Another Letter For 9/11 Truth In The Newspaper

Another Letter For 9/11 Truth In The Newspaper

New investigation is needed

To the Editor:

What if the "official" accounting of what happened on 9/11 is false? What if, in fact, it's a lie, and a big one at that, complete with corporate/media/propaganda cover-up? Especially with corporate/media/propaganda. Without backing from the media, the story wouldn't fly. What would that make this "war on terror?" A fraud? Since when do steel buildings free-fall to the ground, like WTC 7? From fire? What about WTC7 anyway?

Never have building fallen like it did before or since. When did jumbo jets start disappearing when they crash like the Pentagon and Shanksville. There really was no wreckage to speak of. Where were the wings, the engines, the tails, the seats, bodies and everything else you see when a 757 hits the ground, they didn't evaporate. The Kean/Hamilton commission did a terrible job at answering all the glaring problems. More like a white-wash. Now, in their new book, they say they think the Pentagon lied to them. Ya think? A great read on this is David Griffin's Omissions and Distortions. They can't explain NORAD changing their timeline a total of seven times, WTC7, not one word, Able Danger, and a host of other relevant facts.

WTC7 is proof the "official" story is wrong. Ever watched the video of it coming down? They didn't play it much on CNN or NBC. Ever wonder why? Because it's the smoking gun of the whole thing. [It's proof because it's an obvious controlled demolition, which we all know takes weeks of planning, hence, foreknowledge of the attack, which means, inside job, and somebody way up the chain of command, and not the president.]

When people say the president knew, I think they're mistaken. He's too dumb to be in on such a plan. He looks like he doesn't have a clue what is going on sitting there in Sarasota. He, along with the country was hijacked that day by a group way up. Somebody above him. Probably someone wearing a highly decorated military uniform. The public has been deliberately deceived into war, by our own government. The future of this country is in serious jeopardy with these folks controlling our government. It's really too bad the media has also been hijacked along with this country. I hope you'll fight to re-open a new, real investigation.

Chris Noth

Isnt there a Chris Noth,

Isnt there a Chris Noth, that use to be on TV series Law and Order .
Good article


Yes, and also on 'Sex and the City', if I'm not mistaken. But I see 'nothwind' below, a cousin of the actor, has identified himself below as the letter's author.

What newspaper was this in?

It would be interesting to know what newspaper this appeared in and when. The blog doesn't tell us.


Yes I would like to know what paper this was in too.

Jon, don't forget your basic who-what-where-when and why when reporting a story. And I often find myself wondering about dates when i see clips on the internet.

And yes, Chris Noth was the name of the actor on law & order....don't know if it's the same man.

Chris Noth and what paper problem

Sometimes we forget to cite the details and sources of what we post.
This gives the opposition the opportunity to label us as "conspiracy theorists".



Yes, Jon, why didn't you

Yes, Jon, why didn't you post the headline of the paper that I sent you with this letter? That I battled with my scanner for hours to get it just right for you to post? : ) jk . . .kind of . . .

This was published in the Main Line Life newspaper that was the first paper to originally publish Jeff Cobb's article (2/13/08) about our 9/11 Wayne, PA movie showings. The article was (nice surprise) mostly about the 9/11 questions themselves. The same article then appeared the following week in a sister paper, The Main Line Times, in this same area (western suburbs of Philadelphia).

This is the third week that follow-up Letters to the Editor have been printed in these two newspapers. Not one has been negative or even doubtful of 9/11 Truth(ers) . . .


P.S. Can someone tell me where to go to on the internet to learn how to post images on 911Blogger? Thanks.

The image...

Has been corrected. My letter is being printed next week.

Mr. Murray,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for letting Jeff's article, "Searching For Truth In Wayne" be published. To my knowledge, it is the first of its kind to be in a newspaper. There was no agenda behind this article. It was journalism as it should be. I also want to thank you for posting the positive letters you've been receiving for the article. They show that people do care about this extremely important issue. I'm writing to you today in the hopes that maybe you could publish this letter as well. I want people to know why it is we do what we do.

Most of us started out just like everybody else. "The terrorists are attacking... Let's go carpet bomb the Middle East!!!" We waved our flags, and said "U.S.A... U.S.A..." and we cried. MAN did we cry. The images of all of those people holding up the pictures of their loved ones, hoping against hope that someone may have seen them. Or the rescue workers who worked day and night looking for survivors. Or the memorial services that were shown all over the networks for the fallen.

We cried, and we hurt, and to this day, we still do.

People within the 9/11 Truth Movement do what we do for what I think are seven reasons:

We saw that we were being lied to by members of this Government regarding the attacks of 9/11, and that didn't sit well with us. We saw that this Government was using that tragic day to further agendas that have no place in this country, or on this planet. We believe the family members who lost loved ones that day deserve closure, and justice as does the rest of this country. We believe the 9/11 First Responders deserve to be treated like the heroes that they are, and get the help that they need. We know that allowing or orchestrating the attacks against us IS WRONG. PERIOD, and there IS information to suggest that. We know those responsible MUST be held accountable, and safeguards need to be put in place to stop it from ever happening again. We want the best possible futures for our families, our friends, our planet, and ourselves.

We are not the crazy people the mainstream media would lead you to believe. None of us want to be doing this. For some of us, it is the hardest thing we've ever had to do. The harassment some of us have taken is really unspeakable. That being said, I think if any of us had the chance to go back and do it again, almost all of us would. We love this country. We LOVE this country. This is NOT a "partisan" issue. It's not about left, right, up or down. It's not about Democrat or Republican. It's about right and wrong, and what has taken place with regard to the 9/11 attacks, and their investigation can only be described as wrong.

Betsy and I are showing these movies at the Anthony Wayne Movie theater because we want to give you the opportunity to at least see the information. Something the mainstream media has yet to do in a "fair and balanced" way. However, if you don't have the time, the movies we are showing like 9/11: Press For Truth, and Loose Change Final Cut are available for free online.

Thank you for your time today. If there is a God, may he or she truly bless America. We need it now more than ever.

Jon Gold

Who Is? Archives

Here is the link to Letter's to the Editor:;jsessionid=4x1RHQCpPWqv9X8fTkhBd86Z9vClKl7JDkw1HQSf25pMz0bTPLk9!1529331623?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_wk_article&r21.pgpath=%2FMAL%2FOpinion&r21.content=%2FMAL%2FOpinion%2FHeadlineList_Story_1699581

It's a Philly paper.

Hello from Iowa

This is one of my letters sent to I send this letter often and to a lot of different publications, news mags, etc. It's nice to see one get printed. Chris Noth, the actor is a cousin. We've met twice at his club in NYC. He seems like a nice guy. Well, to all, keep writing letters and maybe more will see print. That's what I've been doing.

Great distillation--great strategy....

It's an excellent little letter and thanks for the idea. It sounds like you do some advanced 9/11 Truthing by multiple mailings. It's an idea I'll have to consider. Thanks.

Chris' letter is persuasive...
...don't believe them!


But should we notice a shared surname between, say, someone on the staff of 'Popular Mechanics' and the Homeland Security secretary, well--heaven forbid if we, in our nutty tin-foil hats, should so much as wonder whether there might be some family connection!!


That is a very well written concentrated message. A+

Good Oped but....

...not exactly in the hard-core MSM


Well, we do what we can do .

Well, we do what we can do . . . Lots of Power Players in the area, you probably have no idea . . . Bush relatives, friends & Skull & Bones buddies, maybe some wives can have a conscience . . . jeez, that sounds so sexist, but it is what it is . . . . here.



Another news item from the upside-down world:

Ship Built With WTC Steel Christened

The USS New York, an amphibious assault ship built with scrap steel from the ruins of the World Trade Center, was christened Saturday as a source of strength and inspiration for the nation.
Thousands of people, including friends and families of those who died in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, gathered near the hulking gray ship, trimmed in red, white and blue banners.
The bow stem, which contains 7.5 tons of steel from the site, bore a shield with two gray bars to symbolize the twin towers and a banner over that declaring "Never Forget," a slogan among New Yorkers.
"May God bless this ship and all who sail on her," Dotty England said before smashing a bottle of champagne against it, producing a loud thump to go with the spurting liquid and flying streamers.
Story after story of lives lost in, and touched by, the attacks peppered the ceremony, held under the blazing sun and broadcast on large screens. It all brought back painful memories for New York Police Lt. Matt Murphy. But the reason for his being here, though, was a source of pride, he said.
"I tell you, it's a fantastic day. Sometimes you think you're over something," he said, his eyes welling up as he looked off toward the ship, "and then you realize you're not completely."
Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, husband to Dotty, told the crowd that ship names provide a legacy, and that for their crews they serve as a source of strength and inspiration.
When the attacks occurred, the ship was planned but had no name. Then-New York Gov. George Pataki asked the Navy to commemorate the disaster by reviving the name New York. That required an exception to Navy policy of assigning state names only to nuclear submarines.
The steel from the towers is now part of the ship that splices through the water, leading the way.
"It resurrects the ashes, so to speak, to do great things for our nation," said Bill Glenn, a spokesman for Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, the ship builder.
Along with the steel from one of the worst terrorist attacks in the U.S., it also survived one of the nation's worst natural disasters: Hurricane Katrina.
The ship motivated many of the Avondale shipyard workers to return to the job, even though many lost their homes in the 2005 storm.
The billion-dollar, 25,000-ton vessel is 684 feet long, 105 feet wide. It is the fifth in a new class of warship, designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It can carry a crew of about 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.
USS New York's prospective commanding officer is Cmdr. F. Curtis Jones, a native New Yorker. It is to be commissioned, essentially added to the fleet, next year. It could be used as part of peaceful missions or as part of war, said Adm. Gary Roughead, the Navy's chief of operations.
That it could be used in war did not bother Lee Ielpi, president of the September 11th Families' Association, whose son, Jonathan, a firefighter, died in the attacks. The ship won't be used for war "unless you bother us," he said in an interview.
"We're sending a message that we're standing strong," he said, adding: "This ship, as it cuts through the water, is going to send a ripple. That ripple will say, 'We cherish our freedom.'"
Rep. Vito Fossella, R-N.Y., said Sept. 11 was a turning point in the nation, and will never be forgotten because remnants of the disaster are part of the ship.
"If the USS New York has to follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell, PCO Jones and his crew ... have my full support," he said to a standing ovation.

Looks like we have our steel evidence back.
As Bugs Bunny might say, “Eeehhh (chomp, chomp) Ironic, ain’t it?”

thanks for posting Jon and Betsy

yes, we must all persist in writing letters to the editor and doing anything and everything else we can think of to encourage discussion, questioning, and eventually a reinvestigation and the serving of justice. Justice, especially for the poor, dear families and friends of loved ones lost without warning (!) on 9/11, the survivors, the first responders....I can only begin to imagine the indignation and outrage they must be feeling. Justice will be theirs. i'm no so sure about the highly decorated military persona...more like an intelligence/high-tech op, foreign and domestic...

I frowned upon the statement

I frowned upon the statement about the smoking gun.

