To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them

EXCLUSIVE At THINKPROGRESS: To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them

Speaking at the Campus Progress journalism conference earlier this month, Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.

In Hersh’s most recent article, he reports that this meeting occurred in the wake of the overblown incident in the Strait of Hormuz, when a U.S. carrier almost shot at a few small Iranian speedboats. The “meeting took place in the Vice-President’s office. ‘The subject was how to create a casus belli between Tehran and Washington,’” according to one of Hersh’s sources.

During the journalism conference event, I asked Hersh specifically about this meeting and if he could elaborate on what occurred. Hersh explained that, during the meeting in Cheney’s office, an idea was considered to dress up Navy Seals as Iranians, put them on fake Iranian speedboats, and shoot at them. This idea, intended to provoke an Iran war, was ultimately rejected:

HERSH: There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.

Might cost some lives. And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

Watch it:

Hersh argued that one of the things the Bush administration learned during the encounter in the Strait of Hormuz was that, “if you get the right incident, the American public will support” it.

“Look, is it high school? Yeah,” Hersh said. “Are we playing high school with you know 5,000 nuclear warheads in our arsenal? Yeah we are. We’re playing, you know, who’s the first guy to run off the highway with us and Iran.”


HERSH: There was a meeting. Among the items considered and rejected — which is why the New Yorker did not publish it, on grounds that it wasn’t accepted — one of the items was why not…

There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up. Might cost some lives.

And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

So I can understand the argument for not writing something that was rejected — uh maybe. My attitude always towards editors is they’re mice training to be rats.

But the point is jejune, if you know what that means. Silly? Maybe. But potentially very lethal. Because one of the things they learned in the incident was the American public, if you get the right incident, the American public will support bang-bang-kiss-kiss. You know, we’re into it.

…What happened in the Gulf was, in the Straits, in early January, the President was just about to go to the Middle East for a visit. So that was one reason they wanted to gin it up. Get it going.

Look, is it high school? Yeah. Are we playing high school with you know 5,000 nuclear warheads in our arsenal? Yeah we are. We’re playing, you know, who’s the first guy to run off the highway with us and Iran.

Operation this

This is the stuff they don't care that we know. What about the ideas they're still entertaining?

The Prosecutor towards indicting Cheney is gonna love this.

The Prosecutor towards indicting Cheney is gonna love this. These fellows who have been obeying "illegal orders" had better start sweating, because often they get nailed before the big fish do.
"It is you who are the torch-bearers with respect to that truth.... ...Steel your spines. Inspire your children. Then when the moment is right, rise again...." W PEPPER

W Pepper

Richard Cheney

And to think, some Americans might be surprised by this.


Is that they don't care or can't connect the dots.

False-flag schemes are second nature

I know. If anything, reports like this--and the one about Bushing hoping to draw fire from Saddam on an alleged UN plane--simply show just how basic to their outlook such false-flag schemes are. They're second nature to members of the ruling elites, who believe that they 'create their own reality.'

And to think, some Americans might be surprised by this

Comments at thinkprogress are a good read. Some dare speak of 9/11, false-flag, lihop, mihop, Bush as puppet, Cheney in the bunker, treason. It has the sound of people waking up over there. One of my favorite comments: "I was just going to post Operation Northwoods. Yes, this country is capable of doing these things. What did Reverend Wright say? Was he not telling the truth?? Your goddamned Wright he was. Goddamn America!" ... and ... dressing up Cheney as Osama and having the Navy Seals fire on him!

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Article Already at Over 2,000 Sites

Hersh should go on and state the obvious.

Hersh's Revelation is pushing somnambulists over the edge.

it never would have worked--somebody would have talked. ;>)


good one

Kieth Olberman

Keith Olbermann just mentioned the story briefly on his cable show...

But that would be . . .


Isn't this some kind of crime?

Thanks for the post Joe.

Can someone do something about this crazy shit?

Is there anyone in the world who has the power and the inclination to remove Cheney from office before he starts another illegal war of aggression which could mushroom into WW3? Maybe the citizens of America should call on the remaining sane members of the US military to do the right thing. We need a Smedley Butler. Time is short.

God Damn Richard Cheney! The sooner the better!

Thank you Nan"C" for nothing.

He has almost

achieved orgasm . . . just a little more suffering out there should do it

I wonder...

what Jesse Ventura would think about this story?

It's Not Proven That It Was Cheney's Idea....

But the real question is Why in the world would any of Cheney's underlings believe that they could even mention something so monstrous to him and have him even consider it for one second?