The San Diego Sunday Boardwalk for Peace (week 2)

The Sunday Boardwalk for Peace is a weekly march for peace and 9/11 Truth on the boardwalk of San Diego's beautiful beaches. We meet at 4:00pm every Sunday at the end of Diamond Street in Pacific Beach. This event is in its second week, and we hope to grow week by week. This event is sponsored and organized by San Diego's own, so join us every Sunday rain or shine at 4:00pm sharp. Please wear 9/11 Truth and/or Peace clothing and bring your own creative signage.

Also, is proud to announce "Trutherpalooza", a music and art expo that will take place at San Diego State University on August 29th, 2008. We have rented Montezuma Hall, capacity 850, from 8:00am until 10:00pm, so this will be an ALL day event. "Trutherpalooza" will raise money for the first responders, allow artists to showcase their talents, and raise 9/11 Truth awareness in San Diego and Southern California region.

This is an open call to ALL truthers everywhere. We are currently looking for musicians, bands, and artists that have a 9/11 Truth/Anti-New World Order/Peace/Ron Paul/Freedom related message All artists, bands, and musicians, BIG or small, are encouraged to contact us if you are interested in promoting the 9/11 Truth message as well as yourself. If you are not an artist, musician, or in a band, but you would like to participate or help out with this event, please contact us as well.

Log onto or contact us via email at

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Excellent ! and for those

Excellent !

and for those in the Pacific Northwest ....

Saturday, July 5th, 2008