"ZERO" to be broadcast on Russian State TV on 9/12, 2008

(Correction: ZERO will be broadcast on Russia's first State tv channel ("One") on Friday September 12th, 2008, from 9.25pm until 00.30am; see e.g. http://www.1tv.ru/anons/12.09.2008/id=28066
Name of tv programme: "Closed Viewing" (Закрытый показ).
Name of tv host: Alexander Gordon (Александр Гордон).
Estimated number of viewers: 20 million.
Russian forum discussion on the programme here: http://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/reports/view/27055/
Source: http://zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/rusland_schaart_zich_achter_de_9_11_beweging_zero_op_russische_staatstelevi -thx, VAB.)

9/11 event in Germany supports demands for a new international 9/11 investigation. On September 11 the documentary "Zero" will be aired on Russian State TV

Berlin, September 6, 2008

In Berlin, Germany a 9/11 event took place on Thursday and Friday this week.

Speakers were:
Giulietto Chiesa, an italian member of the EU Parliament
Jürgen Elsässer, journalist and author - Link
Andreas von Bülow, former Minister of Research and Technology in Germany
Jochen Scholz, former Lt Col Airforce
Mathias Bröckers, Journalist
Ekkehard Sieker, TV-Journalist
Eckart Spoo Editor of the magazine "Ossietzky"

The Italian documentary "Zero" was screened at the conference.

On Friday a press conference was held at the Government Press Conference building in Berlin.

Subject was the push for a new international investigation of the 9/11 attacks. Mr.Giulietto Chiesa announced that the documentary "Zero" will be aired on Russia´s main TV-channel on September 11, followed by an discussion with two US-journalists and two journalists from Russia.

The 9/11 event took place at the "Russian House" in downtown Berlin, in an packed auditorium in front of almost 300 people. The Russian House was chosen after two other venues turned down booking requests. In 2006 Humbold University had already canceled a planned presentation of the documentary "Loose Change" with only two days notice to the organizers.

The event this year was organized by the newly launched magazine "Hintergrund"

The newsmagazine is available at german newsstands since Thursday this week and will be published every 3 months.It features prominent authors who are covering international terror events and their dramatic ramifications on current politics

Impeachment is Not Enough



Impeachment is Not Enough

22.08.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru

Indict all of the US government officials and their allies who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks

A preponderance of evidence shows that the highest officials of the Bush Administration, in collusion with many other officials from the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, FEMA, NSA, NORAD, New York City officials, air-traffic contollers, airline executives, controlled demolitions experts, computer graphics technicians, media executives, and others together planned and committed the horrible attacks of 9/11/2001 against the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 9/11 attacks were immediately blamed on some bogus 'Arab highjackers', a half dozen of whom were later confirmed to be still alive, and therefore innocent, after the 9/11 attacks.

The false-flag 9/11 attacks provided the excuse for the US government's 'War on Terrorism', the chief purpose of which is for the USA to gain control of the lucrative oil fields of the Middle East. A secondary purpose is to increase the taxation of US citizens for Defense spending in support of the USA's enormous Military/Industrial Complex, and a tertiary purpose is to establish justification of the enactment of Police State measures within the USA under the vast, far-reaching, and politically ambiguous umbrella of 'Homeland Security'. When the rights of freedom of speech and assembly are curtailed for the citizens of the USA, the US government will be able to pursue its agenda of world domination without the domestic distraction of dissident opinions, protests, and demonstrations.


A bit more restraint might have been a good idea

"... New York City officials, air-traffic contollers, airline executives, controlled demolitions experts, computer graphics technicians..."

Quite an all-encompassing list...

Hooray for no more pussy-footing, but public hangings?

This is a deliberately inflammatory article, that vents an emotion of outrage at what 30 years of preparation to seize executive dictatorial powers over the US has wrought unto our World (google "Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again", GlobalResearch.ca or
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10065 )

Goering said that the lies can be protected as long as the people need not pay for the consequences of the lies.
Americans have now realized that Bush Lied, Soldiers Died, and our National Debt is approaching 100 Trillion dollars.

It won’t be long before very many common Americans have the same feeling of outrage as Gregory F. Fegel expresses in this article published in the Pravda, but when it comes to statements like "require a violent armed Revolution in which the American people are opposed against the forces of the US government and the US military." I think he is wrong, and we should be aware that it is the type of “agent provocateur” statements that are sometimes done to marginalise movements, and justify violent police clampdowns against “skinny vegetarians”. Deep down inside, every Police officer and Military take pride in their role to protect the countries citizens and its’ constitution. Some of the high-level planers in the Pentagon, usually earning millions in vested interests in one of the only US business that is still booming, are certainly among the criminals. (see the NYT article about the Pentagons’ media whores) I believe that when the large majority of military people come to understand how nefarious and deeply criminal their leaders have been, they will be our best protectors of the constitution. It is in the neocons’ wet dream that a national havoc breaks out, violently opposing NRA/death-penalty supporters’ to Police and Military who these upset citizens would perceive as treasonous. What is needed is a wide-spread cultural effort to increase citizens awareness on these issues, a freezing out of any politicians who have proven themselves whores in the fascistically minded Bush administration, and a peoples’ boycott of the ugly media that has been perpetuating the lies that led our country into two illegal wars, and a 100 Trillion dollar debt.

This Sunday Sept 7th '08 we will be demonstrating in Belgium for more awareness about the ongoing criminal Cover-Up, and the consequences of this. We will never do this in an armed way, or demand any public hangings. That would defeat our purpose of restoring our dignity in the World!

Love from Brussels,

Dr Beeth

"unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man." (Harold Pinter)

Oh, that's so f-----ng cool!

Now we can all watch the American mainstream media fail to mention it!

What a reversal since the bad old days of Russian State censored Pravda and Tass News. Now it's our turn... sort of. Thank goodness for the web.

Russian MSM - the wall is comming down

Wolf Blitzer did a 3 or 4 minute piece on the release of the NIST report and showed the collapse of WTC 7 - 1 1/2 times. :-)

The BBC hit piece showed all the different views repeatedly and now the Russian public is gonna get the whole enchilada in the movie "Zero".

The truth is breaking out!

I was both days at that event.

Signore Chiesa is a honorable man of integrity, he was great.

So were the others- it was an experience to have such a massive grade of high-educated journalists and politicians (and even one former soldier of a lieutenant-colonel rank on the platform. Impressive.

Nevertheless the press conference in the german "Bundespressekonferenz" yesterday noon in the middle of german capital of politics right after the conference of the german government was somewhat disappointing. Only 5 journalists attended, and so far I couldn't find any report on that.

And the panel did everything to encourage the other journalists than to confront them on their behaviour of the last seven years.


This short article shows the difference I have been trying to point out in my articles (see my blog) between pussy-footing with the question of responsibility, i.e. by looking for any kind of chimerical "secret forces" to blame instead of putting it square where it belongs. What I mean by that is exactly what this article says. Of course since it was published in Pravda we can imagine how easily it will be dismissed here (by people who manage to see it). My point has been that we Americans have to take exactly this stand and not allow others to "Bill O'Reilly" us into pulling our punches. It's not the "Deep State" or a "rogue network" or the Bilderbergers. It is the US government, period.

don't forget Mossad

they were at least as involved as the US govt, and I suspect the primary planners.

Certainly Israel is manipulating the US to do their bidding--far more than we manipulate Israel to do ours.

Correct date of broadcast is September 12th

ZERO will be broadcast on Russia's first State tv channel ("One") on Friday September 12th, 2008, from 9.25pm until 00.30am; see e.g. http://www.1tv.ru/anons/12.09.2008/id=28066
Name of tv programme: "Closed Viewing" (Закрытый показ).
Name of tv host: Alexander Gordon (Александр Гордон).
Estimated number of viewers: 20 million.
Russian forum discussion on the programme here: http://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/reports/view/27055/

(Source: http://zaplog.nl/zaplog/article/rusland_schaart_zich_achter_de_9_11_bewe...)

Estimated number of viewers: 20 million.

Estimated number of viewers: 20 million.

That is a huge chunk of the collective psyche.

Great links.

These are great links. Its nice to see current events from a different perspective.

this is great news!

Russ Hallberg

Many in the USA will be "the last to know." A world wide awakening to 9/11 Truth will put an end to US imperialism.

The Russians have a lot to loose, with the threat of US nuclear primacy. If the US achieves nuclear primacy, then Russia will be forced to surrender to US corporate interests.

The Russians find oil where the US cannot. http://www.vialls.com/wecontrolamerica/peakoil.html
The Russian economy is expanding because of oil. The US oil interests want to control the supply of oil. They cannot do that while the Russians are successfully ignoring our idea that oil is a fossil fuel with a very finite supply.

The Russian government may be forced to use 911 Truth as a defense against US nuclear primacy. Woo Hoo!