A vote for McKinney
This (article in my local paper) is the ONLY mention I have seen in the German press (what I
see and read of it, anyway) or on CNN or BBC (both of which I watch
occasionally) to any candidates other than Obama and McCain. Nuff
said, proved, signed, sealed and delivered with respect to the quality
of "journalism" in the US and Germany. In case you don't read German,
it says I voted for "McKenny" (sic) (the others voted for Obama, one
for McCain) and that most people (Germans anyway) don't know that
there are at least ten other candidates on the ballot. If you click on
the camera icon next to the byline you should see an exciting slide
show including my mug at the very end:
I trust I will wake up tomorrow to a better world with President-elect
Obama--better at least than the other guy.
- Michael Morrissey's blog
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McKinney, Chomsky, election results
Here is a good site to keep track of election results:
And I just discovered that Noam Chomsky also voted for McKinney: http://mckinney-clemente.org/ .
I'm glad Obama beat the other guy, though, obviously.
Also, someone pointed me to this video on C-Span:
rtsp://video1.c-span.org/archive/c08/c08_091008_paul.rm .
These candidates, as Ron Paul says, together probably represent the majority of the US population, although they get ZERO exposure,
individually or collectively, in the mainstream.
McKinney received 142,999 votes
North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site
Below is the Gernman text put through online internet translator
Herblay FRANCE
bonjour ,
thank you very much for this entry. I myself have for weeks telling my colleagues that there are more than two candidates. They could not believe me because the French television only talk about two candidates and if there were three or more they would certainly have been informed !
Below is the Gernman text put through an on line internet translator. ( Gives an idea ! )
translator ==> http://www.online-translator.com/site_Translation.aspx?prmtlang=en
texte ==> http://www.hna.de///kasselstart/00_20081103211420_Obama_hat_die_Nase_vor...
The results I found on GSPAN
Obama has the nose in frontObama hat die Nase vorn
Americans in the region await full tension of the presidential electionAmerikaner in der Region sehen voller Spannung der Präsidentenwahl entgegen
Michael Morrisey Foto: privately / nh
Other pictures to this articleFrom Beate Eder Von Beate Eder
Kassel. The election campaign in the USA around the highest office goes to the final spurt: In the early Wednesday morning the new US-president will be certain probably. The democrat Barack Obama is valid as a hope bearer for new America - after the borders of his country. The Republican John McCain stands rather for the reverse-skilful politics of the Bush's government. On which candidate do the Americans place in our region? Kassel. Der Wahlkampf in den USA um das höchste Amt geht in den Endspurt: Am frühen Mittwochmorgen wird voraussichtlich der neue US-Präsident feststehen. Der Demokrat Barack Obama gilt als Hoffnungsträger für ein neues Amerika - weit über die Grenzen seines Landes hinaus. Der Republikaner John McCain steht eher für die rückwärtsgewandte Politik der Bush-Regierung. Auf welchen Kandidaten setzen die Amerikaner in unserer Region?
On which candidate do the Americans place in our region? Audrey Piccirillo, since 1979 in Kassel resident, places unambiguously on Obama. Together with her man she invites for today from 21 o'clock in her home to an election campaign party. The 58-year-old hopes with it "for strong and fair America which one must build up from below". Should the young candidate decide the choice for himself, he would step a heavy inheritance in in view of the argumentative Iraq war and the topical financial crisis and economic crisis. From McCain she holds a little: "All the same what promises McCain now - he is followed to 95 percent always the Bush's decisions." Auf welchen Kandidaten setzen die Amerikaner in unserer Region? Audrey Piccirillo, seit 1979 in Kassel beheimatet, setzt eindeutig auf Obama. Zusammen mit ihrem Mann lädt sie für heute ab 21 Uhr in ihrem Zuhause zu einer Wahlkampfparty ein. Die 58-Jährige hofft damit "auf ein starkes und gerechtes Amerika, das man von unten aufbauen muss". Sollte der junge Kandidat die Wahl für sich entscheiden, so träte er ein schweres Erbe an angesichts des umstrittenen Irak-Kriegs und der aktuellen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. Von McCain hält sie wenig: "Egal, was McCain jetzt verspricht - er ist zu 95 Prozent immer den Bush-Entscheidungen gefolgt."
Also Valery Lane places on the candidate whose father is a black. The 52 year-old American credits Obama to gain control of the financial crisis and of economic crisis in the country of the once boundless possibilities. "I believe in his good character, in his intelligence, and he has leadership qualities." He will provide for the fact that America appears in the world public again in a positive light, speaks in riddles the English teacher. McCain is for them, however, a bad choice: He has himself by the appointment of Sarah Palin who has fallen for the tricks recently of a Comedy duet and shone otherwise by ignorance, no fallen done. Auch Valery Lane setzt auf den Kandidaten, dessen Vater ein Schwarzer ist. Die 52 Jahre alte Amerikanerin traut Obama zu, die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise im Land der einstmals unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten in den Griff zu bekommen. "Ich glaube an seinen guten Charakter, an seine Intelligenz, und er hat Führungsqualitäten." Er werde dafür sorgen, dass Amerika in der Weltöffentlichkeit wieder in einem positiven Licht erscheint, orakelt die Englischlehrerin. McCain sei für sie hingegen eine schlechte Wahl: Er habe sich durch die Ernennung von Sarah Palin, die kürzlich einem Comedy-Duo auf den Leim gegangen ist und ansonsten durch Unwissenheit glänzte, keinen Gefallen getan.
"Obama will win", prophesies Michael Morrisey, the American from Heiligenrode. The 62 year-old Vorruheständler and former English teachers at the university is followed by his choice, however, his conscience and has chosen the Green politician Cynthia McKenney. What would be known the least ones: There are at least ten candidates who would stand for the choice. "Obama wird gewinnen", prophezeit Michael Morrisey, der Amerikaner aus Heiligenrode. Der 62 Jahre alte Vorruheständler und frühere Englischlehrer an der Uni ist bei seiner Wahl allerdings seinem Gewissen gefolgt und hat die Grünen-Politikerin Cynthia McKenney gewählt. Was den wenigsten bekannt sei: Es gebe mindestens zehn Kandidaten, die zur Wahl stünden.
Quite differently there thinks Hershel Ray Farmer (74) from chewing fun gene: Obama sells as a remedial bringer. Nevertheless, one does not know who is real he. McCain he credits more because this brings more experience in the politics. Ganz anders denkt Hershel Ray Farmer (74) aus Kaufungen: Obama verkaufe sich als Heilsbringer. Man wisse jedoch nicht, wer er wirklich sei. McCain traut er mehr zu, weil dieser mehr Erfahrung in der Politik mitbringe.
To the electoral party the family loads Piccirillo today from 21 o'clock one in the street wooden garden 19a, Kassel.
Hi John, and thanks for running that through the translation machine. Didn't know about that site. I didn't think anyone would actually be interested enough to read it carefully so I just summarized, but if you or anyone else wants any further clarification of anything, just let me know.