Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Stun Vancouver

In this 20 minute Satellite TV interview, Richard Gage, AIA, of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth lays out all the evidence for the controlled demolition of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11 . The next day Vancouver 9/11 Truth had to turn away 50 people in this standing room only venue of 300 at the famous Public Library. Here is the 20 minute power packed video that you can play for your friends, colleagues, and, of course your local A/E's!

Airdate: April 22, 2008

WOW !! Gage is wonderful !!! SUMMER OF TRUTH !!


Damn! That Richard Gage is so cool!! He can open a real can of "whoop-ass"!!


If one does not thoroughly LOOK, the TRUTH is not visible.


Mr. Gage is one of the lights of 9/11 Truth.

Though I have a high speed connection, the video was choppy. Anyone else experience this?

Richard Gage is awesome

Takes a long time for this video to download, but it downloads eventually.

Thank you Richard!

With you in the struggle,

Very slow to load for me as

Very slow to load for me as well, I haven't been able to watch it all because it's taking too long to load but Richard Gage kicks ass.

We need this up on YouTube and Google asap!!

Downloads a bit better from the site

I find it downloads a bit quicker from the ae911truth site. It's still a bit choppy, but not quite as bad as viewing it on 911Blogger.

Thanks for that

the download

Yes, much better at "":

Chicago Stop May 30th

Presentation was crushing . . . Gage on fire!


Was there a good turnout?

Good turnout

the room was full . . . most people there were truthers . . . it would be better if we took receptive but unconvinced people

Great job Richard!

Among the multiple motives for bringing the Towers down was the fact that they were losing money, the EPA had condemned them and no insurance company in the world would underwrite a legal controlled demolition of them.

Whenever anyone brings up the "thousands of people" who had to be in on it, always counter with compartmentalization first, and then follow by asking "who would step forward and confess to mass murder?"

I must say it looked like you were having some fun, too!

Keep up the great work!

Thanks for posting this.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Yes, Yes!! As I punch my hands - real progress!!

We are so lucky we have this organisation and we are blessed to have Richard at the helm....

The BEST media ever!!

Kind regards John

9/11 24/7 UNTILL JUSTICE!!

Great work Richard

I'm glad you are representing our fellow architects, Richard- you continue to impress me with your calm, informative delivery. Dana Perino could learn some things from you (though she is easier on the eyes). Fine job- we're proud of you!

Richard Gage on National Radio

Any chance at uploading this to Youtube

I'd love to down load this so I can show it to architects and engineers in New Zealand

The interview is also on Youtube.

Check out our YouTube channel: There will be more videos to come!

Exposing the truth about the 3 WTC "collapses" on 9/11 to every architect and engineer and others.

KICKING Bilderberg 2008's ASS!!!

Great job all the guys who made it out there, truly breathtaking!

There's a ton more videos of the protests at this guy's Youtube station:


Superb interview, Richard. Efficient use of time. Dense presentation of forensic evidence, stressing the need for investigation, deferring speculation about identity of perps and motivations.

Have Dr. Jones et al actually identified unreacted nano-thermite in the "red chips"? He seemed to suggest as much in a recent comment here, but I am aware of no formal announcement of this. Perhaps a paper is imminent?

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson

Two-layer Red Chips

The unreacted nano-thermite was first announced by Jones at the 07' Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth conference in Boston. Gage also presented his slide-show that day. At the May 30th Chicago presentation, Gage included that evidence from Boston, but also from what has furthered since. It is even more convincing now as I know people that were on the fence before seeing this presentation and specifically pointed to this area of evidence as being what finally got them over to 9/11 Truth. Along with Gage now tying in the historical context of false flag events in regards to 9/11 at the end of the presentation.

Yes, I was aware of the

Yes, I was aware of the preliminary findings suggesting unreacted "thermite." I meant that a formal announcement or publication of the definitive identification of "nano-thermite"--a state-of-the-art pyrotechnic whose presence in the dust could not possibly be otherwise explained--would indeed be the "bullet" Dr. Jone spoke of.

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson

I can't say for sure on a

I can't say for sure on a formal announcement beyond those two public presentations. There might be something more on their websites in regards to documentation, but Gage didn't show any formal document that discusses "nano-thermite." Other than checking into the two sources mentioned by Gage in this interview for a formal announcement by Los Alamos and the such or Gage's and Jones's websites, I can't point to anything else.

Steven Jones did say on Alex

Steven Jones did say on Alex Jones recently that he would be revealing significant info re the red chips in a forthcoming paper.

Thank you Canada !

Maybe one day we can see this on 20/20 ? Richard as always was great. The one thing that bothered me was the host obviously never even looked at , and kept asking how this , and why that?
Richard should have used his power point pictures.
I know i should'nt complain. He got on the air. Maybe next time he can covince those interviewing him to get up to
speed on what they are covering , and go to his website. So from now on if were asked the questions of why, and how. Let's just tell them we want to know that as well. Help us get those answers by demanding a new independant investigation.
Thank you Richard for your dedication and efforts.

that was awesome!

first class presentation, sticking with the evidence and keeping it in the context of this warrants a full, honest, real investigation, pointing out the obvious questions, putting things in easy to understand, easy to visualize ways- genious

first class interview too, very respectful, great questions, the guy was obviously interested and will no doubt be researching this 9/11- he called Gage a "great guest"

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline

let's put it this way... Al Qaeda didn't have access

to [WTC 7] because it's operated by the CIA, IRS, Department of Defense and several large financial institutions.

Let's take a 15 story building and hold it up over a 95 story building...

edit 1- the guy asks before going to break- "is this just a 'conspiracy', or is there some proof behind this"- after all the common sense proofs, it's still so mind-boggling to the mockingbird media-conditioned mind to wrap around all at once- i don't think he even heard himself use the word "conspiracy" that way; even though people conspire all the time to commit crimes, the word "conspiracy" has become synonymous with "fantasy", if the accusation of conspiracy involves US govt public servants, who are, like the bin Ladens, "above suspicion".

The elites have no clothes, and the MSM are all Baghdad Bob in the info wars

edit 2- correction above- the guy didn't call Gage a "great guest"- he called him "really fascinating"- goes to show- i totally remembered him saying "great guest", just watched this again

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline

Al Kida

I wish Richard would remove Al Kida from his presentation . . its insulting to our muslim friends . . .they all know its directed by western intelligence. But that was the only thing I would change about Richard's presentation which was outstanding.

I may change my name to RGFan

I don't know about insulting

But it is a known fact that the term was made up by the U.S. as a legal tactic so they could take what's-his-name to court and try him under U.S. law, and then they started believing their own lies, and suddenly Al Qaeda was "real". Although some of them probably used it knowing it wasn't real, too. What a joke. The Bush administration has made the U.S. the laughing stock of the world.

Al Kida

I wish Richard would remove Al Kida from his presentation . . its insulting to our muslim friends . . .they all know its directed by western intelligence. But that was the only thing I would change about Richard's presentation which was outstanding.

I may change my name to RGFan

I'm part Irish

I get insulted when they call McVeigh a terrorist.

Get my drift?

We cannot self censor ourselves because the government and MSM are intentionally creating racial/religious hatred.
We can only expose and end this evil by saying it like it is.

"We hold these truths to be self evident."

We are all equal under the law and in the eyes of God.

Thanks to all who came out

Thanks to all who came out to see Richard Gage in Vancouver. We drove him to this interview right from the airport! I want to thank Mr. Gage as well and let him know that he is making an enormous difference in todays world.


We need to send the link to this to government officials, university professors, local police, and anyone of importance in each and every state.

also posted on LiveVideo... case it should "disappear" from Google and Youtube.