Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow diddle-daddle with 9/11 Truth on Countdown - 4/1/08

Its embarrassing

to watch such intelligent people tippy toey around the 800lb gorrilla in the room

But is it not a plus....

That they are at least beginning to discuss it...maybe the small trickle that allows the dam to break?

Yes, it is a plus

I'm surprised how everyone is jumping all over Olbermann and Maddow. Granted, the end was a bit of a cop-out with the typical "incompetence" theory, but overall, it was generally critical of this administration's stories about 9/11, the "War on Terror" and dismantling the Constitution. As the truth comes out in the mainstream there are going to be more and more public conversations like this about 9/11 issues - some more inquisitive than others. We should try to support "open discourse" at all times, even if the conversations don't go far enough in our minds. Part of our mission is to bring the conversation to the masses and let them discuss it a bit. The more the taboo of discussing 9/11 is lifted, the sooner the truth will begin to reveal itself. It's agonizing watching the truth come out so slowly. But lets not slam those willing to start looking deeper like Olbermann and Maddow and instead, encourage them and yes, try to enlighten them a little bit more in a responsible way. Be confident, the dam WILL break.


I'm not throwing stones . . . I can't talk about 9/11 truth where I work either . . . . I agree its just a matter of time before the truth explosion . . . . one of these guys could really make a name for themselves by diving in . . . the water is nice!

9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing, and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

These two are waltzing around the gorilla.

It is called the Military-Industrial News Media Two-Step.

That's a Good One.

The Ballet of Betrayal.

We have to expose all of this.

With God's help we can do it.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Those are good... bout--The Dance of Deceit? It was an entirely unimpressive commentary. I usually like Olbermann because he's at least blasting the Bush regime, but this was a story they should've skipped! If you can't say it clearly, then don't bring up in the first place! It wasa pathetically indirect conversation.

Mukasey possibly forgot his Alzheimer's med when he made the statement? I don't believe any of those in power have any feelings left. They couldn't function under the emotional burden. Mukasey is a made man in my humble estimation for his help in covering up WTC 93.

If there were any hint of tears welling up, they were crocodile tears.

...don't believe them!

"9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb?

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing, and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

They Don't Want To Lose Their Jobs

There are some lines that if you want to keep your job in corporate media you do not cross.
Olbermann and Maddow did a great job pushing the margin a bit .

Many comments here reveal a shallow and juvenile understanding of MSM in this country. I know those folks hearts are in the right place but they are fundamentally ignorant of how corporate media functions.

they would lose their jobs?

we're expressing our frustration . . . if you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then you know the state of the MSM


and it also makes me a bit angry

9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb?

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing, and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

Sounds like Olbermann needs to be truth-squaded.


Keith Olbermann

needs to be introduced to - Richard Gage &

He needs to seriously watch Loose Change 2nd Edition & Final Cut.

911 Mysteries etc.

Operation Northwoods.

Truth Squad pls and educate the man.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Puhlease, he (and she) know

Puhlease, he (and she) know what is going on. He probably knows more than most of us, but for whatever reason (bully'd) doesn't just come out with it. It is a tough balance for them. He wants to promote truth. That is why he said to swear Mukasey in at a build a case and have these guys self destruct. Don't get me wrong, it would be amazing if he just came out with it and had Gage and Griffin on the show but he is building public opinion that perhaps this was an inside job. Get people thinking (imagine that). IMO, he insinuates there is something not kosher very effectively for the average viewer.

I agree.

Most likely he does.

But someone Truth Squad him to get him on the record to make a statement.

When I said Truth Squad him and educate the man, what I mean is to educate him that people who know the truth are not going to let him get away that easy just skirting around the issue of 911 Truth.

We need to educate the man on how to be more assertive about 911 Truth and state facing the issues head on.

So let's "educate" the man. Truth Squad style. Straight& Direct.

It does not have to be very confrontational. Just lay the bare facts about, Operation Northwoods, 911 1st Responders and let him have his say.

We have to give this guys some opportunity to "defect" to our side when they are ready.

K. Olbermann may be ready.

Its worth a try.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Better Approach

To encourage would be best. For instance, Griffin's latest book would be a good guide to raising questions in the media. We should bring up these points and email them en masse. Truth squading is not the right technique for Olbermann - I believe him to be one of the good guys. He has a family and you shouldn't corner him into a precarious situation. Remember, what these guys (Bush Co) have done is just as bad as Hitler and the like, so they will stop at all costs. It is our responsibility to protect people, especially when they are on the side of truth. To encourage truth would be the best approach.

If he was a public away. As for private sector, any known spewer of venom is game as well. OReilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter...those guys - and I mean guys:)

an email I sent:

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

I certainly enjoyed your and Ms. Maddow's recent discussion regarding Attorney General Michael Mukasey and 9/11. I sense that you have your doubts regarding the official story offered for the events of that day. If you would like to see a list of others that also have doubts, please visit I would also recommend (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth) for the clearest discussion (Richard Gage's presentation) of the physical impossibilities of the building collapses. Finally, David Ray Griffin's latest, 9/11 Contradictions, An Open Letter to Congress and the Press which addresses "the internal contraindications within the public story about 9/11" (quoted from the Preface).

Mr. Olbermann, I am simply a dentist that does not see how the official story of 9/11 makes any sense. I have no idea at all what really happened that day; I just cannot see what we have been told as the right answer. I have no agenda. I am not an activist. I just happen to love our country (or at least what it used to be). The ramifications of the official story being false are almost too unsettling to comprehend. Maybe that is why in over six years no public figure has stepped forward to ask hard questions, risking the personal/professional marginalization that might occur.

Thank you for taking the time to hear from one (of many) people seeking the truth, and I remain,

Respectfully yours,

Rick Saunders, DDS, MS

Great letter.

kudos for doing something.

9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb?

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing, and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

I like watching Keith

I still watch Amy Goodman in the mornings . . . its all better than Katie Couric . . . but it is exhausting watching Lou Dobbs ask why this and that on his show each night. The answers are easy, they just aren't speakable

Do what you can do...

Keith's best email address (I think)

And leave Rachel some comments on her blog if you'd like..

Show "Olberman is an ass!" by nothwind

He's the best of a bad lot.

I don't think it's very productive to alienate someone who is one of the most severe critcis of the bush admin. Olberman may not be a full fledged Truther but he's the best there is and the most likely to cross the line when it becomes safe to do so. The worst you can really say of him is that he is not first high profile celebrity to cross that line, but that would take the super-human courage of someone like Willie Nelson or maybe Jesse Ventura.
I don't think he's and ass but I guess that's subjective eh?

Education is the answer

We cannot overlook the fact that Keith has outed this administration on many scandals. Every Day!

we can ostrasize him from 911truth or we can treat him like the newsman he is and give him a story.

He does have an email, use it.

Bill Polonsky
"The evidence is there no matter how much you don't want it to be."


...if you're going to email him, or "truth-squad" him, or contact any other main-stream figure, present nothing other than AE911 Truth materials. Gage's presentation is absolutely convincing. It convinces the old, the young, and even the most skeptical, almost without fail.

As my co-worker said, "Until I finally felt like I was in a physics class rather than the Twilight Zone I didn't listen to a word of it." Most people, I'm sure, hold similar sentiments, and this often-used NWO, Bilderburg, Alex Jones framework for presenting 911 Truth --however accurate these things may be-- is not the approach to take when dealing with the MSM. I'm my opinion there's no better way to sabotage all of our recent gains than by throwing these highly abstract and unconventional ideas into the mix.

The idea is to get people thinking about the physical impossibilities first and then move in with more information. Remember, you can argue about political concepts all day long (that is, things relating to the NWO, Bilderbergs, etcetera) but you can't argue, with minor theoretical exception, about the scientific principles that govern our universe.

You can inform KO

that Andrews Airforce Base is just 10 miles from the Pentagon and ask him why there was no intercept of Flight 77 even 51 minutes after WTC 1 North was struck by Flight 11.

Then ask him about Flight 93's 8 mile debris field.

Then ask him about the Wargames.- Vigilant "Whatever". (Being sarcastic here)

Then ask him what he thinks of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's "Beloved and Wonderful" Operation Northwoods.

Icing on the cake for

People no longer have any excuses for not believing 911 Truth.

KO, time to go completely public.

Who knows, he may be reading 911 Blogger under a pseudonym.

Then tell him its high time he signs up and joins WeAreChange.

Who knows.

We might even get a WeAreChange MSNBC.

:) :)
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Anti-hijacking exercise

"Then ask him about the Wargames"

Even better, inform him about the anti-hijacking exercise going on that morning (as part of the wargames). "Is this real-world or exercise?"

9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb?

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing, and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

How about....

....."Vigilant StandDown? ....or "Vigilant NonResponse"?...."Vigilant Distraction"?

I'm sure you all can come up with better ones....

Yeah, that 34 minutes of NOTHING after the SECOND plane hit the Twins is a huge smoking gun with Andrews so close by.....

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

Yes. According to the Commission...

... planes from Andrews were above Washington -- by 10:45... Well after everything was over.

I cannot understand how the official story can pass for real for any thinking person.

On the other hand...

... I have noticed that people tend to find their way around physical impossibilities unless they already have a certain kind of "mindset", "world view" or "way of thinking".

If a person *wants* to believe the official story, it is very difficult to shake his/her belief with physical evidence, no matter how strong.


"this often-used NWO, Bilderburg, Alex Jones framework for presenting 911 Truth --however accurate these things may be-- is not the approach to take when dealing with the MSM. I'm my opinion there's no better way to sabotage all of our recent gains than by throwing these highly abstract and unconventional ideas into the mix."


Just 911 facts are enough.

keep it simple.

Bill Polonsky
"The evidence is there no matter how much you don't want it to be."

Double Bingo!

Just 911 facts are enough.

keep it simple.

9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 l

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........

Jodie Mudd - why are you spamming this thread?

I count 8 identical posts. What is your reason for doing this?

Reprehensor, I'm assuming that you will take this up.


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Sorry, But its NOT SPAM.. Its important.

Sorry, But its NOT SPAM.. Its important. I have seen a LOT of positive response to the "Virtual Proofs" list. Its a great list anyone can use. It would be a great list to get to Olberman and Maddow and anyone else. Sorry. I just wanted everyone to have a chance to see this as it could be a great tool in 911Truth. Sorry again.

Did you send email to Olbermann...

... with a link to that article?

Ms. or Mr. Mudd

You insult everyone's intelligence when you post the same thing NINE times on one thread.

We can read and everyone will see it when they look down the thread.

You make it far more likely that everyone will ignore you and your posts (no matter how important you think they are) when you SPAM them everywhere.

If you can't understand this plain truth....

By definition, spamming anything TURNS IT INTO SPAM, regardless of its relative merit.

Or, perhaps, you're intentionally trying to degrade 911Blogger, is that what you want?

Reflect on it for a while, please.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Know what?

So you know where the call came from..... but you don't know where it went?

You would think .....that they would think..... before they try to propagate a known fabrication

They really do think we are stupid.... and they are right... for the most part

Together in Truth!

I know where it went.




On behalf of.


Neo-Con Gangsters.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Lie dectect his voice with new Voice Stress Analysis LIe Detect

Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,

Keith Olbermann George Bush is a liar, Ton Bliar is a liar , Colin Powel is a liar , the Bush government are lying , ... how can you make sense out of lies?

Can you not lie test Michael Mukasey with the new computer telephone "Automatic Voice Stress Analysis LIe Detect"

and then we will have the answer if he was lying ?

The science gives us new means of lie detecting our leaders by just analysing there voice on the telephone, television , etc.

Keith Olbermann if you want to keep Americans safe ( and while you are at it please include the other 6 billions of humans on earth) push to impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush for treason. Once they are out of executive power we will all be safer !



Address of MSNBC's studios

One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, New Jersey 07024

I have not been there yet, but from the video it looks like the Countdown studio is at ground level, with a live background window - a perfect place to display 9/11 Truth signs.

"9/11: How many virtual proofs to turn on the 9/11 light bulb?

"9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?"

I found a simple way to introduce anyone -- Olberman and Maddow included -- to a lot of facts about 9/11 in a concise, convincing and easy to understand way. It is referenced on Joe's blog. It is linked to OpEdnews.

Get this list to Olberman and Maddow and ...... and .......... and ..........


The important thing here is the fact that corporate-media are starting to allow doubts about the
OCT to be voiced . The lies and omissions are so many that it is impossible for "intelligent" people to ignore
or ridicule 9-11 truth longer .
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

Your Turn Rachel

I don't know what the female equivalent to "balls" is, ovaries I guess, but it's far past the time that some major Air America hosts, like Maddow start showing them and pick up the gauntlet that Jesse Ventura is offering them and have him on their shows, for God's sake.

letter to olbermann

My letter (that I posted yesterday) is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile some newbie is SPAMMING (yes dear, you ARE spamming the board, and I'm about to start sending complaints to the moderator) the place...

Mr. Olbermann

With all due respect, the issue of criminal complicity by some members of the government on 9/11 needs to be stated.

The white house clearly wanted the attack. They wrote about the "catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl Harbor" a year before the event. Then they pretended -- pretended badly -- that they had never even considered these things before, while their own intelligence agencies were screaming about warnings of just this scenario. The idea that they were ignorant (and therefore "incompetent" rather than complicit) is destroyed completely by the Genoa Italy developments. Bush and his entire entourage moved out of high rise hotel because of warnings of suicide skyjackings crashing to kill him! Anti-aircraft missiles deployed around the city of Genoa. This is the LA Times and CNN (though NOT NBC, I notice) and a whole lot of FOREIGN PRESS reporting the facts.

When will US News bother actually investigating 9/11? When?

70 Disturbing Facts About 9/11

John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State Blog

johndoraemi --at--

I apologize, but its not spam.

Sorry, someone earlier said Olbermann needed to be "truthsquaded." But its NOT SPAM. Have you read the list of "Virtual Proofs?" Its a great, concise, and convincing list. Its a great way to "truthsquad." Its important. I have seen a LOT of positive response to the "Virtual Proofs" list. Its a great list anyone can use. It would be a great list to get to Olberman and Maddow and anyone else. Sorry. I just wanted everyone to have a chance to see this as it could be a great tool in 911Truth. Sorry again.

Joe put it up on his blog and apparently nobody saw it. So given the "truthsquading" comment, I thought this would be a great place to get people to look at it. Anyway, check it out. It would actually be nice to see it appear on the front page.

P.S. That is a good letter you wrote to Keith. (I just thought of this: Maybe send him: "9/11: How many virtual proofs does it take to turn on the 9/11 light bulb in people's minds?")