A Letter To Senator Russ Feingold Questioning The Validity Of Our Government's Official Account Of 9/11/01

January 25th, 2008 To Senator Russ Feingold,

My name is Matthew Naus. I’m the veteran who presented a concern to you about the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11/01 in Grafton, Wisconsin on January 20th, 2008. You might remember our exchange became a little emotional. At the end of expressing my concerns I told you I would see you in Milwaukee in 5 days. I said this because I found out from your website that your next listening session was scheduled in Milwaukee on Friday, January 25th. The last thing you said to me after I said, “I’ll see you in 5 days” was “we’ll see about that”. Making that kind of statement to me concerns me. It concerns me because I might have a problem coming back to one of your listening sessions to continue expressing my serious concerns that challenge the government’s official account of 9/11/01. So, to avoid any type of problem that could possibly occur, if I were to show up, I decided to write you this letter and have it sent to your listening session in place of my personal appearance. I will also e-mail a copy of this letter to your senate offices. This letter will also be published on Veterans for 9/11 Truth Yahoogroups forum, 9/11TruthAction Yahoogroups forum, Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth website and a few other message forums that accept it.

At the listening session in Grafton, Wisconsin I presented to you, critical information (DVD and written articles) that point to evidential facts that question the validity of our government’s official account/investigation of 9/11/01 which is called the 9/11 Commission Report. I also gave your senate office clerk similar information which you can find on my website (http://www.ts911t.org/CallStateSenator.html) on or about September 12th, 2006 when I personally visited your Washington, DC senate office along with 82 other senate offices in the course of 2 days. Due to time restraints, I had to send the other 17 senate offices I didn’t visit a certified envelope containing the same information. The senate office clerks that were handed this information were instructed to deliver the information to the Military Legislative Assistant (MLA) for each senator. I also gave the clerks a website card with my e-mail address and phone number to give to the MLA. I took down the names of all these MLA’s and I collected most of the senate office cards for each senator and the MLA’s if they were available. The name of your Military Legislative Assistant that should’ve received this vital information was Emily Plagman. Given the critical nature of this information, I would think that your MLA has informed you of such information. Over the course of 16 months I haven’t heard of one senator questioning the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11. I have heard a few members of congress question it and one of them (a woman) is not a member of congress anymore.

Senator Feingold, you have now been given this kind of critical information again. Put directly in your hands by a war veteran of this country. The DVD I gave you has three documentaries and a lecture given by David Ray Griffin given on September 14th, 2006 titled, September 11th Should The Truth Be Revealed Or Concealed. The titles of the documentaries are: 9/11 Mysteries, Terror Storm and Loose Change 2nd Edition. I also gave you 5 articles written by Alan Miller, founder of the website Patriots Question 9/11.

December 4th, 2007
Eight Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11 - "Not
Possible", "a Whitewash", "False"
September 23rd, 2007
Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
December 13th, 2007
Seven Senior Federal Engineers and Scientist
Call For New 9/11 Investigation
January 5th, 2008
Eight U.S. State Dept. Veterans Challenge Official Count of 9/11/01
January 14th, 2008 Twenty-Five US Military Officers Challenge Official Count of 9/11/01

I now have video of you receiving this vital information on Youtube. As a veteran of this nation who served in Vietnam, received an honorable discharge and as a citizen of the State of Wisconsin, which is the state you represent, I expect you to do your job as a senator and take a thorough look and evaluate this vital information that questions the validity of our government’s official investigation of 9/11. This vital information proves that there was treason, of the highest order, by some of the top administrators of our government and some high ranking military leaders. There also was absolute control over the mainstream media to perpetuate a cover-up story that 19 terrorists did it with box cutters lead by a man who lives in a cave. The mainstream media has also squashed any real investigative reporting. If something did get out that contradicted the official cover-up story it was dropped quickly from the national news with very little or no follow-up investigative reporting. This can only mean that those individuals that have that kind of absolute control over the mainstream media must be involved with this heinous crime. In other words, there was a conspiracy with some of our government/military and corporate leaders along with those individuals that have absolute control of our mainstream media networks.

Anyone with even a little reasonable intellect and sound judgment (half-a-brain) should be able to see that Americans were not told the truth about 9/11. All they have to do is take the time to research this subject using alternative media which includes reading articles, watching 9/11 Truth documentaries on the internet or on DVD’s, listening to speeches or lectures by credible people, observing pictures and videos on the internet and listening to alternative media internet radio. In other words, “It’s a no-brainer”.

Of course we will need a citizen’s independent investigation created to verify all this so I expect you to call for one Senator Feingold. I also expect the other 99 senators along with all those in the House of Representatives to put their political loyalty and fear aside and call for a citizen’s independent investigation of 9/11/01. We surely can’t have those that are suspected of treason to create their own investigative committee/team, selecting the ones they want to be on the committee and then producing a report such as the 9/11 Commission Report, now can we.

At the present time there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American citizens that question the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11/01. The security of our nation and its people are at great risk because some of our government/military and corporate leaders think nothing of killing close to 3000 innocent American citizens to obtain their inhuman political objectives of starting wars with other nations, killing their innocent civilians and putting our nations military troops in grave danger with over 3000 of them already killed and many more thousands wounded.

Senator Feingold, I will be expecting you to start taking the necessary steps that are needed to begin a citizen’s independent investigation of 9/11/01 regarding the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11. I know you have enough intellect, but I’ll reserve my opinion of your sound judgment until I see how you handle this critical information. If you continue to ignore this vital information then I expect you to remove yourself from office for dereliction of duty. I also hope other Americans who read this e-mail letter will send (use registered or verified mail with receipts) vital information regarding the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11 to their senators and congressmen, or hand deliver it as I did. Tell them that you expect them to evaluate the information and call for a citizen’s independent investigation of 9/11/01. If they don’t, they should also remove themselves from office, for dereliction of duty. We need senators and congressman that have the courage to overcome fear, be independent and serve their constituents, not their political parties and lobbyists. Only then will we truly have a balance of power in this country as our founding fathers had designed it. With this balance of power we will then be able to eliminate those that try to create false flag operations in order to wage war on defenseless nations for their own greed and political objectives.

Senator Feingold, I’m fully aware that the steps I have taken here and listed below won’t guarantee that you will take any legislative action to create a citizen’s independent investigation of 9/11/01. I want you to realize that what I have done here is document the steps I have taken, a sort of historical record, in the case that you choose to ignore this critical and vital information and do nothing at all with it. If you choose this course of inaction, I want you to be aware of a future time, a time when the truth about 9/11/01 will come to light, a time when we will judge those that were entrusted with the security of our nation and who took an oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that those entrusted were presented with this critical and vital information that seriously questions our government’s official account of 9/11/01, and that those entrusted failed to do their duty to protect the citizens of the United States of America.

Hand delivering to your senate office in DC critical information that questions the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11 on or about September 12th, 2006.
That critical information is outlined here: http://www.ts911t.org/CallStateSenator.html

Making a video recording at your listening session in Grafton, Wisconsin on January 20th, 2008 showing me handing you more critical information that questions the validity of our government’s official account of 9/11. That video recording can be watched here:

Having a copy of this e-mail letter I wrote delivered to you on January 25th, 2008 at the Milwaukee Public Library in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where you are holding a listening session and submitted to your website contact page http://feingold.senate.gov/contact_opinion.html

P.S. This letter was delivered to Senator Feingold in Milwaukee on 1/25/08 at the Milwaukee Public Library at approximately 4:00 pm. One of the senator’s, aides, a Karen Ramsey, was handed the letter and she said she would give it to the senator.

Matthew Naus
Vietnam Veteran Co-Founder: Veterans For 9/11 Truth Founder: Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth