Call for Reviews and Ratings at

Call for Reviews and Ratings at

For the last couple of days there has been a flurry of negative (one-star) reviews, ratings and comments at the Amazon page for The New Pearl Harbor Revisited by David Ray Griffin, driving its overall rating down from 5 to 4 stars and piling up negative votes on favorable reviews of the book. James B of Screw Loose Change seems to be the leader of the operation to drag down the ratings. The common feature of all the negative commentary is that none of its authors seem to have actually read the book. Some have admitted as much, but Amazon has permitted their reviews to remain. Here at 911Blogger many people have in fact read the book. It would be very helpful to the future readership, and to the 9/11 truth movement, if everyone who has read it would go to Amazon and review it and rate the other reviews. To do so, go to

I haven't read it either

I haven't read it either (but I plan to), but isn't it typically childish of James B and his anti-social peers over at SLC to pull some stupid stunt like this one? The gesture itself smacks of desperation to me; they're running out of reasons to believe the OT anymore, and are able to convince less and less people that we're the crazy ones. Besides, I'm tired of being accused of dodging a question when the questioner isn't willing to accept the answer. Seems to be their main weapon, and I saw that little word all over those bad reviews.

Review and rate

Done. :-)

Here is Mine. Just Posted

Who is David Ray Griffin?, October 13, 2008
By Joe

A man of Integrity, Reverence, and Truth. A man far more intelligent than his critics.
From Wikipedia:
David Ray Griffin is a longtime resident of Santa Barbara, California, was a full-time academic from 1973 until April 2004. He is currently a co-director of the Center for Process Studies, and one of the foremost contemporary exponents of process theology, founded on the process philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. He is also a leading exponent of conspiracy theories questioning the mainstream account of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Griffin grew up in a small town in Oregon, where he was an active participant in his Disciples of Christ church. After deciding to become a minister, Griffin entered Northwest Christian College, but became disenchanted with the conservative-fundamentalist theology that was taught there. While getting his master's degree in counseling from the University of Oregon, Griffin attended a lecture series delivered by Paul Tillich at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. At this time, Griffin made his decision to focus on philosophical theology. He eventually attended the Claremont Graduate University, where Griffin received his Ph.D. in 1970.

As a student in Claremont, Griffin was initially interested in Eastern religions, particularly Vedanta. However, he started to become a process theologian while attending John B. Cobb's seminar on Whitehead's philosophy. According to Griffin, process theology, as presented by Cobb, "provided a way between the old supernaturalism, according to which God miraculously interrupted the normal causal processes now and then, and a view according to which God is something like a cosmic hydraulic jack, exerting the same pressure always and everywhere (which described rather aptly the position to which I had come)", (Primordial Truth and Postmodern Theology). While applying Whitehead's thought to the traditional theological subjects of christology and theodicy, Griffin found that process theology also provided a sound basis for addressing contemporary social and ecological issues.

After teaching theology and Eastern religions at the University of Dayton, Griffin came to appreciate the distinctively postmodern aspects of Whitehead's thought. In particular, Griffin found Whitehead's nonsensationist epistemology and panexperientialist ontology immensely helpful in addressing the major problems of modern philosophy, including the problems of mind-body interaction, the interaction between free and determined things, the emergence of experience from nonexperiencing matter, and the emergence of time in the evolutionary process. In 1973, Griffin returned to Claremont to establish, with Cobb, the Center for Process Studies.

While on research leave in 1980-81 at Cambridge University and Berkeley, the contrast between modernity and postmodernity became central to his work. Many of Griffin's writings are devoted to developing postmodern proposals for overcoming the conflicts between religion and modern science. Griffin came to believe that much of the tension between religion and science was not only the result of reactionary supernaturalism, but also the mechanistic worldview associated with the rise of modern science in the seventeenth century. In 1983, Griffin started the Center for a Postmodern World in Santa Barbara, and became editor of the SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Philosophy between 1987 and 2004.

The 9/11 Mystery Plane

Cyberfossil: A recently released book by Mark Gaffney with excellent research and damning information is now available on Amazon that seems relatively overlooked. It contains very up to date information from FOIA requests about radar locations and lots of other documented information concerning the Doomsday Plane finally reported on CNN just last year. I just completed the book and highly recommend it as terrific for convincing skeptics. Since everyone knows how advanced the plane is (since it is the airborne command and control of for the Pentagon) and there are now numerous confirmed photos, videos, and radar tracking screens confirming it was over D.C. when Flight 77 was said to hit the Pentagon, it is difficult to explain how the Pentagon and NORAD can claim they were unaware of the hijacked plane's approach into restricted territory until after it struck. In other words, not only should it have been seen visually and by the radar equipment onboard, it should have been easily intercepted by a simple command from that E-4B plane and, at a bare minimum, the Pentagon should have been warned to evacuate. Gaffney points out that, as a low office building, most personnel could have evacuated even with just 2-3 minutes warning (which was the length of the curiously risky and amazingly difficult approach of Flight 77 into the first floor of the Pentagon). It is nearly impossible to explain why that surveillance and command control plane was there without showing complicity of some part of the government especially when it is shown that they have avoided explaining or even mentioning the existence of that aircraft over restricted airspace after the grounding of all other planes.

I added this comment

to James B's attack-review of DRG's book:


Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:




At this stage in 2008, there's no shortage of qualified credentialed people in relevant fields who do not accept the official story or the 911 commission report. Naturally I expect the skepters to vote this post down and try to attack the integrity of the engineers, former air force, former CIA analysts, etc. who have gone on the record, but the fact is that plenty of sane, sober, rational people support the 9/11 truth movement.

I am glad that James B, Ron Wieck, Mark Roberts, James Meigs, Davin Coburn, Matt Taibbi and the rest of the anti-truthers are on the historical record for their staunch position. When the truth about 9/11 becomes mainstream, these individuals will be forever remembered as the ones who zealously defended a lie which involved treason to the United States and mass murder of American citizens.