’s premiums. Have you ever received a significant refund from your insurance company? The actual practice is to “dump” excess premiums into overpaid, fraudulent claims.
Contingency Reserve Account Money Laundering
Mutual insurance companies are not included in money laundering regulation. It is only assumed that money used to pay claims comes from the premiums of policyholders. This creates an opportunity to launder money from organized crimes with low operating expenses, like embezzlement.
For example, you may be involved in an automobile accident. The other party was clearly at fault. Your insurance company will create a contingency reserve account to pay your claim. The contingency reserve account covers the maximum expected payout for the claim, including legal expenses. You may receive a $5000 settlement for your claim, while the contingency reserve account held $25,000.
A friend who worked an insurance office told me about finding two contingency reserve accounts for the same claim. When he asked his boss about this oddity, he was told “We don’t talk about that.”
In “The Yogurt Shop Murders” at MackWhite.com, the victims’ families were awarded nineteen million dollars. Twelve million disappeared from the accounts of the Yogurt Shop holding company that same day. The money could only be applied to an insurance settlement check through a clandestine, illegal transfer of money.
These illegal transfers of money into contingency reserve and insurance claim accounts happen every day, in my opinion. There is no regulatory agency “minding the store”.
Eric Moebius and I also believe there is a multiplier affect to contingency account money laundering. The contingency reserve account may be used as a conduit, allowing dirty money to pass through the account with no trace of its origin. Without regulation and auditory oversight of the accounts, anything is possible. The $25,000 contingency reserve account may be open for a couple of years before you receive your $5000 settlement. $250,000 in dirty money may have passed through the account during that time.
How dirty is this money? The killers were on site at the Yogurt Shop Murders for 47 minutes. The victims were four attractive teenage girls. The autopsies revealed three of the victims were sexually active, or raped, at the time of their deaths. This would have been a very valuable film, in the snuff movie market I am well aware of.
PS. This is a warning to the big guys out there. There is a snuff film market to see you killed in a moment of passion. Be careful.
9/11 and Insurance Claim Money Laundering
The insurance money paid to Larry Silverstein was not from the vaults of the insurance companies! Embezzled money can be transferred into contingency reserve accounts.
It is a well kept secret that insurance companies are not required to account for the source of money to pay claims. That is a hole you could drive a caravan of trucks through! I am personally aware of a quota system. Insurance rates are based upon claims. The rates and claims remain relatively stable from year to year. There is a quota system for claims, including traffic fatalities.
The relationship between 9/11 and insurance industry money laundering may be a key factor. Larry Silverstein's settlement for the WTC destruction of 9/11 was fraudulent. He received much more than the appraised value of the buildings. Why did the insurance companies not prosecute Silverstein for fraud? It wasn't insurance company money used to pay the settlement. http://www.911blogger.com/node/8886
No regulatory agency confirms that insurance claims are actually paid with insurance company money. Insurance companies accept embezzled money to pay claims. The embezzled money cannot be traced back to its original source.
Here is a documented example. From: http://www.mackwhite.com/Yogurt1.html
"Of all the days, of all the almost 3000 days that had passed since these girls murders, APD chose the hour after a San Antonio jury convicted the Brice group of fraud. $20 million disappeared during the same time frame that the $12 million 'insurance' settlement appeared. [Eric Moebius is referring to the settlement for the families of four girls murdered at Brice Food’s I Can’t Believe Its Yogurt store]
"And this so-called settlement has always been suspect. Extremely suspect. What insurance company pays for the criminal conduct of third parties? How was Brice Foods responsible? There was no 'murderer in hand.' As a result, no one act or omission could be identified as having 'caused' the murders. There is no insurance liability, no causation."
Life insurance proceeds are not immune from the money laundering scheme.
"FM Properties, an entity represented by [Lawyer M] of Austin, has experienced the murders of 26 of its employees in Indonesia, with all murders taking place on FM sites or being conducted in trucks or shipping containers owned by FM Properties. Even these murders can be 'insured' here in Texas, allowing money to be downloaded through death claims that take place half a world away."
2.3 trillion was missing from the Dept of Defense before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld claimed the records were destroyed in the 9/11 Pentagon attack. This money could have disappeared without a trace through insurance claims.
From, The Bar, Insurance Fraud and Murder by Eric Moebius:
”If anyone thinks these reserve fraud transactions are a once in a while event, they are tragically mistaken. Reserve fraud is an industry and it has taken a firm grip in both the state and federal courts. The amount of capital flowing through these reserve fraud schemes may soon dwarf the capital that disappeared through the S&L crisis. Reserve fraud creates a huge and spiraling demand for pirated catastrophic injury claims and explains why the Texas State Bar is so well organized at the state and county hospitals where it is illegally picking up referrals of severely injured patients. .... But add to this tragedy the fact that there is an enormous body of evidence that conclusively demonstrates that this almost insatiable demand for the catastrophic claim has resulted in the use of intentionally induced catastrophic claims; intentional injuries and murders conducted through the use of over-insured vehicles or on overinsured premises. As a result, we are seeing multiple arsons and multiple murders.”
9/11 was a case multiple arsons and multiple murders on a grand scale. The World Trade Center Towers were over insured.