Olberman on New York Post/9/11 foreknowledge


Olberman announces his worst person/s in the world and the New Pork Post is number 1 due to that fact they are now calling people who believe Bush had foreknowledge of 9/11 as "idiots" even though they had a "BUSH KNEW" headline in 02.

Encouraging "baby-steps"....

...by Olbermann...feels like something between "incompetence" and "LIHOP" ("Bush Knew") at this point, but his best 9/11/media critique that I have seen.

Love the exposure of the word "Majority" in that headline.

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

Break Break...

Breaking into the Mainstream.

keith needs to be confronted

keith needs to be confronted on camera about this issue...

Show "The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects" by Ringwind

Naomi Wolf criticizes those that want to censor 9/11 Truth....

....on yesterday's Alex Jones show....


Ostensibly about her book on impending American Fascism...she and Alex go into the widely (not here) suppressed Smedley Butler/Prescott Bush/"Fascist Plot" episode that is really good....

Then, toward the end she talks about how questions concerning re-examining 9/11 are treated as forbidden by the media/government.....she's not where she should be on 9/11 yet, but she seems to be making progress...sort of like Keith.....

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars