David Ray Griffin and “Cell Phone Calls”: Serious Logical Errors in "9/11 Contradictions."

In Chapter 17 of David Ray Griffin’s latest book, 9/11 Contradictions , the author asks, “Were Hijackers Reported on Cell Phone Calls?” Griffin’s approach to the question can be summarized by a sentence in the last paragraph of the chapter:

“The central questions, however, involve the reported cell phone calls, which played a central role in establishing that the planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda operatives.” (p. 182)

Those of us who have studied the phone calls, however, have learned that none of the evidence reported in the calls implicates al-Qaeda, or any other other Arab group. While many of the passengers did indeed report hijackers who were “Middle Eastern looking,” that in no way implicates the alleged hijackers reported by the authorities, since the real hijackers may very likely have been posing as Arabs while carrying out the hijackings for the purpose of framing Arabs for the attacks. In such a scenario, the phone calls were desired by the conspirators, so that passengers on the planes would pass on their mistaken impression of an “Arab” hijacking to their loved ones in gripping and emotional phone calls. In addition, we have learned that the calls as a whole contain much information damning to the official story, such as Tom Burnett’s report of guns in the possession of the hijackers, and evidence that Betty Ong made a similar claim in her call– a call in which she also gave seat numbers of hijackers .

Why does Griffin want to turn away from this evidence by imagining that the calls were cell phone calls, and therefore presumably faked, when it is perfectly plausible that the calls were real, made on airphones, and draw a very different picture than the one promoted by the government?

Did the 9/11 Commission Claim Cell Phone Calls?

Griffin seeks to demonstrate a “contradiction” between the familiar story of the calls being made on cell phones, and the reality that most of the calls were actually made on GTE seatback airphones installed in the planes.

“A central element in the story of the hijackings of the four airliners, as it unfolded in the press and was then told in the 9/11 Commission Report, was that passengers had reported the presence of Middle Eastern hijackers on the planes by means of cell phone calls to family members and authorities.” (p. 170)

The reality, however, is that the 9/11 Commission Report made no such claims. Regarding cell phone calls from the planes, the report has only this to say:

“Shortly thereafter, the passengers and flight crew began a series of calls from GTE airphones and cellular phones.” (9/11 Commission Report)

Strictly speaking, this statement is correct if even only one cell phone call was successfully completed. While cell phone calls have been shown to be difficult from planes in 2001, they were not impossible. Calls made from Renee May on AAL77 and Cee Cee Lyles on UAL93 were portrayed as being cell phone calls, and that event is even more likely since the respective planes were at lower altitudes and speeds at the times those calls were completed.

So Griffin is wrong to characterize the 9/11 Commission as claiming cell phone calls; he seems to admit as much a few paragraphs later complaining that the Commission “did not contradict press reports saying that they were.” Has it occurred to Griffin that the Commission, or those who controlled it, had an interest in allowing the cell phone myth to mushroom throughout the 9/11 skeptic community, so that we would reject all the phone calls and the crucial evidence they contain?

Media Reports of Cell Phone Calls

Griffin next presents a lengthy jumble of media reports claiming cell phone calls. It’s hard to believe that a major figure in the truth movement would base his argument on stories appearing in The Washington Post, Newsweek, The National Review, and other pillars of the controlled media. Nonetheless, it is instructive to survey some of the footnotes he provides to see for ourselves just how weak the argument is. For example:

Griffin writes that “an Associated Press story, reporting this call [from Peter Hanson on UAL175 to his father] on 9/11 itself, said ‘a minister confirmed the cell phone call to [Peter Hanson’s father], Lee Hanson.’” Here is a longer quote from the story:

“The man was identified as former Easton, Conn., resident Peter Hanson. A minister confirmed the cell phone call to his father, Lee Hanson, an official in Easton, a small town near Bridgeport.”

Can we really conclude the minister is verifying that the call was made on a cell phone, and not on an airphone? Isn’t it more likely he is simply confirming that the call was made? Furthermore, keeping in mind that this story was filed on the night of 9/11, shouldn’t we also consider that in 2001, in the minds of many ordinary people, cell phones and airphones were thought of as basically the same thing.

With regards to this call, Griffin also cites a letter written by Hanson’s sister:

“Peter, Sue and Christine were on the United flight (175) that struck the south tower. Peter called daddy twice from this cell phone. He said, don’t worry Dad, it will be over fast.”

Can we really consider this evidence the call was made on a cell phone, when the author herself didn’t even receive the call? Again, might she have considered cell phones and seatback airphones one and the same?

In the case of the all important calls made from Tom Burnett on UAL93 to his wife Deena, Griffin writes that

“Deena Burnett explicitly and repeatedly stated that these calls were made from Tom Burnett’s cell phone. She knew this, she said, because the caller ID identified his cell phone as the source.” (p. 911)

But did she? I have examined numerous media reports in the immediate years after the attacks, and have heard her state no such thing, explicitly or otherwise. Griffin cites an article from the Sacramento Bee:

“They were interrupted by another call. Deena's caller ID told her it was Tom. This time, he told her the terrorists were in the cockpit. "The guy they knifed is dead," he said.”

The article does mention Tom’s cell phone, but not that Deena said it was such. We are to presume that since the caller ID told her it was Tom, that she saw his cell phone number on it. But does that logically follow? Perhaps she saw the same information as from earlier calls on an airphone, and therefore knew it was Tom. It is true that in a 2006 book, written by Deena Burnett and someone named Tom Giombetti, the following statement is attributed to Deena,

“I didn't understand how he could be calling me on his cell phone from the air.”

(Fighting Back: Living Life Beyond Ourselves, by Deena Burnett with Tom Giombetti, p.61)

This is the only example I could find of her “repeatedly and explicitly” claiming the call was from a cell phone. Did she actually write it? Are we to believe that someone faked these calls to her, but was so stupid as to make them appear to come from a cell phone, instead of a far more believable airphone? In any event, this single statement, coming in a ghostwritten book published five years after the event, is meager evidence that the call was indeed from a cell phone, especially when we keep in mind the obvious incentive of defenders of the official story to throw us off the trail of evidence by perpetrating the cell phone myth.


Griffin illustrates another contradiction, between the FBI’s 2006 report on phone calls from the flights, which was released for the Moussaoui trial, and the popular impression that most of the calls were made on cell phones. The FBI report correctly shows that most of the calls were made on airphones. Griffin writes:

“However, although the FBI’s report at the Moussaoui trial avoided that problem, it created a new one: It implied that one of the chief elements in the story about 9/11 told by authorities and the press from the outset– that the presence of hijackers on the flights had been reported by means of cell phone calls from those flights– was untrue.” (p. 178)

As we have seen, however, no “authorities” ever stated that airphone calls were made by cell phones. That was done strictly by our controlled media. The FBI never made such claims. Griffin complains that:

“....the FBI, while knowing that its evidence did not support the belief that Tom Burnett or any of the others– except for CeeCee Lyles and Edward Felt– had made cell phone calls, it allowed the mass media to continue painting a false picture of what happened on United 93, when it could have set the record straight by simply issuing a press release. The FBI needs to be asked why it did not do this.” (p. 181)

It’s easy to predict how an FBI agent would respond if asked such a question. He would reply that it isn’t the job of the FBI to correct false reports in the media. Moreover, the FBI is a hierarchical organization, taking their orders directly from the Justice Department and the Bush administration officials who run it. On legal grounds, the FBI had to remain silent on the phone call report because it was considered evidence in the ongoing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. Was it an accident that that trial was delayed for years upon years, while the FBI was compelled to sit on the phone call evidence? Those of us with suspicious minds can speculate that some in the Bush administration with control over the trial and over the FBI on this matter– specifically Michael Chertoff, who ran the 9/11 investigation from his office in the Justice Department before becoming head of Homeland Security– wanted to keep the phone call report under wraps as long as possible, so that the cell phone myth could be propagated among the 9/11 truth community, who would be persuaded to reject all the phone call evidence, including that which is so damning to the official story. If that was the strategy, it has worked magnificently.

Cell Phone Calls and Loose Change

We have seen that the cell phone myth was propagated mostly by our controlled media, with only the passive acquiescence of the authorities. But another party contributed mightily to the myth– and, sad to say, that party is the 9/11 truth movement itself. The majority of truthers were introduced to 9/11 skepticism by the film Loose Change 2nd Edition . At the 1:07 mark of that film, Dylan Avery asks,

“next, what about the cell phone calls...?”

Avery didn’t seem to have even considered the possibility that some or most of the calls were made on airphones, which is peculiar since, a few minutes later in the film, while describing Mark Bingham’s call to his mother from UAL93, he specifically mentions that Bingham twice told his mom that he was calling from an airphone. The damage to the truth movement by this oversight is incalculable. Was it truly an oversight, or something worse? Whatever it was, millions of 9/11 skeptics were induced from the beginning to reject all the phone call evidence, and the valuable information it contains regarding what happened on the planes. Avery seems to have tacitly admitted his assumption was wrong: Loose Change Final Cut contains no references to phone calls whatsoever. Why has Griffin decided to carry on such a dubious notion?


David Ray Griffin wants us to confront FBI officials, and ask them why the evidence they collected contradicts the “official” story of phone calls being made on cell phones as portrayed in the mass media and several Hollywood films. But we really ought to be asking questions of ourselves. Why have we allowed ourselves to be duped into rejecting such important evidence that comes to us first hand from honest people who talked to their loved ones on the flights? Why were we so willing to believe the initial suggestion that the phone call evidence supports the official story? Why did we assume that “Middle Eastern” men had to be al-Qaeda Arabs, and that the phone calls therefore had to be faked? Why have so few truthers studied the phone call evidence independently, and in depth? Why has it never occurred to us that the reports that the calls were made on cell phones could be part of a disinformation campaign to lead us away from the truth?

If we could confront these questions we could start building a more credible theory of what actually happened on the planes, based on credible first hand accounts that the planes were indeed hijacked by real people. If we could do that, we finally present to the masses a credible scenario based on the facts that explains how the planes were commandeered– by someone other than al-Qaeda Arabs. Such an understanding might lead to the big breakthrough in the movement we’ve all been waiting for.

disinfo campaigns

>>Why has it never occurred to us that the reports that the calls were made on cell phones could be part of a disinformation campaign to lead us away from the truth?

It could be.

Actually a number of us have focused a great deal on exposing the disinfo campaigns. The cell phone / air phone issue seems so convoluted to me, and mainly a distraction in the face of the more obvious misinfo/disinfo promotion of dubious physical evidence for "no Boeing" at the Pentagon along with the pervasive elitist dismissal of the consistent reports by dozens and dozens of real human witnesses at the scene of the event.

But it's important for *some* to investigate this aspect in detail since a spokesperson is promoting it directly to the public. So thanks for this work.

The fact is, any investigator who would "dismiss" all witnesses at the scene of a crime in order to further their own theory, or would they resurrect the hoax Holmgren arguments that anyone working for the government or media is "suspicious" and cannot be trusted to give testimony, is doing a disservice to all.

Those arguments are derogatory, dismissive, biased and unscientific in thier outright rejection of basic components of how crimes are investigated.

It's a simple formula that is used by the "no Boeing" advocates --

* Eye-witness who report anything suggestive of "no Boeing" count
(they somehow understand reality better than others).

* Eye-witness who report anything suggestive of "AA 77" don't count
(they all must be lying or confused).

That's not science nor real investigation, that's psedoscience for the sake of pushing a theory, unfortunately. This is why it's important to have training in the scientific method and also some understanding of the relevance of eye witness testimony. Neither physical evidence nor eye witnesses can be "thrown out."

Good work, Drew. I don't

Good work, Drew. I don't believe the phone calls were faked either. The phone calls contradict the official story.

Griffin does point out that the media widely reported that cell phones calls were made from the planes, and that simply wasn't true. I do not know if the media just thinks that cell phone calls are supposed to be scarier than air phone calls, or if its just bad reporting by the media.

More phone call analysis here:

15 phone call factoids that contradict the official conspiracy theory

thanks, very interesting

i'm emailing DRG to invite his response.

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline

Thank you for contacting DRG

Thank you for contacting DRG about this. I'd like to hear his reply. He and I have debated this very topic before, on this forum....... my essay here and his reply.

But I'd also like to get other viewpoints on this crucial topic.

9/11 phone misinformation

Thanks for this carefully written critique of the (cell) phone issue. Well done. I think a lot of your points have merit and show that DRG should carefully consider some of your arguments.

One of the myths (that DRG has repeated--I would urge him to stop promoting this misinformation) is that the "hijacker" names do not show up on the flight manifests. In fact, they do appear on the flight manifests released in the "20th hijacker/patsy" trial. The hijacker/patsy names do not show up on victim lists--presumably because the official story names them as the "perpetrators" source: 911 research: http://911research.wtc7.net/planes/evidence/passengers.html

Now, to clarify, there has never been much credible evidence supplied to confirm that these people were on the planes. Curiously, the amount of secrecy and lack of released evidence or video to show the hijackers going on the planes is puzzling from the official story point of view. If this evidence existed, it would make sense that this evidence would be promoted prominently. But it is yet to be seen in the public eye. But the claim, "they do not show up on the passenger lists" is in fact, false.

But we cannot ASSUME, that this evidence does not exist. To do so is only to speculate, and this is not good enough for a court of either law or public opinion. The above example shows that the US government CAN withhold evidence, possibly with the intent of ENCOURAGING speculation and theories to be later debunked. In other words, the claim: "no hijackers on the flight lists" was a perfect example of disinformation/misinformation exploited by defenders of the official story. This false idea is spread far and wide, and then it is believed to be true. But in actual fact, the evidence had simply been withheld from the public until the completion of the 20th patsy trial. This example should also apply to the Pentagon videos--simply because the government does not release them does not mean that they do not show a plane impacting the Pentagon. Encouraging misinformation and disinformation with speculation rather than fact is a deliberate strategy of the cover-up.

Quote: "While many of the passengers did indeed report hijackers who were “Middle Eastern looking,” that in no way implicates the alleged hijackers reported by the authorities, since the real hijackers may very likely have been posing as Arabs while carrying out the hijackings for the purpose of framing Arabs for the attacks."

In relation to my comments above, If I would criticize your article, it would be to say that I find this idea too speculative and I do not think it is supported by concrete or credible evidence. You may have addressed this in another article, but I don't recall at the moment.
Arabesque: 911 Truth

There is nothing wrong with responsible speculation...

"In relation to my comments above, If I would criticize your article, it would be to say that I find this idea too speculative and I do not think it is supported by concrete or credible evidence. You may have addressed this in another article, but I don't recall at the moment."

First of all, I consider the phone calls-- taken as a whole-- to be concrete and credible evidence. That does not include Ted Olson's account of his wife's alleged calls. He is an untrustworthy witness due to his position and background, plus he contradicted himself when reporting the calls. It also does not include the call allegedly made by "Todd Beamer" to Verizon operator Lisa Jefferson. That call was to a stranger, and thus could have been easily staged-- most likely to give us the "Let's Roll" narrative so widely exploited by the perpetrators.

As for the other calls, however, I consider them both concrete and credible evidence that the planes were indeed hijacked by real people, some of whom were Middle Eastern looking. Is it "speculative" to suggest they were agents posing as Arabs to frame Arabs? I suppose it is; but not "too speculative," as you state. It makes perfect sense, from the standpoint of means and motive, to frame Arabs in such a way to incite Americans to support wars against Muslim countries after the attacks. That is exactly what has happened.

Such a frame-up job also has numerous precedents in history, most notably, the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946. In that attack, members of the Irgun gang, including Menachem Begin, disguised themselves as Arabs while planting bombs in the hotel that killed 91 persons, most of them British subjects.

The idea that the hijakers

The idea that the hijakers were not Arabs was certainly one possibility, but the reality is that anyone with money could likely easily find a small group of desperate or angry people of almost any nationality to hijack a US plane or even martyr themselves because this country has done so much destruction around the world. But why would, say, an African person, be willing to dress up to look like an Arab person, while engaged in a hijacking? One would have to assume they did not know they would die, otherwise why would someone *die* pretending to be someone else?

Enormously convoluted in general, trying to psychoanalyze these things.

The fact is, we have a great deal of good evidence that's only getting better around the demolition of the WTC towers, and much other evidence that has never been fully addressed, like the military stand down, but the issue of the identity of the hijackers will mainly serve as a trigger for Amuricans who feel threatened, then get angry with us and see us as nuts. We have so little *verifiable* evidence on who they were that speculating that they *could not* have been people of one particular nationality or ethnicity doesn't really move us forward. I agree it's possible they were framed, also that real people conducted the hijacking. But we know almost nothing more.

>>As for the other calls, however, I consider them both concrete and credible evidence that the planes were indeed hijacked by real people, some of whom were Middle Eastern looking.

It's likely, I agree. I *do* agree that it's important to investigate this issue when a spokesperson is advocating it to the public as a key reason he does not support the offical version. But in general, we also should look to how much ground our advocates like Richard Gage and Karen Johnson are making, who are sticking to the strongest points and steering clear of speculation. It's really amazing, and likely the reason for the increase in disinfo being ramped up again (Wood, Fetzer, etc).

Griffin has done amazing work with exposing the charade of the Commission and on his points on the demolitions -- wouldn't it be great if he would just focus on those, which are based on our strongest evidence, and advance them even more and reject all efforts at plane and hijackers speculation?

To the person who said there is video that public has never seen, can you pls provide a link.? Thx.

"The idea that the hijakers

"The idea that the hijakers were not Arabs was certainly one possibility, but the reality is that anyone with money could likely easily find a small group of desperate or angry people of almost any nationality to hijack a US plane or even martyr themselves because this country has done so much destruction around the world."

You hit the nail on the head. If this is what happened, it is the very definition of make-it-happen-on-purpose.

"The idea that the hijackers

"The idea that the hijackers were not Arabs was certainly one possibility, but the reality is that anyone with money could likely easily find a small group of desperate or angry people of almost any nationality to hijack a US plane or even martyr themselves because this country has done so much destruction around the world."

Far more likely that the hijackers hated Arabs, not Americans. How else can we explain the animalistic acts of stabbing innocent people, mostly women, on the flights? This makes no sense from a functional point of view of trying to commandeer an airplane, especially for hijackers equipped with guns. It only makes sense if the phony Arabs wanted to make real Arabs look as monstrous as possible. And this ruse worked magnificently.

I remember feeling tremendous rage against Muslims when I read about the "Arabs" stabbing these defenseless women. "Nuke 'em all!" I thought to myself. Now I know I was fooled; but most other Americans do not.

I don't believe money had anything to do with 9/11. I don't believe the hijackers were desperate or angry. I believe they were fanatics, motivated by hate, and a sense of racial superiority. And I don't believe we can necessarily assume that they died in the attacks.

Drew; I agree your theory is

Drew; I agree your theory is possible as well. And the theory by GeorgeWashington that the wargames are somehow involved is possible.

Actually, I think that some combination of these three theories is the truth, but we will never know until more evidence comes out. I'd like to see some more analysis of these three (not mutually exclusive) theories. They should serve as a "working hypothesis".

If NIST can have a "working hypothesis" on WTC 7, why can't we have one with the alleged hijackers!

"Now, to clarify, there has

"Now, to clarify, there has never been much credible evidence supplied to confirm that these people were on the planes."

The lawsuit by the FL11 family survivors has video of at least some of the alleged hijackers and passengers getting onto the plane. The evidence has not been released to the public yet.

I was not aware of this

I was not aware of this.

This only further proves my point that because the evidence has not been released, it does not mean it does not exist.
Arabesque: 911 Truth

I can't remember all the

I can't remember all the details at this time, but I know a motion was filed to show a video of a passenger (a doctor) and an alleged hijacker going through the metal detector at the same time. The government was trying to block this video, according to reports.

I would be willing to bet there are videos of many alleged hijackers at the airports, but I would be willing to bet they were associating with the "wrong" people (like maybe a CIA agent). If just one video surfaced showing that, it would be curtains for the government's theory.

First of all, we have to

First of all, we have to keep in mind that even if there is a video of one of the suspected hijackers boarding one of the flights, that in no way implicates him for the hijacking. I believe Satam al-Suqami-- the real one-- really did board AAL11 at Logan Airport. He then proceeded to his assigned seat-- whereupon he witnessed the real hijacking before he was shot to death by one of the real hijackers. Hence Betty Ong's reference to an "injured passenger" in seat 10B (Suqami's seat.) Hence the executive summary prepared for FAA brass that described a shooting, and number of bullets fired (1) in the cabin.

[Interesting note: what was the biggest SNAFU of the JFK assassination, from the point of view of the conspirators? It was that they let Lee Harvey Oswald walk away from the scene. Most likely he was supposed to be killed on the spot; probably it was Jack Ruby's job to take care of that. But someone screwed up, and Oswald ended up in Dallas police custody, telling the whole world, "I didn't shoot anybody, I'm just a patsy!"

This was a major disaster for the conspiracy, so they had to repair it by sending in Ruby to do the very messy and public job of eliminating Oswald.

Imagine if patsy Suqami had been allowed to go to the back of the plane, and perhaps call someone on an airphone and say the equivalent of: "I didn't hijack anything, I'm just a patsy!" That would have been an equivalent disaster for the conspirators. They didn't take any chances this time. Suqami was eliminated while he still sat in his first class seat.]

Anyway, I highly doubt there are any surveillance videos anywhere showing the boarding gates at the three airports. The conspirators had to be very sure none were ever made. So they were probably all turned off at the appropriate times.


The absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence ?
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

Pennsylvania Dutch

We all know how those Amish people love them some cell phones. Guessing there were lots o' cell towers in them there hills.
Together in Truth!


The first issue here is that we do not know exactly how many calls were made and from where. The FBI did not represent its evidence in the Moussaoui trial as being a full list, and there is not reason to believe it is. I want to see the documents that back up the FBI's claims that the calls were made from the phones the FBI says they were made from. Once we know for sure how many calls were made, then we can discuss what they mean on a firmer footing.

Incidentally, there is a timeline of some of the passengers' calls here: