David Ray Griffin on WFHB in Bloomington

Following up on our 9/01/08 event in Bloomington, here is the audio from David Ray Griffin's speech, recorded by our great community radio station - WFHB.

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If you can afford it, please send WFHB a donation! It's fund drive time, and they need the support.


WFHB has covered all of our events in Bloomington, and has been very fair and supportive to the cause of 9/11 Truth. Here's another link, to a presentation I gave two and a half years ago.

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David Ray Griffin - Kevin Ryan - additional media

September 11, 2008

David Ray Griffin joined Bonnie Faulkner and Dennis Bernstein on KPFA's program Flashpoints to discuss Dr. Griffin's newest book, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé


The foxes are investigating the hen house crime scene

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Alex Jones, Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage discuss Dr. Ryan's recent investigation/finding regarding high-tech explosives used in the controlled demolitions of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 on September 11, 2001


David Ray Griffin on WFHB in Bloomington

I doubled the volume and decreased the file size from 34MB down to 10MB.

(mp3 - not edited)