Splitting The Sky vs War Criminal George W. Bush et al

Meet the MAN who tried to arrest George W. Bush on March 17th, 2009 in Calgary, and learn why he did this.

Direct Link:

In this interview Splitting the Sky (aka John Boncore) explains his actions in Calgary, Canada's laws pertaining to war crimes. and attempts to have Bush barred or arrested. He makes connections to 9/11, references his personal history with that day, discusses his investigations into put option stocks, then ties this to AIG, Hank Greenburg, Soros, Obama, Brezizinski, Kissinger, et al and the current financial meltdown (controlled economic collapse).

A Grand Slam!

This video is from "Face to Face" with guest host Chris Cook, to be aired soon in Victoria, BC, southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, potentially reaching 400,000 viewers.

We will attempt to have it aired in the Vancouver and the Fraser Valley region too, potentially reaching several million viewers.

Our thanks to our friends Steve Poole, Jack Etkin and Chris Cook at I.C.T.V. Victoria for working with us to do this show!

originally posted at:




Forwarding and re-posting is most welcome.

give this man the respect he

give this man the respect he deserves!

If you took the time to watch it, you would see that this deserves to be on the front page of 911blogger.com and not relegated to the back pages as usual.
