Esquire hit piece equates 9/11 Truth with Holocaust denial: "Why People Who Love Conspiracy Theories Are Part of the Problem"

Esquire magazine takes a stab at "conspiracy theorists" in a recent piece ostensibly intended to coincide with the release of Angels and Demons.

This article is so jam-packed with nonsense, it's a veritable Hit Pieces for Dummies. The by-line reads:

"The difference between the millions obsessed with Angels and Demons and the whack jobs denying 9/11 and the Holocaust says a lot about Obama's hopes for a new era of responsibility"

Check out the first paragraph, in which 9/11 Truth is equated with antisemitism, the moon landing, and the New World Order:

Conspiracy theorists — 9/11 deniers, moon-landing paranoiacs, Cassandras of the New World Order — are the holy fools of our age. Things are not what they seem, they preach to us daily from their street corners and Web sites, and try as we might to ignore them, we can't help but soak up their toxic paranoia and narcissism in our best sellers and blockbusters. Pop culture has always had plots and conspiracies, of course — the first blockbuster was the white-supremacist epic Birth of a Nation, whose major theme was the secret agenda behind Southern Reconstruction. Back then conspiracy theory was a shocking device; today it's a marketing tool. This month Angels and Demons will be released, the latest installment of the conspiracy-themed global franchise spawned by Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. While Da Vinci starred Opus Dei, a Catholic organization whose secret, unstated mission is to suppress the knowledge that Jesus had kids with Mary Magdalene, Angels and Demons takes on the Illuminati, a secular secret society that supposedly exists to impose Enlightenment on the world against its will. As far as Brown and his readers are concerned, it doesn't matter what purpose any given secret society serves — religion or atheism, the church or its opposite — just so long as there's a conspiracy. The hunger that Brown's books feed is not a hatred of one group or another but the fantasy that someone, whoever it may be, is running the show from behind the scenes. The rumor circulating about his next book, putatively titled The Solomon Key, is that it's about the Freemasons. Maybe Mel Gibson will get lucky and Brown will then move on to the Jews.

Send Esquire magazine a message

Next time you see an issue on a news stand, take out one of the postage-paid subscription cards, write your favorite 9/11 truth fact or something like "Stop covering up the 9/11 false flag" on it and drop it in the mail.

It costs nothing, takes only a minute and costs them money, the one thing they care about the most.

You can do this for any magazine you want to, too.

The media know they can't fight 9/11 truth, so they've gone back to ridiculing and ignoring it full time.

The truth will out, brothers and sisters, and we need to be prepared for it when it does.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Marche is such a tool

The CIA has made it impossible to bring the perpetrators to justice, by allegedly torturing the suspects and then destroying interrogation tapes. The chairs of the 9/11 Commission consider this obstruction. This is all public knowledge, in mainstream publications, and yet Esquire is comfortable publishing this filth. The timing of course is not a coincidence.

What a diabolically simple idea.

Too bad I don't live in the States, I would 've gone out and done it immediately.


Excellent idea!

I wish I could do that too... but I can't, as I'm in Finland.

Hearst strikes again

Apparently the vehicles for propaganda are slim for the Hearst corporation these days. They've used both Popular Mechanics and Esquire already. What's next - a "conspiracy survey" in Seventeen or Cosmo?

Don't Forget Marie Claire

I think that one was about last September or so, in their relationship advice section. It was about coping with a boyfriend that is obsessed with "conspiracies".

As Ray McGovern...

Said, "for people to dismiss these questioners as "conspiratorial advocates", or "conspiratorial theorists"... that's completely out of line because the... The questions remain because the President who should be able to answer them, WILL NOT."

Ray McGovern, someone who is ridiculously more qualified to speak on the subject than Stephen Marche.

Are the family members seeking justice for the murder of their loved ones "conspiracy theorists?"

Do these people deserve to know how and why their loved ones were murdered? Do we deserve to know how and why 9/11 happened?