The Media Smear Campaign Has Begun

The Media Smear Campaign Has Begun

The great enemy of the republic, the media, has struck again. “BUSH BASHER SMASHES DISABLED TEEN” is the headline from today’s April 24, 2008 New York Post Article: in which Germin (Gary) Talis is slandered by reporter Philip Messing. “BDS Outbreak: Anti-war nut attacks wheelchair-bound girl” is the heading from Neo-con cheerleader Michelle Malkin.

Both articles depict Gary as a heartless villain, attacking a handicapped girl—all of which is the furthest from the truth. Gary did not and has never lifted a hand toward any citizen, as confirmed by all witnesses.

We will be releasing a video interview of Gary after his release from central bookings explaining exactly what took place, followed by the witnesses, all of whom corroborate his statement. It is without question that Gary is the victim of Assault. This poor girl is being used to engage the peaceful activist of We Are Change. John Lovetro, the girl’s father, struck Gary leaving a flesh wound under his right eye. Gary, aware of his rights, did not at any time defend himself and yet remains the victim, now facing charges of 3rd degree assault.

We Are Change will pursue legal action against all individuals and organizations that violate our civil rights. We will not be physically assaulted, and we will not stand for slander and lies. Help us prevail, if you are a civil rights attorney and willing to donate or offer reduced rates please contact Matt Lepacek at

We Are Change is a peaceful non violent activist organization. Please review our mission statement and code of conduct:

WeAreCHANGE code of conduct

We Are Change is a peaceful organization that does not discriminate in any way. We are tolerant of all regardless of racial, religious, ethnic or sexual orientation. We denounce any individual or group that would speak in our name and that would not adhere to these precepts. Anyone violating these principles will be asked by the group to leave permanently as a destructive individual working against the goals that We Are Change is striving to achieve.

As a nation in crisis and a realization that time is not on our side, there will be no tolerance for anything other than an effort to preserve national sovereignty and to seek truth and justice for all through non-violent policies based on open government, public awareness, compassion, kindness and a commitment to Constitutional law.

We Are Change recognizes all members have inalienable rights as sovereign individuals written in the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights and that such rights shall be honored at all times

No provocation of violence will be tolerated under any circumstances

Racial, sexual, religious, age or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated

No group member shall use language in public that will inflame others to violent action

No group member shall destroy the property, tangible or intangible, of others, public or private.

All members will treat each other with respect at all times

Weekly Meetings

Weekly meetings should be held to discuss and debate any issue pertaining to the group as well as projects and upcoming events

Only cordial and polite debate about topics shall be discussed

All expenditures will be made public to the group with monthly statements detailing expenses and money accrued

i. Reimbursements for expenses will only be fulfilled if approved by group
Street Actions

During street actions, a single engagement of people asking questions will be honored; no ganging up on anyone asking questions or seeking information

Yelling or screaming at members of the public will not be tolerated
Cointelpro will not be tolerated

If anyone is thought to be engaging in such activities a camera shall immediately be put on them, exposing that they are acting as an agent provocateur and an individual not connecting to We Are Change in anyway

Respect towards FDNY and NYPD

Derogatory comments disseminated towards NYPD, FDNY or any law enforcement of any kind will not be tolerated

We Are Change is a bottom to top organization where all members shall be treated as equals
All group members shall strive to set an example for those around them, especially those younger, so they will know how to behave in confrontational situations

All members will take responsibility for their own actions and accept the consequences of their actions

We Are Change does not condone the use of the name without consent of the group

why cant the media at least

why cant the media at least use people first language? god thats so irritating.