E-mail from Brave New Films' Robert Greenwald. - On our way to an investigation! The REAL Rudy: Radios
On our way to an investigation!
Dear activists, colleagues and friends,
We are beyond thrilled to announce that as a result of your efforts on The REAL Rudy: Radios, Councilman Eric Gioia has committed to "do everything in my power to get answers, to get the truth. There needs to be accountability."
Never say never! We worked, we investigated, we fought, and now we're well on our way to an investigation. Councilman Gioia was so taken with the video and all of our signatures (20,000!) that he sat down and explained to us what is going to happen next:
Watch the video: http://therealrudy.org/radios?utm_source=rgemail
With the councilman's support, we can hold Giuliani accountable for his failure to equip firefighters with radios that could have saved lives on 9/11, and get answers to these questions:
Why was nothing done to improve FDNY radio performance for seven years after a clear need was demonstrated in the 1993 World Trade Center attack?
When new radios were finally ordered, why did the city award a contract to Motorola without a competitive bidding process?
Once Motorola was given the contract, why did its cost jump from $1.4 million to $14 million?
Why were these new radios never field tested?
No, this is not the answer to the distortions of Rudy Giuliani's campaign and administration. This is just the beginning.
But it is a helluva start!
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Films team
P.S. You can also watch as we delivered your 20,000 petitions here: http://bravenewfilms.org/blog/17536-nyc-councilman-calls-for-investigation-of-giuliani-s-performance-re-9-11?utm_source=rg...
P.P.S. Thanks for all the t-shirt designs and ideas you sent in for the Brave New Threads contest. Check them out and vote on your favorites... we'll be making and selling your favorites in a few short weeks. http://store.bravenewfilms.org/threads.php?utm_source=rgemail
Brave New Films is located at 10510 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 and info@bravenewfilms.org. To stop receiving new videos from us, click here.
Ask him to cover the 911 Truth & Justice Movement.
Pls Politely Petition him to cover Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth! - www.ae911truth.org
Also www.patriotsquestion911.com should receive his attention and documentary media coverage.
Check out his EXCELLENT Films : http://www.robertgreenwald.org/docs.php
Read his bio :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Greenwald
He is a Serious Media Journalist, Film-Maker & Activist whose SUPPORT We COULD DO WITH.
- constitutional911's blog
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Maybe CHANGE New York would be interested in a non-confrontational delivery to Councilman Eric Gioia of a couple more documentary films and books. If I only had poll......
"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."(NIS)
this is a good thing. The one question i have is this. Has this guy looked into ALL the unanswered questions on 9/11 or just the radio's?
The one question id like answered from this ex mayor is....Who the hell told you the towers were going to collapse?
Pls send him some politely worded e-mails
He is aware of the war-profiteering. From the 911 Wars.
Just watch his documentaries especially Iraq for Sale & UnCovered, OutFoxed, UnConstitutional etc.
I believe he is based in Los Angeles / California area.
I do hope WeAreChangeLA considers approaching him with the very credible facts from AE911truth.org.
Some of his team members from Brave New Films are aware of 911 truth.
We need to contact him, his organization and seriously, seriously, seriously urge him to start documenting the 911 TRUTH AND JUSTICE Movement.
Let's be proffesional when we approach him.
I would strongly urge ABSOLUTELY NO "space beams, no-planers etc."
Just solid FACTs. -
Let's ROLL 911 TRUTHERS!!!
It's time to RAISE THE BAR and EFFECT Massive Political Change as we head to a Critical Election Year.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at
Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or co
Demand an investigation into the real reasons the twin towers fell
Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Demand an investigation into the real reasons the twin towers fell
This special one click action page is brought to you by OpEdNews.com and The People's Email Network (P.E.N.). It will submit your personal message on the issue above to your local daily newspaper as a Letter to the Editor as determined by your address, as well as to both of your senators and your house representative if you like all at once. You can even select exactly who you want your message to go to.
Nothing is transmitted but your own inputs as entered into this form, together with the position statement above in red for the congressional recipients. For members of Congress you can use this form even if you have nothing additional you want say on the subject, as an expression of your stand on the issue. But even if you have just a few personal words of your own it will greatly increase your impact, and only select the newspaper option if you have something you want to add to the public discourse and want your comments considered for publication.
Please take just a couple minutes to tell the world what you think about what is going on in our country, and you can easily invite all your friends to speak out as well with one click. Even if you don't think your particular representatives would agree with your position it is important for them to hear from you
Agreed, that is a fantastic action page..
I love the one-stop action that contacts Congress and your nearest newspaper. I send everyone I know to it.
"Google... 9/11 Truth " + www.PatriotsQuestion911.com
Does anyone have THIS POSTER?? Remember when this was posted on blogger? At the time there were issues with Google's search engine, but now that is all cleared up. This is the perfect tool for sending millions of new people to 2 of our best websites! We need to put these posters up on street poles and tape them everywhere. Make them into signs and put them out on highways.
Here's the original post: www.911blogger.com/node/11713
(Can't get it to download. Can this be reposted somehow?)
Sorry for off topic. I wrote to Robert Greenwald too. Thanks, Constitution!
Sure. Thanks
Just to make sure identities are not mixed up, I'm constitutional911. I believe there is another user with the id: constitution.
I believe this is the poster you are refering to.
May I suggest we include www.ae911truth.org & www.911pressfortruth.com as well.
These are some of the most credible sources.
We need Social, Legal AND POLITICAL ACTION.
Also Economic Action in the form of boycotting the Military-Industrial Complex, Fund Raising for the 1st Responders and Funding GENUINE & SINCERE 911 TRUTH ACTIVITES.
I am sure we can get some of the Hollywood 911 Truthers out there to start some fund raising campaigns for a CAUSE that WILL SAVE THE REPUBLIC and the lives of 300 million Americans.
Political Action Committees are an important part of political landscapes.
People in D.C who understand how this works, pls seriously consider this option.
Never Give Up or Slow Down.
Its time.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
Great idea...
Another angle is to educate the Muslim people living in America. They have suffered tremendously by the actions of the neocons and they need to be told the real truth about 9/11.
This is of course excellent
and great work, however you can bet that the MSM along with whatever judicial nutbaggery will stonewall every single issue, flatly refuse to report it etc until after Ghouliani steals the S-election in 08' then of course since the Democrats folded on Bush's AG (no shock there) with his connections to Ghouliani he will recuse himself and or just dismiss everything brought forth against the new Emperor.
We have to remember that we no longer live in a Democratic Republic and there really aren't any legal avenues we can take to rectify what are clearly illegal actions taken by government officials.
We no longer have legal recourse and our so called "representatives" are without question compromised, corrupted, & or 100% complicit so they are less than worthless.
You need to add at least 3 more 000's to that 20,000 in order to even get a blink out of the clearly 100% complicit MSM. Even then I doubt it would make much of an impact because these lunatics just simply do not care anymore they know that the American public is so easily led, fooled & brainwashed that they feel invincible.
At worst they know all they will get is100-300,000 citizens gathering to "peacefully" protest in the Sheeple pins they have designated for them to march around in a circle jerk singing Kumbaya which will all be 100% ignored by the MSM. This is of zero concern for them anymore than it would have been for Hitler in the 30's.
Well you have a point
It will be good to have more 000's to that 20,000 signatures.
I still however believe legal recourse is still a good option.
We need to engage these dark forces from multiple angles / platforms - be it legal, political, street activism, town-hall meetings, EDUCATION - even voting with one's dollars and making sure we don't support the Military-Industrial Complex by investing in their companies etc.
I still believe there are SOME good people left in Washington and I would not write off ALL the Politicians.
It looked dark in 1775.
Then came a long these guys.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at
I hope you are correct
however last time I checked Caligula was wiping his royal ass with that "damn piece of paper" and the Bill of Rights is all but completely defunct.
So until "We the People" mentioned on that piece of paper WTFU and literally TAKE this country back I don't see much changing.
We need to engage these dark forces from multiple angles / platf
"We need to engage these dark forces from multiple angles / platforms - be it legal, political, street activism, town-hall meetings".
And continue growing the MEGA-MIND working on the problem...a DVD at a time. Stickers, signs, fliers, posted Video, using email to reach beyond ourselves to the Somnambulists.
I'm preparing another batch of 300 DVDs for November 11th.
Here are some of the Contacts I've collected that I send the best EYE-OPENERS to.
,"PublicIntegrity.org" ,,,,,,,,
"American Spectator"
"democraticunderground.com "
"DMN Ragland"
"Latino USA"
"pr@ americanprogressaction.org"
"Springer on the radio"
"Steven Webster Lone Star Icon"
"StopThe Lie"
"Wait Wait Don't"
"Wayne Dyer"
"William R Pitt"
Radio Silence F.D.N.Y. - The Betrayal of New York's Bravest
A great resource for the topic of the Motorola radios and how the hero's of the FDNY were betrayed by "high ranking former New York City andFDNY officials" is the book, Radio Silence F.D.N.Y - The Betrayal of New York's Bravest, which asks the questions:
Are you safe in New York City?
Are you safe in your city?
Are you being told the truth or just "spin" by certain high-ranking former New York City and FDNY officials about why as many as 125 New York City firefighters and uncounted civilians may have died needlessly on 9/11?
Was corruption involved? Were former FDNY and other city officials that are now members of Giuliani Partners involved? Have the victin's families and the public been lied to about what happened?
Have the same radio problems that resulted in what happened in New York City on 9/11 been allowed to happen in your city?
Like him or not: Ron Paul's Meteoric Rise
911 Truth Activists pls contact him to put 911 as an election issue. We need to engage Washinton D.C from many many angles. Political Front is very important.
SEE THIS 1ST: http://www.total911.info/2007/01/prez-explorer-paul-investigate-911.html
Dr. Ron Paul, Texas Congressman exploring a run for President, appeared on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday [MP3 link] and had the following to say about 9/11:
"CALLER: I want a complete, impartial, and totally independent investigation of the events of September 11, 2001 . I'm tired of this bogus garbage about terrorism. Ask Michael Meacher about how he feels about this bogus war on terrorism. Can you comment on that please?
HON. DR. RON PAUL: Well, that would be nice to have. Unfortunately, we don't have that in place. It will be a little bit better now with the Democrats now in charge of oversight. But you know, for top level policy there's not a whole lot of difference between the two policies so a real investigation isn't going to happen. But I think we have to keep pushing for it. And like you and others, we see the investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on.
Ron Paul's Meteoric Rise
Web rankings prove Ron Paul is attracting more and more attention while every other candidate is flat
Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Saturday November 3, 2007
A cursory analysis of Ron Paul's web rankings on Alexa proves that his presidential campaign is soaring while all his nearest rivals are no longer attracting any new visitors and are languishing in the congressmen's wake.
The following graph (click for enlargement) compares Ron Paul's ranking (in blue) with that of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani:
Ron Paul's website is currently ranked at 13,494 and has risen 9,247 within the last 3 months, a rise of 81%.
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton's site is ranked at 35,143, a drop of over 12,000 in the last three months, with giuliani way down at 121,745.
Ron Paul's online popularity is also reflected in the straw polls and the debate polls he has won.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
OK I DON"T like him
he is a religious zealot, he has denounced 9/11 truth completely and anything he has as far as any decent ideas have absolutely ZERO support from Congress.
Want to effect change? Then vote Green Party of which one of their main issues that the entire party endorses is 9/11 truth & Election Fraud.
Ron Paul doesn't even come close, the ONLY thing he could possibly get passed through Congress would be pathetic theocratic policies. anti-stem cell, anti-abortion, prayer in school crap because the lunatic Rethuglicans would support him on these lunatic issues.
Hillary's spike
I was curious as to what caused that spike in Hillary's graph in June.
When I saw that it was because of the Soprano's video rip, I knew our goose had already been cooked. If that piece of shite video could generate that much traffic, all that is left for us is hope.
Ron Paul 2008
Clemson University turnout on Friday Novmeber 2nd was good. About 400 people, mostly students, filled an outdoor ampitheatre midday on a beautiful, sunny day to see the good doctor.
"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."(NIS)
what the hell do you people see in Ron Paul?
he has completely denounced 9/11 truth, he is a religious zealot, and nothing that he would like to push will ever make it through Congress except his lunatic religious shit.
Get a freaking grip already.
If you really want to effect change then vote Green Party, stop this phucking Rethuglican Democrat Juggernaut that is destroying the country.
There is only ONE political party that supports 9/11 truth 100% and that is Green Party, the rest are pure scum and politics as usual.
Phuck Ron Paul
I think you've got him confused with someone else. I am not voting for a 9/11 truth candidate, as I view the NAU/Fed/IRS to be a bigger issue than the narrow and divisive issue of 9/11. Sorry if that rubs some the wrong way, but Dr. Paul has stated that he would support a new investigation, and that is what we are after, is it not?
Ron Paul isn't going to shove and "lunatic religious shit" through congress, as that would be in conflict with the Constitution (that god damned piece of [hemp] paper). The green party are about as effective as the libertarian party, and I for one am not going to waste my time and money on them during an election so important to our country.
which is exactly why Rethugs and Dems
will always have total control and remain thoroughly corrupt because of so many people saying this "and I for one am not going to waste my time and money on them during an election so important to our country."
The Green Party has better candidates, better ideas, are the only party that is actually FOR that bottom 98% both Rethug/Dem are for the top 2% only.
They are the only party that has 9/11 truth on their party website & platform. Now if everyone said and I for one am not going to waste my time and money on 2 political parties that we know for a fact are corrupt as hell and polling at around 10% approval during an election so important to our country" that I could get behind because it makes sense.
So, who's your pick...
...and why? You keep screaming and blathering "Green party, Green party", ad nauseum! I don't give a rat's ass about any fucking political party. My choice is for the person.
RON PAUL 2008!
You said:
"The Green Party has better candidates, better ideas..."
Who is the better candidate?
What are his or her ideas?
Let's hear what makes your candidates ideal. Try offering a little honey for a change.
Below is a current list of declared Green presidential candidates, including their states of residence.
Alan Augustson (Illinois) http://augustson2008.us
Elaine Brown (Georgia) http://www.elainebrown.org
Michael Jingozian (Oregon) http://www.resetamerica.com
Jesse Johnson (West Virginia) (web site TBA)
Jerry Kann (New York) http://kannforpresident.net
Paul Kangas (California) (web site TBA)
Kent Mesplay (California) http://www.mesplay.org
Gail Parker (Virginia) http://www.gailparker.us
Joe Schriner (Ohio) http://www.voteforjoe.com
Kat Swift (Texas) http://www.prezkat.info
Jared Ball† of Washington DC (Campaign site)
Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, former Congresswoman?????????????
"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."(NIS)
a bunch of people nobody has ever heard of and who dont have a snowballs chance in hell regardless of their good intentions. sorry nunyabiz but this is not the 9/11 election nor is 9/11 truth the be all end all of what i look for in a presidential candidate.
solely because of people like you
that do exactly what the MSM tells you to do. Thank you
my pleasure
This is good information
Thanks for the links & info.
Btw how was the Clemson University turnout on Friday Novmeber 2nd? Do you have any photos, audio or video of the event to share with us by any chance.
I love to hear Dr Paul speak.
This is One Man who KNOWS what he is talking about when he deals with Constitutional issues.
A Pure Constitutional Genius in my mind.
It would be great to have a man who BRINGS LIFE into the world to LEAD the country instead of one who likes taking life away.
Which the current Occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue likes to do.
Dr Paul's ideas are powerful and inspiring in many ways. He carries the Constitutional Torch like no other.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
Just found the videos. Excellent!
Ron Paul at Clemson University - part 1
He talks about the Popularity of Freedom, Liberty, Bringing the troops home FROM KOREA, COLUMBIA, JAPAN etc.
Awesome. Someone who understands the Military-Industrial Complex and its implications.
The rest of the videos are listed on this link
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
If she runs Cynthia McKinney
if not then Alan Augustson makes more sense than ANY of the Rethug/Dem candidates short of maybe Kucinich.
You SHOULD give a phuck about the Political Party just look at what these completely insane Reich wing Christofascist Rethuglicans have done to this country in just 6 years, take a look at how utterly pathetic, spineless, corrupt, and Complicit these sorry ass Democrats have been.
Their collective approval rating is around 10% yet you still want to keep re-electing these sorry bastards? Is that not the very definition of Insanity?
Keep doing the same thing over & over and expecting different results.?
If you let a friend of yours borrow your car and you know he is a horrible driver, he then crashes your car, you forgive and then let him borrow it again and he crashes it, well exactly when do you STOP letting him borrow your car?
Take that analogy and X it by 535 for about an average of 20 freaking years and you have how utterly stupid beyond belief it is that WE as VOTERS keep allowing these corrupt ass M0Fo's that are not our friends to keep crashing our COUNTRY and while they are at it stealing the stereo, the GPS all your change.
You have seen what Rethuglicans have done the last 6-8 years and you want to give these freaking insane bastards the power of the Executive Branch AGAIN? Are you phucking crazy?
Ron Paul would give Rethuglicans complete Control over the entire government AGAIN unless Democrats hold every seat in the House and maybe add a few and take at least 15 seats in the Senate which is a virtual impossibility.
Now the only thing that Ron Paul and the Rethugs in Congress agree on would be Religious issues, prayer in schools, anti stem cell, abortion, etc. so that is about all he would get accomplished because he would have zero support for his all "Libertarian" ideas thus would never happen in a million years and THAT is because of the POLITICAL PARTY that you don't care about.
The political party is EVERYTHING.
Democrats with Hillary in charge wouldn't be all that much better but at least they aren't completely insane just corrupt & bought & paid for by Big Oil, Big Corp & Military industrial complex.
We need CHANGE, REAL change not just changing the sheets on a bed that is urine soaked, we need to take that phucking bed and throw it OUT!
It is wet, smells like piss and its not going to get any better.
The only way the Green Party has a chance is if at least 1/3 of American voters WTFU and decide they want real change not the same old shit, lies, deceit, thievery, cronyism, insanity, War Profiteering, war crimes, Treason of which BOTH current political parties are rife with.
How the hell could you possibly be in the 9/11 truth movement and vote for any candidate that is not Green Party?
Show me any Rethug or Democrat website that has 9/11 truth on it. RNC? DNC? any candidates at all including Ron Paul? yeah that's what I thought. Nothing.
Here is the difference between R/D/G
Here are Green Party platform statements that ALL Green Party candidates endorse.
Divestment From Israel to Support Palestinian Rights
Election Fraud
Abolish the Electoral College
Impeachment of Caligula since 2003
Resolution Endorsing a Call to Stop War Profiteers and End Corporate Invasion of Iraq.
Here is a Green Party response to Bush's 07' State of the Union lies by the Co-Chair of the Green Party
Here is Nader in 2000 talking about what everyone SHOULD have been listening to.
Green Party commercial
Cynthia McKinney possible candidate speech "If not us, who? If not now when?"
Here is a Green Party candidate for Congress "Rae Vogeler Wisconsin Green party" I freaking dare you to find any other candidate for Congress that makes this much sense
The power of the Government is NOT just one man or woman, be it Ron Paul or Kucinich etc. the actual power is the in the PARTY that has control (Something you don't care about) The ONLY way things are EVER going to change is to vote Green in HUGE numbers for House, Senate, Local Government like Mayor, Governor etc and of course President.
Then WE THE PEOPLE can effect REAL CHANGE until then you are doing nothing but exactly what the MSM is telling you to do, vote for the Corporate elite, military industrial complex, vote AGAINST your own best interest, vote for the status quo, basically vote to throw yourself under the bus and give everything to the top 2%.
Time to start voting for the interest of that bottom 98% for a change don't you think?
Time to TAKE this country back.
Well, since Cynthia seems
Well, since Cynthia seems truly interested in pursuing her PhD and quality time with her family, and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to announce her decision not to run, there's not much point in discussing her, is there?
Nov 1st Statement by Cynthia McKinney:
I asked you:
Who is the better candidate?
What are his or her ideas?
Let's hear what makes your candidates ideal. Try offering a little honey for a change.
I get it that Alan Augustson is your man. However, you wouldn't or coudn't yourself say why. I thought for sure that you would be able to speak glowingly in your own words about what sets him apart from all of the other fresh Greens in the salad bowl. I asked you to tell us what makes your candidate ideal. Instead of honey, I get vinegar as you fly into attack mode against Ron Paul yet again.
Now, if I have to pick just one reason why I cannot vote for a Green based on party platform, it is gun control.
"We support the ‘Brady Bill’ and thoughtful, carefully considered GUN CONTROL.
Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention Jun 25, 2000"
My idea of thoughtful, carefully considered GUN CONTROL is hitting the object of my aim. I don't think that is the aim of the Green Party. I am unequivicably opposed to ANY organization that tries or would try to infringe upon my Right to keep and bear arms.
So, you asked. And, that's how I can be in the 9/11 Truth movement and vote for a candidate who is not a Green.
RON PAUL 2008!
"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."(NIS)
Actually Augustson speaks well enough for himself
I didn't think I needed to parrot him. Not to mention I'm for ANY Green Party candidate over ANY of the Rethug/Dems period, makes no difference to me who it is.
I'm for the "Green Party" not just a single person. I like what the party itself stands for, I like the fact that they were the only party that actively fought the blatant election fraud, I like that they don't shy away from 9/11 truth at all, if you look at the comparison chart between the 3 parties you will notice that the Rethugs and Democrats are far more alike that most people realise, only the Green Party stands out as being FOR that bottom 98%.
Ron Paul is sweet & sour, mostly sour however because like I said the ONLY support he will get from Congress would be from Reich wing Christofascist Rethuglicans trying to push a Theocracy.
You wouldn't vote for a Green Party candidate solely because of "Gun Control"? something that is not ever going to happen in a millions years regardless whom is voted in?
Yet you have no problem voting for a religious zealot that is totally against Stem Cell research & abortion?
I have a pump action 12 gauge with an 18" riot barrel, a 50AE Desert Eagle and a AMT Automag 22Magnum and a Barnes Chief Justice 87cal Air Rifle (Yes thats 87cal) and nobody is going to be taking them.
Phuck Ron Paul 08'
I understand misgivings.
However, would you consider looking at this again please.
Regarding Ron Paul denouncing 911 Truth, can you pls provide some references on this.
Pls note, I am not trying to advocate any specific candidate. I believe everyone here is mature enough here to make their own informed decision.
My purpose is to FOCUS on Political Activism. Regardless of who the candidates are. I believe everyone running on an election platform, be it State or National Elections should address the 911 issue since a large percentage of the American population have strong viewpoints - either way.
Depending on the polls anywhere from 36%++ to figures ranging from 50-60++% of Americans (apparently) have serious misgivings on the Official Explanation for 911 OR believe it IS an INSIDE JOB.
Pls refer to : http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1354
Released: September 06, 2007
Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks; Over 30% Seek Immediate Impeachment
67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7
Pls look at this again.
Also read the entry about him at www.patriotsquestion911.com
Dr. Ron Paul, Texas Congressman exploring a run for President, appeared on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday [MP3 link] and had the following to say about 9/11:
"CALLER: I want a complete, impartial, and totally independent investigation of the events of September 11, 2001 . I'm tired of this bogus garbage about terrorism. Ask Michael Meacher about how he feels about this bogus war on terrorism. Can you comment on that please?
HON. DR. RON PAUL: Well, that would be nice to have. Unfortunately, we don't have that in place. It will be a little bit better now with the Democrats now in charge of oversight. But you know, for top level policy there's not a whole lot of difference between the two policies so a real investigation isn't going to happen. But I think we have to keep pushing for it. And like you and others, we see the investigations that have been done so far as more or less cover-up and no real explanation of what went on.
This does not sound like someone denying or DENOUNCING 911 Truth.
This is not about individuals, it is about Policy, About Building a Consensus for 911 TRUTH POLITCAL ACTIVISM across ALL political spectrums.
My hope is that those who don't even agree with Dr. Paul on various other issues, would consider asking him to discuss the 911 Issue for the 2008 election.
Politicians also make mistakes and part of our duty as citizens in our various countries is is to effect change by keeping them INFORMED.
Just like us, they have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs ahd 24 hrs a day. They are human.
There are things that we KNOW that some of them don't. Vice Versa.
We have to keep them INFORMED and keep the pressure on until there is a BREAKTHROUGH in D.C.
We have to agree to disagree on various issues but why disagree on opportunities to reach out to more people?
So far I have seen no evidence that he has denounced 911 Truth.
He mentioned the "blowback" theory during a debate and in an interview on Fox did say 911 was not carried by the US Govt.
He right.
911 was carried out by an International Cabal of PRIVATE CRIMINAL special interest groups of WHICH THE BIN-LADIN FAMILY IS A PART OF.
Also KNOWN as the Military-Industrial-MEDIA-FINANCIAL Complex.
Tim Osman (former CIA asset) also known as Osama Bin Ladin is part of a FAMILY which IS VERY VERY CLOSE TO BUSH & Co.
Why do you think Bush is not really going after him? Because Tim Osman has served his purpose. Hence the "Blowback".
It is called engineering your own patsies via strategic long-term financial partnerships.
The Bin Ladins have been very very close to the Bush Family since the 1970's. Just do the research on this.
From the dancing Israelite's, to the Pakistani ISI Connection to the Bin Ladin Family to the Carlyle Group - we see an international syndicate with VAST
FINANCIAL interests in the "War on Terror".
Pls read: AMERICA'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" by Michel Chossudovsky
The US Government with its VAST Bureaucracy DID not carry out 911.
An elite, secret , shadow organization with INTERNATIONAL connections set up and executed this operation.
Of course members of the present administration played a key role in this. But the network is whole lot more complex than just saying US GOVERNMENT.
Give this a second thought.
I am NOT asking anyone to vote for this man in particular.
I am asking people to get involved in Political Activism and get those Candidates such as Dr. Paul who have publicly called the OCT on 911 a COVERUP (the proof is mentioned above) to follow through and help be part of the TEAM of politicians needed to DEMAND a NEW INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION with the Family Members (such as the Jersey Girls) Overseeing it.
This is possible. We HAVE to try.
Ron Paul is not perfect, none of us are for that matter but I do hope we all will get involved in Political Activism of some sort.
The halls of Congress await the Voices of those 1st Responders who died and are still dying.
Can't we help speak on their behalf?
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
Sures sounds like he does to me
about 7:30 showing on the counter he blatantly says that he doesn't believe Alex Jones or that 9/11 was an inside job.
Sounds a bit denouncing to me and this was I think about 3 months ago.
I do however give him props for saying as much as he does about Bush, however without Congress he could get nothing done at all except religious shit.
Well you do make some good points
This is a Quote from the link you provided.
"If any of the candidates are willing to at least open new investigations into 911—if any of the candidates are willing to bring ALL the evidence to the table in order to bring the perpetrators to justice—it's Ron Paul."
Pls Listen Carefully to what he is saying.
at about -7:20 onwards he is asked
Fox: Do you believe that the 911 Attack on th World Trade Center was an Inside Job
Ron Paul answers: Well, the answer is no if they mean by inside job that our government did or made it happen.
I don't believe that.
Fox: OK
My personal comments.
The US GOVERNMENT DID NOT CARRY OUT 911. He is Absolutely right.
This was an Inside Job by a secret elite international network of criminals.
Ron Paul may not be perfect on his responses, but he has called the Official Investigation a Cover-Up
Ron Paul Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Ron Paul makes his political position clear on 9/11 Truth
Here Ron Paul says : "He believes 911 was ABSOLUTELY not orchestrated by the US Government"
Well frankly this may disturb some people, but I AGREE with him.
THE US GOVERNMENT did not execute 911.
A shadow organization / black-ops entity did it. It is not purely American though some infamous members of the administration are involved.
I repeat this was an Inside Job by a secret elite international network of criminals.
Very secret organization. Not just American. Certainly not a VAST GOVERNMENT with its Bureaucracy.
Pls listen carefully to this. He talks about prior warnings given to the FBI etc. He says he would do whatever he could to get to the bottom of it.
Ron Paul asked about 911, Phoenix, AZ 6/16/07
Nevertheless, I commend you for you passion and support for the Green Party.
I think they represent something new and important and their contributions will make an impact on the American Political Landscape.
Do you have any information on some good Green Party candidates. I understand Cynthia McKinney is running on a Green Platform.
What are your thoughts on their success and how can we better help more candidates discuss, address and be more informed on 911 Truth.
I believe this is ON topic for the whole purpose is to spur MORE Political Activism.
Just like Robert Greenwald has done with his VIRAL videos.
There is no one best way, one best method, one best candidate. We need to work as a team, synergize our efforts and engage this CRIMINALs from every angle possible.
So by ALL MEANS support the Green Party if your heart and mind tells you to.
Pls share some links,information on viable candidates if possible.
All things said, this is not about just 1 man. It is about the whole system that needs to be corrected and cleaned up.
We are all in the same struggle and VICTORY is certain if we never give up and persist.
I wish you well in your political activism and pls keep us updated on the Green Party's 911 Truth Activities, Initiatives etc.
Thank you.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
Sadly that is impossible
there is no way possible that 9/11 was not an inside job BY the US Gov., and it HAD to have been carried out with foreknowledge of MANY in the Federal government including Democrats. I wasn't too sure about Democratic involvement until the "Impeachment off the table" bullshit once Democrats took majority power in Congress and have done NOTHING to stop these murderous thieves, in fact have given these bastards everything they want all year.
That can only mean being 100% Complicit as far as I'm concerned.
When you have a 10% approval rating while kowtowing to a freaking moron that was never elected with a 24% approval rating and you actively ignore what 75% of the entire country is demanding you to do, then obviously you are corrupt and are doing the bidding of the top 2%.
I don't buy that virtually no one in Congress is aware that a small cabal of Neofascist have usurped the Election system, stolen 2 elections, lied us into an occupation of aggression in Iraq solely for oil, are utterly destroying the constitution, and that none of them realise that 9/11 was without any doubt a false flag attack BY this government against its people to get the ignorant American populace all stirred up and fully behind whatever atrocity they decide to commit.
IF so then they (ALL OF CONGRESS) deserve to be Impeached for that alone.
There are only 2 logical options here, they are either 100% Complicit in the crimes and cover ups OR they are so ignorant beyond belief to the point of brain dead that they shouldn't be able to walk & breathe at the same time.
I can not possibly vote for ANYBODY in either of these corrupt parties,
I think Ron Paul might mean well but he is not the solution and would only be used as a tool by the far Reich Wing bunch of Christofascist.
He would have zero support from Democrats and very little from most Rethugs.
You do have good reasons for your conclusions
I understand your feelings. This becomes a question of DEFINING Government.
What constitutes the Federal Government - scope and size.
Pls refer to the link below and have a look at the sheer number of agencies in the Federal Government
Highly unlikely tens of thousands of people were involved in the pre-planning , design and execution of 911.
In fact using the same reasoning we can start blaming the ENTIRE US AIRFORCE, ARMED FORCES for the effective NORAD standown. That is not necessarily fair.
However there is indication that highly compartmentalized operations were carried where innocent / ignorant people were USED to further a neo-con agenda.
One just has to study how the Iran-Contra affair was carried and how secret black ops really work.
So I believe this is a question of the definition of govt.
By government we are refering to the Bureaucracy which is too large for a secret below the radar black-op like 911.
On the other hand, POST 911 the MEDIA complicity, the sheer irresponsibility of Congress in doing its job and investigating 911 indicates post complicity to varying degrees. Either thru blackmail, coercion, bribery etc.
Just like the corruption of the judicial system in the Federal courts. Similar to many countries.
We are talking about the evils of human nature.
I would agree with you a secret shadow "govt" or cabal WITH Internation links executed and war-profitted from 911. Let's not forget the Dancing Israelite's and the Pakistani ISI connections.
Has Congress failed its duties - the House as well as the Senate. Yes to some extent.
Are they responsible for treason. Some are for certain - but we will only know for sure once their is a TRUE INVESTIGATION.
Did Bush plan and execute 911? He certainly took advantage of it- gained political, economic mileage from it.
Personally I think he is as much a patsy as Tim Osman - a.k.a Osama Bin Ladin - former and perhaps still present C.I.A. asset. (also known as the Cocaine Import Agency).
He is a puppet. The question remains who is pulling the strings?
This is worth looking at http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2006/04/911-7-man-job.html
"Were more than 7 guys involved? Probably. But it could still have involved many less people than were needed to carry out NATO's Italian terror campaign or to hide the fact that an entire fleet of Japanese ships was sailing towards Pearl Harbor."
Also this:
UPDATED: Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says 9/11 Deserves Further Investigation
Predicts Bush Regime Will Institute Police State, With Mass Detentions, Following Another 9/11
911 TRUTH ALERT: Kucinich says he will force House vote on Cheney impeachment
It may be for show and we have to keep a sharp eye on politicians. Hard to say who is really sincere.
Vigilance is the key.
Nevertheless I still believe there are some good people on Capitol Hill.
They may be ignorant in certain areas or afraid.
It is up to us to CHANGE the status quo. Thanks for your replies.
Let's hope for True Patriotic Politicians.
We nurture and support those we feel are WORTHY for public office and service.
Let's work together to make that CHANGE happen. A better world for all of us and our children.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it
What? These assholes jackboot half the world into this Imperial shitstorm and the guy is being investigated for inadequate RADIO MAINTENANCE ?