Legalize 9/11 Truth Ride (Week 9) San Diego, CA
davidchasetaylor Mon, 08/25/2008 - 2:00am
If you happen to be in the greater San Diego area please feel free to join our weekly Sunday protest at 4:00pm sharp at the end of Diamond Street in Pacific Beach. If you can't make it, please feel free to copy us and start a weekly Sunday protest ride in you neck of the woods.
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once again...
You guys have done a great job of organizing and being creative
with the street actions you do. Keep up the good work . Ya'll rock!
"We are going to keep up this fight till the end, till the very end... They took it from the top to the bottom. We're gonna take it from the bottom to the top!" -Dan Wallace
My hat is off to ya'll!!! Power to you! Real Action!
I love seeing real action on the streets and talking to people!! This is where courage and honor stand tall!! There is no honor if one knows the truth, but does not actively try to share the truth. The survival of all we hold dear depends upon real actions such as yours, not sitting at home thinking dim thoughts. Thank you for setting an example for us all to DO things to get the 9/11 Truth out there to the public.
You guys are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.
Hopefully I can make out to San Diego soon and join you guys. It's only about 6 hours away from where I live in Phoenix.
I don't get it
Legalize 9/11 Truth?
That doesn't make sense.
But good job on the activism stuff.