Summer Activism Resources.

Remembrance and Motivation...

Sidewalk Chalk ~

Everyone might as well be sure to stock up on any supplies they are running low on as well.

Everything 9/11 ~
DVD's and more ~
Deception Dollars ~

There's also a good post here examining the effectiveness of tabling...

The Art of Tabling

Summer is right around the corner. Be prepared if the opportunity arises for Action.

Gandhi's three principles to successful movements: 1) Be Proactive. 2) Be Non-Violent. 3) Reach a critical mass.

Be sure to post other sources of materials and examples of successes below as well. We can all mail dvd's that we have copies of to each other as well. Don't be afraid to ask for something if you don't have it or want it. DVD's and letters to community leaders can have a big effect. Also consider dropping off a bunch of burned dvd's and fliers to your local firehouse. You can even do it anonymously if they have a mailbox outside or you can just walk in and drop them off. Please post more ideas that you have seen work as well.

Get Free Papers for Your 911truth Group ~

Passing out copies of the Creek is a great way to open peoples eyes to the truth. If you would like to receive a free bundle of the Creek for your local 9/11truth group, send your information to

Stay connected: We Are Change,, Meetups, etc. depending on your location there may be a lot of others around or you can take a more personal approach and get the job done yourself. Either way we've all heard how good exercise is for you. Especially in the Summer.

Great fantastic post! Orangutan, thanks for bringing this up.

Gabriel with is working on a national version of an inexpensive, color, newspaper sized flyer. Give him your support towards this dissemination piece. Here is the Texas version (we went through 30,000 copies quickly, so are almost out) ...and here... I believe Richard Gage's crew is working on a version.

DVDs are our best line of dissemination. Our group has given out more than 32,000 in the North Texas area.
Our Group has sponsored many films and speaker events with great turnouts in the Theatre setting,(from the Loose Change series to William Rodriguez and more.) Joe has participated in a small host of radio interviews for 9/11 Truth. We have performed many, many, many street actions and participated at many local Truth Type events(e.g. Dallas Peace Center, END THE FED, "Economic Hitman", SDS-Denton-Peace Rally, CodePink, Exxon Protest, Jim Marrs, etc.).
We gained exposure to around 100,000 people in the MLK Parades.
We are gearing up for an all day event on 7/11/09 at a 600 seat college conference center for "A Symposium on WTC 7" ...Building 7 on 9/11...7/11

Our group has mailed out thousands of packets containing DVDs & infocards/flyers. Over 700 North Texas area architects & engineers have been mailed packets of DVDs-infocards. Our mailings of DVD-flyer packets have included well over 100 firestations, police and sheriff departments, local politicians and city councilmen, public officials, the district attorney offices & public defender offices & judges & clerk's offices(Federal, County, & Municipal), local Homeland Security offices, local celebrities and VIPs, churches, college professors, attorneys, non-profit organizations, wealthy individuals, Foundations, George Bush's neighbors and neighborhood, businesses, etc., etc., etc.

100’s and 100’s and 100's and 100's of signs and stickers have been posted around the North Texas area as a result of our efforts. We instigated THE PLANE TRUTH PROJECT and flew a banner over the international Byron Nelson Golf Tournament.

Joe put together our website which has videos of some of our actions
We continuously post on Craigslist and make comments in local articles, periodicals, other local Meetup Groups in order to gain attention to 9/11 Truth.

There are thousands of little anecdotes and stories of our group members interacting with people on the street in ordinary conversations. We stress interaction with people and mentioning 9/11 Truth. A HUGE percentage of people know about 9/ just takes bringing up the subject in conversation to find out.

Our group stresses individual responsibility. If someone has an is not for "other people" to make falls on the shoulders of the originator. Joe often says: "If not me, then who?"

If you know of anyone in the Dallas area, send them our way. We can use help.


Get IN THE STREETS! Get involved with your communities worldwide! Be the media.

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

More good websites

cheap dvds ~
cheap dvds ~
Watching films online ~