9-11: Display of Police Guns Found with Melted Concrete in the Ruins of the WTC

Original article at: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/9-11guns/index.html

These guns are on display at the New York Police Museum. Concrete melts at 3000 degrees fahrenheit, proving that temperatures inside the collapsed World Trade Center had to be at least that high.


Excellent Find!

Unfortunately the pics are slightly blurred and off color. Can someone in NY take their super digital camera and a tripod to the NY Police Museum and get perfect shots (with some close-ups if possible)? I am making a compilation of all the "meteorites" to post with the "WTC Hot Spots" (linked below).


These guns were under WTC 6

Why was it so hot under WTC 6?

I wondered the same thing...

''The U.S. Customs House stored a large arsenal of firearms at its Six World Trade Center office. During recovery efforts, several handguns were found at Ground Zero, including these two cylindircal embedded in concrete. Fire temperatures were so intense that concrete melted like lava around anything in it's path."
source: http://governmentterror.com/images/DSC_7411_color_corrected.png

It's not specifically noted that these are from WTC6. In the video "Relics in the Rubble" you can see that most artifacts like this were recovered at the Fresh Kills landfill. Many other handguns were recovered from the rubble and are shown in bad very condition.

It's also possible that the same thermal events happened in WTC6. See http://nasathermalimages.com for more information. I don't see the same hot spots on WTC6 in the AVIRIS images.

The science of 911 will surface the truth.

JK: Your site has the best collection of thermal data at WTC that I have seen. I particularly like the science focus of your site. Great job.

Yes, I see the difference

The sign in the display implies that the concrete covered guns were from WTC 6, but it does not say where they were recovered from.

It certainly would make a big difference, from an evidence POV, to know where these two examples that they've preserved actually came from.

Scientific analysis needed

First, doesn't concrete have a higher melting point than steel? If so, the guns should have melted first.

Careful analysis of the objects could reveal important information about the temperatures and what happened to the concrete (and the steel). Without such analysis, one can only speculate. What might be the chances of getting the objects scientifically analyzed?


The melting point of concrete varies between 1800-2500°C (3272-4532°F) http://www.weldcare.co.uk/app10.htm

Looks like the guns did partially melt. We need a chance to test the material.

I think the chances are getting better every day. The 911 trials are coming.
