The Stomach-Turning Truth About Bush's Torture Programs

The Stomach-Turning Truth About Bush's Torture Programs

By Scott Horton - Alternet - April 28, 2009

Obama insists America must "look forward" on the question of torture and accountability, but we're far from closure.

In the space of a week, the torture debate in America has been suddenly transformed. The Bush administration left office resting its case on the claim it did not torture. The gruesome photographs from Abu Ghraib, it had said, were the product of “a few bad apples” and not of government policy. But the release of a series of grim documents has laid waste to this defense. The Senate Armed Services Committee’s report—adopted with the support of leading Republicans senators John McCain, John Warner, and Lindsey Graham—has demonstrated step by step how abuses on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan had their genesis in policy choices made at the pinnacle of the Bush administration. A set of four Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel memoranda from the Bush era has provided a stomach-turning legal justification of the application of specific torture techniques, including waterboarding...



McCain says "our enemies" will abide by the Geneva Conventions if they know there will be retribution for violating them, but U.S. violation of the same Conventions was merely, "bad legal advise?" WTF! This is the ultimate double-speak.

And he is worried that an investigation will only serve to settle "partisan" scores. Only hard line "partisans" are worried that it will disrupt their partisan game. What about us Americans? "Are we going to prosecute people for giving bad legal advise," he says? NO, we're going to prosecute people for violating the law, whether or not they took advise from a beltway lawyer or their aunt Milly.

Ugh, political tool

What an embarrassment to see a man who campaigned on his ordeal in Hanoi HIlton, do this. Are there no honorable men left? Are they all criminal? I guess so.

"In the space of a week, the

"In the space of a week, the torture debate in America has been suddenly transformed. "

Sorry Mr Horton, the Swine-Bird Flu also known as "When Pigs Can Fly" Flu Virus has completely changed the Reporting Landscape.

Torture? What Torture?

Everybody's running around looking for masks it seems.
The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Same thing in France. Where has the torture information gone?

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

I constate the same thing in France. Up to us to be present the next 11th of the month ( a Monday ) reminding people that the real news is on the net and we will not let the torture subject be downed ! And let the pigs fly !

Yours John

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Russia admits Swine Flu Could be Bio Weapon

April 27, 2009

Experts report that the swine flu virus combines genes of various diseases which affect both humans and pigs. According to them, this could indicate that the deadly illness is man-made

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Hey constitutional911

It claims the user removed it. 911Blogger users: better start caching these clips the first time you see them. Youtube has evolved into its role perfectly: that of censorship by voluntary centralism. For Firefox, I recommend the Video DownloadHelper plugin. There are also online Youtube video downloaders, such as e.g. Keepvid. Cheers.

I wish I had captured it myself.

Pls let us know if someone else has posted this clip up on the Net.

Why remove it unless........

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it



We walk a fine line
Between bravery and fear
Choose bravery, please

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

War Crimes Will Be

War Crimes Will Be Prosecuted It Will Be No Defense To Say, I Was Just Following Orders Says Bush

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Ahhhhhhh Sh**************T!

.............Water board his a**!