Steve Alten On 6 ABC Philadelphia

This was an excellent interview by Steven. My only critique is to say that the "Neocons" are not the only problem. If we've learned anything during the tenure of this administration, it's that both sides of the aisle are not on the side of the people.


I think we know who attended, and who lied about it before Congress, and that emails may have been destroyed pertaining to the Energy Task Force, and that one of the things discussed during the Energy Task Force meetings was Iraq's oil fields BEFORE 9/11, but because the Supreme Court sided with Dick, we don't know EVERYTHING that took place at those meetings.

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Mission Accomplished.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Media - Steve Alten

Thursday March 6, 2008
Steve Alten, author of "The Shell Game", delivers 9/11 Truth to Jim Bohanon's CBS National Radio audience (4 + million)

(40 Minutes - 11 Meg)

Friday March 7, 2008
Alex Jones speaks with Steve Alten about his new book "The Shell Game" and takes questions from callers

(33 Minutes - 9.7 Meg)

Saturday March 22, 2008
Kevin Barret talks with Steve Alten, author of "The Shell Game", about their respective encounters with neoconmedia, including Steve's run-in with Jim Bohanon

(75 Minutes - 22 Meg)

The Shell Game
By Steve Alten

Product Description
The story opens in 2007 when two CIA spooks meet with an American Colonel in military intelligence. The war is going badly, and President Bush, who steadfastly refuses to back down, remains unchallenged at home as Democrats and Republicans continue to toss verbal grenades positioning themselves for the 2008 elections. Meanwhile, Iran s pursuit of nuclear energy will yield enriched uranium within five years, uranium that can be used to manufacture suitcase nukes. The United States military is too drained to invade Iran, and a preemptive strike is out of the question,unless a nuclear detonation were to occur in an American city, the enriched uranium traced back to Iran. A U.S. reprisal would strike a death-blow against radical Islam, quell the insurgent violence in Iraq,and yield more oil. Yes, the cost is unthinkable but if we sit back and do nothing then one day a dozen suitcase bombs could go off in a dozen American cities bringing with it anarchy and the collapse of Western civilization. December 2011: Ashley Ace Futrell is an oil expert working for PetroConsultants, married to Kelli Doyle, a former National Security Advisor and one of the CIA spooks from the opening scene. When Kelli threatens to expose the plot, Ace finds his existence hurtling down a rabbit s hole of deceit where the orchestrated lies of the powerful few could lead to the darkest days of human existence, and the death knell for billions.

More convinced after seeing each interview...

Steve Alten is a true believer. I'm more convinced after each interview that Alten represents the movement very well.

I'll be getting two books after the 15th. I'm glad it will be after the 15th, perhaps, the worst (tax) time of the year.

...don't believe them!

Alten w/ The News-Dispatch on 9/11 Truths

Most Dangerous 'Game'
Best-selling author Steve Alten encounters unexpected hurdles amid the release of his post-9/11 thriller

Andrew Tallackson
The News-Dispatch

By the time he finished writing "The Shell Game," Steve Alten was convinced it was his best work.

He still feels that way.

He just didn't think the political thriller, which envisions another 9/11 on U.S. soil, would have so much trouble finding an audience.

"When I sat down to write the book, I thought, I will not have any trouble selling it or getting any publicity on this," Alten said. "I was wrong on both accounts.

"By the time it went to print, I discovered the 9/11 truth. This subject is a little taboo with the mainstream media ... and the problem is that the mainstream media is owned by these ivory towers that are in the war business.

. . . Reviews for "The Shell Game" have been positive, and like Alten's previous efforts, it landed on The New York Times' best-seller list.

Unexpected, however, are the harassing phone calls Alten has received at home from those opposing the book, often at 4 a.m. One person, in fact, included Alten's unpublished home phone number, his wife's name and other personal information on a Web blog, inviting people to pester the author. Alten has called the FBI four times to deal with the situation, but he's received no response . . .

But for now, Alten is pushing "The Shell Game." He refuses to be intimidated or silenced by those who oppose it, and hopes readers will give it a chance. More importantly, he hopes it gets them thinking, to question what they've been told by the government, specifically about 9/11.

"My goal, my daydream every day," he said, "is that enough people will read the book and cause enough of a furor to force a new investigation, or someone confesses something, and it will have a snowball effect."

Google Video upload

Thank you...

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Has 911blogger turned into ""???

Hopefully he's at least donating some money from his book sales to the first responders and this website for all the free promotion he's been receiving. Or is it really free promotion? Hmmm....

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Are you suggesting...

That I, or others on blogger have gotten money for this?

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

I'm suggesting that most of Alten's promotion at 911blogger

seems extremely coordinated in my opinion. Whether or not your promotion of him is out of the kindness of your own heart, I honestly don't know. But my guess is you posted this blog because of your Philly connection to the story. So sorry if you feel like I'm implicating you as a shill for Alten for financial reasons, Jon. I just chose to vent on this particular blog because it was the most recent Alten addition to the front page.

I personally can say that I've never made a nickel from any of my 9/11 activism. The same can't be said for many others who've made a nice living off of it.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


If you people would go to the damn WOT website you'd see STEVE ALTEN IS HELPING FIRST RESPONDERS!!!!!

Do you want to get the truth out or not? How about getting it out QUICKLY with an edu-fiction Thriller.
Reach LOTS of people quickly that might never have gotten to know there is another truth out there.
You can't turn people on to the Truth if they don't even know it exists!!

This isn't about Steve, its about the TRUTH!

Steve spent all of his advance on the design of the book cover, having the great trailers made (, and publicists. And he is spending a LOT on travel to promote the TRUTH.

Watch both interviews again. Steve Alten and his great book The Shell Game are the VEHICLES to get the truth out QUICKLY. Steve is doing everything he can to get the truth out. Steve is offering himself up as a VEHICLE. And does he present himself WELL!! Help him out!

Why QUICKLY? Are you aware of all of the predictions of a coming next (NUCLEAR?) 9/11?


"david.watts" your writing style resembles "BILL DOUGLAS"

Is that you, Bill?

Rep, if possible, can you please verify if Bill is using "david.watts" as a moniker? I mean they do look very similar to me. The use of CAPS and both showing up not too long from one another pimping "Shell Game" and all. Oh and I'm talking about the old Bill Douglas - before he recently (on this thread) stopped using CAPS obsessively.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


No, it's not the same person. Two different dedicated IPs.

You're wrong about that, too.

Rep are you positive Bill Douglas isn't using sockpuppets

I've been an active member of this site for years now and I've seen a lot of people come and go and from my own personal observations IMHO I think he is. Or he's working very closely with a few others who are acting very similar to him and are promoting the same information (disinformation?).

Also, did you read my post further down this thread asking why many of Bill's blogs promoting Shell Game have been purged? Are you aware of this? I clicked on Bill's blog entries and several blogs dedicated to Shell Game (including many comments from members critical of him and the book) are now gone. Why?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


Unless he can travel time and space.

However, I have noticed one anomaly in the IP addresses, and if it's a sock-puppet, you'll be the first to know.

As far as purged blog entries, you may be mixing news items posted by moderators with Douglas' blog entries. Therefore, Douglas' blog entries are few.

Unless you have specific URLs? If so, I would appreciate it if you mailed those directly, that I would be very interested in seeing, as I don't currently see logged evidence of blog tampering.

Thanks Rep. And perhaps you're correct about the blogs

But I could have sworn there were more by him. But I could be mistaken. Sorry for the confusion.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Hey Rep, I've been reading some interesting things...

regarding this whole Steve Alten push by people like "david.watts". Have a looky at this thread over at, starting on page 5 where "watts" pops up....

The Shell Game & Week of Truth - A critical view

Who in the world is this "david.watts" person?

Well on page 6, Jan Hoyer quoted a "david.watts" who seemed very interested in "burned out cars" and "directed energy" LOL. Here's the quote...

"By the way, yesterday, I came upon a "directed energy" website. I looked at an awful lot of burned out cars -- many quite far from ground zero -- and its really bizarre. The very first thought is, this makes absolutely no sense. Robert, is there ANY sort of alternate explanation offered by anyone? I'll look a little further, but I think I could jump into your "directed energy" camp real quickly."
– David Watts Thursday, February 7, 2008 at 3:57:36 PM

Hmmmm a curious comment INDEED, Jan!

Lemme ask you, "david.watts", when you're not inventing sockpuppets here at 911blogger...

and pimping "Shell Game"...

how much of your time is devoted to this "directed energy camp"?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, just in case you really didn't make that comment above. I understand that it's possible someone may have used your moniker and posted the comment somewhere in your name. For instance, a while back when I was severely criticizing the morons and disinfo artists who were pimping theories about "no planes at the world trade center" and "space beams destroying the WTC" - someone from their "camp" began posting their ludicrous theories using my moniker "stallion4" (if you google it, the first one that comes up is a video channel promoting these bogus theories). So I completely understand if this may have happened to you as well. If not, please elaborate for the readers of 911blogger about whether or not you've decided to "jump into the directed energy camp".

And what's this I hear about people's names being put on "Week on Truth" flyers who didn't give their permission to do so?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Sorry, I forgot...

That whenever this movement tries to do something as a movement, or "coordinated", there must be some devious reason behind it.

I can almost guarantee stallion4, that I've spent $1000's more on 9/11 Truth than you have, and have made even less, so next time you want to try and implicate me as a shill, think twice about it.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Jon, you obviously didn't read my post above.

But if you want to act like I'm the bad guy here go right ahead. No one is stopping you. Oh and how much will the first responders receive from book sales when Shell Game doesn't crack the top 10? I hear there is a "commission" that will go to them from each book sold? How much, do you know?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

I read your post...

I have no idea what Steve Alten is going to donate if he doesn't make the top 10. All I know is what he'll donate if he does. I'd say $5000 a week is a nice prospect for the responders, and a good incentive to try and make it happen don't you? Incidentally, if you read my original post on the subject, you'll see that I said with regard to the conference call that "we also talked about future collaborations having to do with getting the NYC Ballot Initiative off the ground, and many other things as well." In other words, who's to say that on the next conference call, we don't decide to have yet another "Week Of Truth" where we try to get Dr. Griffin's latest book on the top 10? I also knew that there would be people who would criticize the money that's to be made from this for Steve. "I know that this might look like to some as a way to make Steve Alten some money. I know that some people might have a hard time promoting a fictional book that incorporates 9/11 facts in it. All I can say is, if Steve Alten manages to get on the TV often, and says all of the right things often, then I don't care how much money he makes. Especially if some of it goes to help the responders." We would have figuratively KILLED for the kind of attention Steve has gotten recently 3 years ago. Now we're arguing about whether or not we should try and help it continue? WHAT?!? It's only one week for crying out loud. If you don't want to buy the book, don't, but don't make insinuations (that are not true) about people that are actually trying to do something positive, and are so far succeeding.

And I know nothing of commission.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Jon are you saying you don't believe there are pfrofiteers....

liars, disinformationalists, who will say anything you want to hear? Remember Fetzer? Remember Morgan Reynolds? Judy Wood? Should I go on? They said a whole lot of stuff that many in the so-called "truth" movement liked hearing until... well you know the rest. Sorry but I DO NOT TRUST what is going on here. Something smells damn fishy.

"I read your post"

Well why did you say this then....

"so next time you want to try and implicate me as a shill, think twice about it."

I clearly stated in my earlier post that I wasn't and said I was sorry if you thought I was implicating you as being a shill for Alten.
"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

I sure do...

And I also remember watching Steve interact with kids at Barnes & Noble who loved reading his "Meg" series. I also remember friends and family coming to see Steve at Barnes & Noble. Steve does not come across as a Fetzer, Reynolds or Wood. He comes across exactly as he is perceived to be. Do you think I didn't have my doubts about this? Do you think Steve Alten is the one I would choose (if I had a choice) to represent the movement nationally? I would much rather have Lorie Van Auken, Patty Casazza, Mindy Kleinberg, Bob McIlvaine, Donna Marsh O'Connor, Christina Kminek (who I just talked to on the phone, and she knows what she's talking about), Michele Little, Sally Regenhard, Monica Gabrielle, etc... etc... and Paul Thompson plastered on the TV sets of America. However, the media hasn't exactly been asking for those people. They have been asking for Steve, and as long as Steve continues to do his best, then more power to him. Just out of curiosity, if we do a "Week Of Truth" for Dr. Griffin, and we manage to make him enormous sums of money, will you not trust that as well?

I stated that because... you know... call me crazy, but I don't like when someone insinuates something about me that isn't true. You should apologize to everyone in my opinion. Michael Wolsey is not a shill, I know that for a fact, and he's 100% behind this effort. Neither are several other people involved in this effort. If Steve turns out to be a a Fetzer, I will be the FIRST one to call him out.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

I couldn't agree with you more here:

All I can say is, if Steve Alten manages to get on the TV often, and says all of the right things often, then I don't care how much money he makes. Especially if some of it goes to help the responders

The key phrase here is " says all the right things".

My concern is with message management and this starts with the book and moves on to Mr. Alten's presentation in the msm.

Some seem to want to elevate Mr. Alten to be THE spokesperson for 9/11 truth in the msm. He is very new to 9/11 truth (as he has admitted) and his performance's to date have shown that he is not quite ready for prime time. Thus, some vetting and coaching is in order, yes?

You only get one chance to make a first impression.

I could care less about how much money he makes, that is not the point here (not for me, anyway).

As for truth weeks, I'd love to have a week when we bombard Mr. Waxman's offices all day, every day on behalf of Ms. Edmonds. Another week when we pound Congress on behalf of the first responders would be wickedly cool, too.

Keep up the great work, Jon!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

I don't like everything Steve says...

And I comment on it when I post. He is VERY Ruppert oriented (as I used to be), and states things as Ruppert would state them. I don't think he should state theories as fact, but rather put the facts out there on their own. Most of them speak for themselves. Rest assured, Steve Alten is NOT the person I would pick to be "THE spokesperson for 9/11 truth in the msm". I stated my picks above. I mean no disrespect to Steve.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Even more agreement !

(yea!, LOL)

While I know that Peak Oil is fact I would not lead with it or even feature it prominently in a short interview format. It scares the bejeebers out of most folks, especially in the present environment. Introducing folks to the questions of 9/11 is hard enough without terrorizing them with the implications of Peak Oil first.

I, too, have a real problem with his stating theories as facts.

It would be great if Mr. Alten could meet with a group of "old wise heads" from the movement and get a well-rounded education and create a carefully crafted message to take on the road.

I like your picks, keep up the great work and I hope to see you at a conference or event sometime before the fall election.


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


He will be reading these comments that are meant to help him (most of them).

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?

Peak Oil features prominently in his book...

... so it would be quite difficult not to talk about that in the interviews...

I don't know, but to me he did well in the interview I watched.

Still, surely someone can contact Steve with the guidance presented here?

Obviously, he has to talk about it,

just not lead with it, is all I'm saying.

It all comes down to message management.

Cheers, Vesa!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


Sorry to disappoint, stallion, not a penny.

If Alten chooses to run an ad here it will be in the blog ads section.

You've gotta admit it looks sketchy, Rep.

It seems like every time I come here (for the last few months anyway) that there are multiple blogs for Steve Alten on the front page on a daily basis. IMO it reeks of a concerted effort to set this Alten guy up as the new 9/11 truth guru. Why I really don't know. Perhaps it's a financial reason. But whatever the reason may be, it doesn't appear to be uncoordinated.
"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening


I can only speak for myself and I'm an unabashed supporter of Steve Alten and his book because I sincerely believe it is our best chance to break the mainstream glass ceiling. Already this interview on Philly ABC6 is proof of this on a small scale.

Let's not fight ourselves

There's always someone who finds a flaw that only breeds suspicion and division within the movement. May I please request that we stick to pertinent things. Things which relate to spreading 9/11 truth.

I agree with you to some extent

but the heavy shilling of Shell Game at 911blogger needs to end. It's ruining this website (that I've been a member of for quite some time). IMO it's similar to being a member of a health & fitness forum and seeing shills pop in from time to time pimping new products claiming to make you lose weight, gain muscle, etc... which usually turns out to be crap and can possibly harm you.

This is how I feel about the Shell Game and some of the people promoting it.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

"shilling" come on man.

"shilling" come on man. "ruining"? The only thing that ever "ruins" the site to me is all this in-fighting and suspiscion on everything.
good work deserves to be recognized and this is good work that is working toward getting the truth out. Hell, keep promoting this and other works like it as long as it gets into the freakin mainstream. We can sit here on our rumps all day complaining and accusing each other of this or that but some of these people are doing everything possible to get the info OUT of these posts and into the eyes of newbies which is exactly what is needed. I will continue to be happy to see any posts that reflect those efforts.

on to the next topic please

Yes and when I was critical of Fetzer and Judy Wood

before they started spewing nonsense about Space Beams and other disinfo, I was voted down and told to stop in-fighting and to stop being suspicious. Well, we all know how that turned out don't we. LOL

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Alten has been meticulous in his interviews to stick to facts.

Alten goes after
- War Games
- WTC 7
- illegal destruction of WTC forensics

To equate him somehow with the "space beams crowd," is very disrespectful to Alten's careful interviewing style.

The problem is that if the 9/11 truth movement is going to attack anyone who joins us . . . then no one will join us.

We've lost so many allies over the years, because people don't like being insulted.

More hyperbole

This does not serve you or Mr. Alten well on several counts.

1) You engender false confidence which will lead to a lack of preparation and more gaffes (yes, Mr. Douglas, there have been gaffes, Mr. Alten is human, after all. I can enumerate them if you want, but I'm guessing you "don't have time" to self-critique and get match fit, as we say in soccer)

2) You create unrealistic expectations which will always lead to perceived failure, this is inescapable when such hyperbole is employed.

3) You insult the intelligence of your critical thinking "base" (folks like me, for instance).

If Mr. Alten is truly serious about succeeding at the task he seems to have set for himself, he needs to work with the movement, carefully craft a message with us, and train, train, train (I would suggest repeated mock interviews).

This movement has seen its share of folks come in, rise toward the top and then take a wrong turn, some very publicly, this makes some folks very leery. While Mr. Alten does not strike me as one of these previous "leaders" gone astray, he does have the potential to do harm as well as good. The more exposure he gets the greater this potential.

We are all parents of the truth and we cherish our child very much, thus great care is in order.

I apologize for the "lecture" but at times you seem to get a bit carried away and overstate your case, as well as run roughshod over people. This is just not good politics and politics (in the true sense) is what movements are all about.

I highly recommend creating an advisory group, carefully crafting a message and developing a media strategy to meticulously manage said message.

There are many very talented people within the movement, call on them for more than just the price of two books and some routine emailing, they will step up and you will not be disappointed.

I hope that you and Mr. Alten are well, as well as your respective families.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Our best mainstream outlet.

If you have a better idea for getting access to the mainstream talk show circuit, I'm sure we will all eagerly get behind your plan too (for free.)
And from what I have read he has pledged a significant amount to the Fealgood Foundation.
BTW Rep. when the promo cheques come in, send mine to (address hidden) (just kidding)

Show ""he has pledged a significant amount to the Fealgood Foundation"" by stallion4

$5000 a week...

For every week he's on the top 10. I heard him tell me himself on the phone.

Why isn't Dick Cheney in prison?


"Steve has said that for every week he is on the top 10, he will donate $5000 to the FealGood Foundation."
from here;
"What Steve didn't tell you is he is giving $5000 per week to the FEALGOOD Foundation for every week we can get this in the TOP 10. Buy several copies April 16 thru April 22 and help FEALGOOD -- The First Responders who are sick and dying and being left out to dry by the administration who told them the air was ok to breath."
from here; (david.watts post)
Why the dripping sarcasm? I was being sincere when I suggested we would get behind anyone with a hope of accessing the mainstream.

"The top 10"????? LOL

And when it doesn't reach the "top 10"?

Here's the NYT best seller list:

Tell me where Alten's book ranks, Phaedrus.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

I don't know.

Can we agree to disagree Stallion? I understand your skepticism but I don't think it warrants your sarcasm.
I realize our enthusiasm isn't going to wear off on you, nor is your sarcasm going to discourage us supporters.
Sure we have a slim chance of pushing this book into the top 10, and even if we could, we have another slim chance of seeing Steve Alten on Oprah or whatever other popular talk show.
But what is the alternative? Nothing? Chit chat here amongst ourselves?
It may not be the magic bullet but I think most here agree it is better than nothing and if it seems to you we are grasping at straws, well it's better than giving up. (sorry for mixing metaphors)
And I admit I don't know where the book ranks but just because we can't see the goalposts doesn't mean we can't score a touchdown.

stallion4 -- I can tell you what Steve SAID!

I can tell you what Steve SAID! He is supporting FIRST RESPONDERS and the FEALGOOD FOUNDATION.

Also, go to WOT -- and see where he is supporting First Responders and Feal Good.

Is it related to his book having to be in "the top 10" first?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

If Stallion wants 9/11 truth outted . . . he doesn't act like it

How can anyone who wants 9/11 truth out, not be ecstatic that Alten is getting truths out onto corporate media????

I have doubts about Stallion's motives.

Alten urged viewers on CBS to go to and read Griffin's and Ruppert's books.

Should they be paying Alten? Is that why Alten urged viewers to go to, because he's getting paid by them??

What kind of screwy logic is this that because a best selling author put everything on the line to write a book involving 9/11 truth, and then became a fearless advocate of the truth movement . . . and now is poised, with our help to hit the NY Times top 10 . . . so he can carry the message of our work to the mass public . . . that all Stallion can do is cast these spurious insults at Alten, 911blogger . . .etc. etc

The coalition behind includes proven 911 truth activists and researchers, including Richard Gage, Steven Jones, Dylan Avery,, Project Censored's director, Kevin Ryan, Jack Blood, and on and on.

Who is this "Stallion" person who throws insults at all of us who've slaved for years to out truth?

I hope 911blogger won't be intimidated by this visionless person.

Is that the best you've got Bill (a.ka.Steve Alten Super Fan #1)

Also, are you using multiple user names here at 911blogger? IMO you have a strong resemblance to another who showed up on this string shortly before you, throwing around CAPS like there's no tomorrow, the way you used to not too long ago.


Hmmmm that's odd. Just clicked on Bill's profile and it appears that many of his blogs pimping "Shell Game" have been purged? Rep, are you aware of this? Or am I mistaken? I remember there being a nauseating amount of blogs from Bill pimping "Shell Game" that I now can't seem to find on his info page.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Don't ask us to stop thinking critically, Mr. Douglas

As that is the quickest path to defeat.

Critical thinking is the foundation of the truth movement.

While I might quibble with stallion4's tone at times, considering our history and the history of all movements, he does have some legitimate concerns that need to be addressed.

(As do I, I hasten to add)

Open, honest and respectful engagement and transparency are necessary, as anything else can only create suspicion and mistrust.

Stallion4, you have to know that a certain amount of "coordination" is required for a successful media campaign, quite a bit actually. If you can lower your accusatory tone a bit I think you will get more satisfactory responses, too.

No one benefits from flame wars, agreed?

We are all brothers and sisters in truth, after all.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Bombing NYC with napalm bombs

Bush, Rumsfeld, Bush's father, the CIA, and the US Navy are suspects of the bombing of our greatest city. Google WTC napalm or South Tower napalm for the most evil people in our history causing the most heinous mass murder in our history.

Way to go NE philly!

As a former resident of the area and someone who got hecked FOR YEARS about 9/11 truth tickles me to see this and all the actions of jon out in Wayne PA at the anthony wayne theatre. keep it up guys!

working in tandem

but not coordinated

i've never met anybody at this site. rep corrects some of my bad spelling every now and then. kevin barrett and i look alike but i've never met him either. i'm going to try and talk to him this Saturday when Jesse "The Brain" Ventura is on his radio program.

The Shell Game is huge . . . we want people to make money promoting 9/11 truth . . . i personally don't believe in the green stuff but my landlord and internet hosting company still believe in the illusion . . so I have to play along.

hang in there . . . it's going to get bumpy . . . but we've got to try and stop the bastards from executing the next false flag attack.



Do you want to get the truth out or not? How about getting it out QUICKLY with an edu-fiction Thriller.
Reach LOTS of people quickly that might never have gotten to know there is another truth out there.
You can't turn people on to the Truth if they don't know it exists!! This isn't about Steve, its about the TRUTH!

(This comment is to all who are questioning Steve's motives.)

Sorry but I'd rather spend my money on something else.

He says he'll donate money AFTER his book reaches the "top 10", which will never happen IMHO.

Also IMHO the first responders would be better off if people sent them whatever Alten's book costs ($26.95 list price) instead of paying for a piece of fiction to read.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

Folks, rather than letting this "Stallion" deflate your hope . .

You can get involved with

The first mass national focused 911 truth movement action. We need volunteers who can spend about 10 or 15 minutes a day for the next week or so helping us to email out this info.

I'll tell you how to do it, if you email me at

Bill Douglas, National 9/11 Visibility Project - facilitator of Week of Truth action

What are you on about?

We aren't 4 years old. This isn't about waiting around "hoping". It's about responsibility and actions.

and this:

"Folks, rather than letting this "Stallion" "

is manipulative and patronizing.

You could have said what you did without the "this Stallion" jab. As if Stallion is the only one who has voiced concerns.

Thanks Jenny!

And yes that's right, Bill! I'm here to "deflate" people's "hope" dontcha know ROFLMAO!!!

Hey Jen, remember the days when we battled the "space beam / no plane at the WTC" loons and they accused us of trying to cover up the REAL truth behind 9/11. Sounds familiar, huh?

And now I'm reading about how this "david.watts" fella might be hooked up with their "camp":

And how peoples names are being put on the "Week of Truth (to help sell a work of fiction)" flyer claiming they support it without their permission:

Yeah, Douglas, I'm just trying to deflate people's hope!

It has nothing to do with me smelling bullshit all over this little operation from jump street.

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

I don't think there are any names on the flyer...

That list of names watt posted at is from an email Douglas sent out last week, I believe. The only name on the flyer is "Steve Alten".

He posted the list at OpEd News and I asked him to remove cosmos' name because I found out that cosmos never attended the call and doesn't support the initiative.

Douglas should have confirmed all the names first.

I just wrote to Luke and advised him to have Douglas "pull" the name from this list:


Thanks for the clarification, Rep!

I've also read in places that people like "david.watts" are implying that Steve Alten got Parkinson's disease because of his involvement with the promotion of his book.

Sounds like a ploy for sympathy to sell more books to me. Sorry the guy got Parkinson's, but is short term stress considered to be a cause? Not according to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation:

What do you think about this, Rep?

"If I had just paid $20 million for the NIST report, I'd be asking for a refund!... The trouble with the NIST Report is that it isn’t even science because it's not capable of being verified or negated!"
-Dr. Frank Greening

One simple question

First, I'm not here to incite hysterical responses, but I have no control over what other people choose to do.

Isn't this exactly the same video that was posted to the front page five hours earlier?

If that is the case, then why is it being reposted?


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Its called VIRAL marketing

Why not promote something closer to the Truth, instead of promoting Holliwood style fiction that apparently perpetuates that toxic Islamophobic atmosphere that rules America since 911? The next you you know Shell Game will be made into a movie.

I would rather promote one of Griffen's books, for example. Why was that NOT done here before? I would say because of a strategy of VIRAL marketing on behalf of Shell Game organised by his "Publicist".

Then there is this business of donations to Feelgood, and speaking on TV PROViDING we buy enough of his books to get him to the Top. WTF? I would call this ABUSE.

Let the author speak the Truth, if he realy BELIEVES in it.

Also, his promised donations to Feelgood are none of our business. Why does he advertise it on the Truth Action site if it was not to motivate goodwilled Truth-Loving people to buy his toxic product.


to answer my own question:

I think Mr. Gold posted this to let the interview speak for itself and create some distance between Mr. Alten, The Shell Game and all of the negativity and hostility on the previous thread, none of which I had any interest in engendering, I hasten to add.

As to your other points, lesage:

1) I would prefer that a push of this sort use a different book, but there is a certain logic to using a work of fiction and they have every right to give it a go.

2) I'm glad that some of the money from book sales may go to the Fealgood Foundation. However, I would be happier if it were a fixed percentage of royalties regardless of how the book does and the process was completely transparent as this would alleviate all reasonable concerns. An additional bonus donation if the book makes the top 10 would make a nice incentive, as well.

3) I have no reason to believe, at this date, that Mr. Alten is anything but a straight-up guy who wants to see the truth get out and new investigations happen. My main concern here is that he is not yet ready for prime time in the brutal msm spotlight and needs help and support to succeed. His success is OUR success, assuming we have the same goal (and I am assuming this at this point in time).

4) While I do have problems with the book, at this point I'm willing to take a wait and see approach. I admit to being human and thus am capable of being in error.

I think you should read the book, lesage, so you can express your own informed opinion on it. After all, if someone told you that modern, steel-framed high rises can collapse due to fire, wouldn't you want to look into it before deciding if it were true or not?

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

So when I found out about The Week Of Truth, I was ecstatic!

Regarding Steve Alten and The Week Of Truth: 1st, I was kicked out of here for good reason. I had to apologize to get back in. My apology is posted. please read it. I think you will understand just what I did. You can read the part about Steve here or read it all in the Apology. Here is part of it:

......I do understand there are a lot of other great things going on including other books, e.g., Griffin’s new release. And, there indeed is a lot of progress is being made. But short of confessions, or quite a few more high profile people or celebrities suddenly coming out, there is no quicker way to “bust” the truth out than an “edu-fiction” thriller like The Shell Game. So when I found out about The Week Of Truth, I was ecstatic! Not only had I just seen two great recent interviews with Steve -- one with your very own Jon Gold and the other with an ABC affiliate -- but here was the opportunity to get the entire movement focused at one time on one thing: The Week Of Truth. This could be the once-in-a-9/11-movement’s lifetime moment.

The Week Of Truth should be an energizing upper for ALL(!) of us. Have you gone to the website? It’s about as polished a looking site as I’ve ever seen. And its loaded with great information in an easy to follow fashion. Steer as many people as possible to and, if nothing else, have them watch the trailer and the two interviews with Steve. After doing that, they are going to WANT to read the rest. As to Steve himself, I have honestly got to tell you that after seeing the interviews, I cannot imagine a better spokesperson for the Truth about 9/11. He comes across about as genuine and honest as a person can be. He is soft-spoken and does not come across in any way as an “advocate.” He says it like it is: He is simply an author who came across a lot of incriminating things while writing a book about another monumental issue: the end of oil. And he is a handsome looking guy! Hey, I’m not kissing up to Steve, I’m just telling you if you don’t already realize it, we’ve got the PERFECT spokesperson. Get this guy on major media airways and watch out, things could start to happen, quickly! And the way to do that? By helping to make The Week Of Truth our bust out moment by getting The Shell Game high up on the New York Times best seller list. Then everybody has to start paying attention. And not only will a LOT more people come to understand the lie of 9/11 via the book itself, Steve’s media exposure should skyrocket at the same time. If it doesn’t, ‘their’ ‘grip’ on the media will be exposed.

Let me say a word or two about those few who have questioned some of the motives behind Steve and all of the exposure to The Shell Game. What I have come to find out is this: being an author doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to make a lot of money -- although in the end, I hope Steve makes a bundle; he will have deserved it many times over. I understand that Steve is getting only a small fraction of the selling price for each book which is typical. And the advance for the book was all spent on things like the neat cover design, publicity, and the two, also very neat, trailers that he had made for his website, And he also has had to travel a lot with all of the related expenses to promote the book. Steve as well is offering substantial donations to First Responders and the FealGood Foundation if the book makes it into the top ten. Steve decided to do it that way as an additional incentive to all of us to get our butts in gear to make SURE it gets to at least #10 -- he wants to see all of the movement working together. Its when the book makes it to top 10 that all of the doors get opened. #11 doesn’t quite make it. And for The Week Of Truth to be the bust out success we need it to be, its got to get to #10 or above. And you know what, if ALL of us will just get behind this effort, it ought to get to #1. There are way more than enough of us to by ourselves (even without the rest of the public) to get the book to #1. How do you think Ann Coulter does it? She gathers her “forces.” So if all of us (911Truth’s forces) buy a couple of books or more in addition to getting others to buy, the book should jump into the top 10 easily. But its got to happen in one week for seller list purposes. Then hopefully with all of the publicity it will become self- sustaining. So please don’t let this golden opportunity slip by; it really is the only vehicle available right now that can do what we need it to, quickly! We ALL have to get behind the Week Of Truth (“WOT” if you need an acronym). And be glad that Steve is offering up himself and his book to be that vehicle.

Two more things about this. One, keep in mind that while you may try to compare all of your intimate knowledge about 9/11 to what’s in the book, almost all of Steve’s 9/11 knowledge came AFTER he wrote the book. He found out a lot of incriminating things while writing the book and included them, but it was only after finishing the book that he became aware of the multitudes of things we all know about 9/11. Two, if you are not aware, writing this book and exposing himself to all of the nerve racking crossfire has literally taken a toll on his nerves. He has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

I'm not questioning anyone's motives

as of this date, because I have no reason to.

Continued obfuscation on this will only lead me to believe that there really is something untoward going on here.

I'm questioning the way the book has been and is being promoted, the book itself, Mr. Alten's ability to deliver without further preparation and the very premise of this strategy.

As I said before: Once the msm catches on to what he's doing (they probably have by now, btw) what is to keep them from just shutting him out. Heck, what's to keep them from just manipulating the data and keeping him out of the top 10?

At best, he will get ambushed by the msm and need to be very well prepared to counter this if he is to have any chance of success.

At worst, this big push will divert resources, cause division, lower morale and possibly add to the growing library of very unfortunate media exposure, thus hardening a certain group of people against 9/11 truth.

I love the idea of nationally coordinated "weeks of truth", but this requires some deep, strategic thinking and I have yet to see any evidence of that here.

Why has this book and this author been selected for the first test of this strategy?

Take a step back and just think about it, please.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

$ $ $

This country is controlled by $ $ $

Your $ is your vote.

Steve did an excellent job of presenting 9/11 Truth to a MSM TV audience.

You want he should be perfect?

Buying "The Shell Game" is buying MSM time.

Steve is but one arrow in our quiver.
