"9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

"9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by David Ray Griffin.

This is a series of video clips on an interesting and important lecture by Dr. David Ray Griffin.
I sincerely one and all to watch and pls provide your valued comments, critique and analysis.

Thank You.

2/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

3/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

4/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

5/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG -

6/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

7/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

8/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

9/9 - "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by DRG

A synopsis which I forgot to include.

How Faith Can Be Illuminating or Blinding


According to David Ray Griffin, "People of faith" are often accused of allowing their faith to override evidence. With regard to 9/11, the greatest obstacle to seeing the truth---that 9/11 was an inside job---is not the lack of evidence but what can be called "nationalist faith"---the belief that America is the "exceptional nation," whose leaders never deliberately do anything truly evil, at least to their own citizens. Denver, Colorado. October 19, 2007


The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Thank you Dr. Griffin

....... You put it in the simplest terms. Only a fool could believe otherwise.
Thank you for all your efforts.