"New Freedom" for a New Generation

Established as a result of Bush's New Freedom Initiative, the New Freedom Commission was created "to examine specific aspects of mental health services and offer recommendations for improvement." As a result, new guidelines were created for the mandatory psychological testing and, if needed, forced medication of every public school student in the United States, without parental notification or consent.

"New freedom"... get it?

This is a clip from "One Nation Under Siege" -

Related articles:

"Bush Wants To Be Your Shrink"
Now Bush wants to test every American for mental illness--including you! And guess who will create the tests?

"Shut up and take your drugs"
The Bush administration, long tied in an unholy, generational alliance with the pharmaceutical companies, hopes to pattern this massive effort to get more Americans on drugs.


New Freedom equals the freedom to be subjected to mandatory psychological testing and, if needed, forced medication.

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
George Orwell