"Rescue Me" TV show braces for 911 controversy

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"It was a period of social danger."


In the unlikely event that our new Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has not yet read the 1946 book THE ROOSEVELT I KNEW by FDR's Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins ("the mother of social security"), Some of The Above News wants to recommend it to her.
This book tells the engrossing story of how the New Deal recovery program brought the United States out of the First Republican Great Depression, and built it into the world's most advanced country. It is filled with obvious parallels to our present Second Republican Great Depression, and solutions that can lift our country back to its former lofty condition -- and beyond to true greatness.
Frances Perkins, our first woman cabinet member, was certainly one of the most influential architects of the New Deal, and arguably one of the most important women in all of history.
These excerpts from her book deal with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), one of the many momentous projects she was responsible for in the New Deal recovery program.


....Those who look back upon the period and say that not enough consideration was given to these measures can hardly remember how gray and bleak and desperate were the people of this country in the period between election day and Inauguration Day, 1933. They longed for a cure. It was a period of social danger. Fortunately it was Roosevelt, rather than a Huey Long, who appeared as the "deliverer."....
As the Roosevelt administration took up its task, the unemployed had just struggled through the third severe winter since President Hoover had proclaimed, in the summer of 1930, that "the depression is over." National income had declined from $81,000,000,000 a year to $39,000,000,000. Banks were collapsing throughout the nation. Relief stations were closing down for lack of funds, Hunger marchers were on parade. Food riots were becoming more common. Crime, born of the need for food, clothing, and other necessities of life, was on the upsurge.
There were insecurity and terror in the agricultural regions, where sober farm people forcibly prevented sheriffs' sales on foreclosed mortgages....
I wired for Frank Persons, whom I had known as an able organizer in the Red Cross during World War I. He came, and in three days we had set up an agency known as the National Re-employment Service, received a special appropriation attached to the CCC bill to finance it on a temporary basis, and proceeded to make the rules for selecting 250,000 unemployed men for forestry work.
The Forestry Service entered into the work eagerly, happy that it had a President who appreciated forestry. They laid out work programs and selected the sites. They called back former foresters and recruited and trained junior foresters to supervise the work in the field.
We had to call upon the Army to supply and manage the camps and commissaries, to provide equipment and transportation. George Dern, Secretary of War, reconciled the Army to this limited but important function. The army called back reserve officers in great numbers to take charge. The first canvass showed that many reserve officers, themselves out of work and with meager resources, were growing desperate. They were glad to come back and entered sympathetically into the rush program. It was a new problem for conventionally trained officers, for Secretary Dern announced that there was to be no military discipline, since the men were not enlisted soldiers but civilians.
A year later Sectretary Dern reported at a cabinet meeting that he thought the experience of handling the CCC had been the most valuable the Army had ever had.
"They have had to learn," he said, "to govern men by leadership, explanation, and diplomacy rather than discipline. That knowledge is priceless to the American Army."
The Army became enthusiastic about the training in the camps, saying it was an admirable substitute for citizen military training. The things learned were the basic essentials of Army knowledge; namely, how to live in companies of men; how to live under rules and time schedules; how to take care of yourself and your equipment; how to keep clean; how to obey orders and work with precision. The work, exercise, and good plain Army food, and regular sleep built up the health and strength of the men until they were, in physical toughness and mental alertness, the equal of men with a year of military training.
As one enthusiastic colonel said, "Learning how to shoot and take care of a gun is not the basic training. It could be taught quickly to men in top physical and mental condition, as these men are."
The Labor Department, Army, and Forestry Service each had a representative on the committee in charge of CCC, and they drew up the rules. At the President's request I kept close to the whole program and reported to him from time to time. He thought a lot of this project and wanted to be sure that nothing happened to give it a bad name or diminish the public's enthusiasm for it.
Characteristically, he had decided to appoint a labor leader as director on the theory that that would make organized labor well disposed to the project. Robert Fechner, vice-president of the Machinists' Union, had had some experience serving on gevernment advisory committees in his home state. He had also lectured on labor questions at Harvard and Dartmouth. The President had known him in the Wilson administration. He was appointed, and the Roosevelt theory proved correct. Labor was satisfied that there was no disguised regimentation, and it was uncritically in favor of CCC from that time on.
The fact that this set-up might not make for efficient administration did not trouble Roosevelt. When it was pointed out to him he said,"Oh, that doesn't matter. The Army and the Forestry Service will really run the show. The Secretary of Labor will select the men and make the rules and Fechner will 'go along' and give everybody satisfaction and confidence."
It is a technique of administration which drives professors of political science almost mad -- but government in a representative democracy has to be adapted to human feelings. Roosevelt could accomodate the objections of labor, liberals, and those suspicious of the military without any conflict within himself on grounds of efficiency or logic. His idea to establish a Civilian Conservation Corps proved to be felicitous, and it operated with great success.


Actor and activist Ed Asner has signed the Architects and Engineers for 911Truth (AE911Truth) online petition and sent a letter of support.

The text of the letter reads:


October 6, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to thank Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth for presenting the scientific facts behind the unprecedented destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. AE911Truth presents solid research that contradicts the official story of the building's destruction with the overwhelming evidence of explosive controlled demolition.

An accurate understanding of history is required to make good decisions in the future. Over and over again, history has shown that the first public perceptions of historical events are not always correct. I, along with millions of others, have serious questions about our country's recent history about 9/11.

I have signed the AE911Truth.org petition calling for an unbiased investigation of the "collapses" of these three high-rise buildings. I encourage everyone to do the same, and also become a Sustaining Member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.



Edward Asner

View the full news item at http://www.AE911Truth.org



Dear Some of The Above News,

Congratulations on the fabulous and historic election of President Barack Obama!!!

As we celebrate our new President-elect and all the changes he will bring to our nation, we must not turn a blind eye to the final actions of George Bush.

Incredibly, Washington is already buzzing with Bush's plans to block all investigations of his crimes and even to pardon everyone involved - including Cheney and himself. Chris Matthews is even counting down the days .

Does Bush have the power to pardon everyone in his administration? Yes.

Will he abuse that power to stay out of jail? Only if we let him.

We must create a groundswell of opposition to any pardons by George Bush, so he understands that he will be impeached and prosecuted for issuing corrupt pardons.

Please help us launch a massive movement against pardons by signing our petition to Congress and telling your friends:

We will announce additional plans to stop Bush's pardons in the coming days. Read more about our efforts and join our discussion here:

Thanks for all you do!

Bob Fertik



Published on Friday, May 9, 2008 by CommonDreams.org
by Vincent Bugliosi




An Efficient Way to Spread Truth That Everyone Can Do
By Colombo

Since our mainstream media continue to censor 9/11 truth, I
urge everyone to begin “mass emailing” 9/11 truth
messages now! It is not difficult to
disseminate thousands of emails per day. Here are some tips
to get you started:




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