FaxForTruth.com Launched, New 9/11 Activism Site Hopes for Weekly Fax-Bombs for 9/11 Truth

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/politics/New_9_11_Activism_Site_FaxForTruth_com_Launched_Today';

Please note: As a Canadian I am always trying to think up ideas I and my fellow non-Americans around the world can take part in. This idea was thought up before the Fax C-SPAN campaign was announced. It was merely a kick in the ass to get the website completed as soon as possible. This is why the initiative is being announced with only one more day to fax C-SPAN.


FaxForTruth.com has been officially launched on a shoestring budget and with only a basic knowledge of web programming

This new site hopes to organize weekly fax-bombings of 9/11 truth to those in a position of power to influence a new 9/11 investigation.

In solidarity with weekoftruth.org, our first campaign is to fax C-SPAN encouraging them to cover the upcoming Symposium in Keane, NH. A sample letter can be found on the main page of the website, as well as a link to a website where you can send faxes for free over the internet.

New campaigns will be announced every Monday and we hope that people will sign up for our forums to propose candidates for future campaigns as well as vote on those proposed. We would like these campaigns to be organized as democratically as possible.

Future candidates will include:

Chairmen and members of the appropriate House and Senate Committees, The Justice Department and other Federal agencies, mass media outlets and individual journalists, and New York State government officials.

There are probably a thousand other possible candidates we haven't even thought of, that is why we are organizing this democratically, in order to hear everyone's good ideas and vote on them. For us, this is the fairest way to organize any campaign.

Check back here or on our website on Monday for information on the next campaign.


In solidarity,

FaxForTruth.com Team

Email address too?

This sounds like a really cool idea. Please also include an email address next to the fax number; the less cumbersome the process, the more people will participate.

Sorry I should have been more clear...

...you can send faxes over the internet for free nowadays, as easily as sending an email. You just type your message and hit send and it faxes it for you for free. There is a link at the top of the website that says "Send a Free Fax." You click it and it will take you to freefax.com. You don't even have to signup to send free faxes all you need is an email address.

If you required a fax machine to do this I would not have started this initiative. Now that we can send faxes for free over the internet, this action is available for everyone to do, that is its power.

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government." -The Declaration of Independence

Yes, anyone can send 2 free faxes per day from his/her computer

without a fax machine by clicking this link & filling in a few blanks (no account is needed)


Consider mass emailing truth messages. More info here: http://www.911blogger.com/node/13321

Love this idea!

Really great idea! I think this is right on target. I like the idea of hard copies circulating around etc. Keep the message simple and polite and factual etc. Email is ok but easy to delete, I like the idea of bombarding the fax machines until everyone around the office has seen it at least once or more! Sometime the best ideas are the simplest and this one is GREAT! Perhaps we can all help gather additional fax numbers as you expand.